32 research outputs found

    Održavanje cestovne infrastructure – modeliranje rješenja podrške odlučivanju u planiranju održavanja parkirališne infrastrukture

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    Radom je iskazano istraživanje podrške odlučivanju u planiranju održavanja cestovne infrastrukture za ostvarenje prometa u mirovanju (CIPM) u portfelju jednog upravitelja. Problem održavanja CIPM složen je zbog velikog broja elemenata CIPM (parkirališta i garaža), velikog broja dionika s različitim stavovima o ovom problemu (korisnici, eksperti, donositelji odluka-upravitelja), velike količine raznovrsnih podataka koje treba obraditi (tehnički podaci, troškovi, vrijeme trajanja i sl.) uglavnom različito iskazanih (npr. različitim mjernim jedinicama, numerički ili opisno), raznovrsnih znanja potrebnih za donošenje odluka kao i složenosti izvedbe radova održavanja. Navedeno upućuje kako se radi o višekriterijalnom problemu i kako nije moguće na svim elementima CIPM istovremeno poduzeti aktivnosti održavanja. Radi toga je ovim radom predložena metodologija za uspostavljanje prioriteta između analiziranih elemenata CIPM za poduzimanje aktivnosti održavanja, a kako bi se unaprijedilo stanje ukupnog portfelja CIPM. Metodologija je zasnovana na inkluzivnom i integralnom pristupu te višekriterijalnoj analizi. Model je testiran na CIPM grada Trogira u Republici Hrvatskoj, EU


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    In this paper, we study the maintenance of city parking facilities (CPFs), specifically on modeling and support for decision-making related to planning CPF maintenance. Managing the maintenance of CPFs is complicated because it is a multi-disciplinary problem involving many participants, huge quantities of information, limited budgets, and conflicts of goals and criteria. These facts indicate that the decision-making processes in managing the maintenance of CPFs are ill-defined problems. To help maintenance managers cope with this complexity, we propose an approach that combines analytic hierarchy processing (AHP) and PROMETHEE multicriteria methods, and apply this approach to a priority-setting problem. After assessing the conditions of existing CPFs and the planned states of those CPFs, our approach produced a goal tree and criteria, and defined possible actions for the parking facilities. Representatives of stakeholders provided criteria weights by applying the AHP method. Using PROMETHEE II, we ranked the priorities, and the PROMETHEE V method allowed us to define the implementation phases of maintenance, producing the final maintenance plan. We validated our concept in the city of Split

    GIS-based Decision Support Concept to planning of land acquisition for realization of Urban Public Projects

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    Planning of the land acquisition is a complex task and integral part of the planning phase within management of large scale construction projects especially of public projects in urban areas. This paper describes research on the establishment of GIS-based Decision Support Concept (DSC) to planning of land acquisition for realization of urban public projects that can be useful to project managers. It is focused on establishment of concept that supports identification, selection and priority ranking of spatial units whose acquisition enables further realization of commenced project. The complexity of such task arises from the dynamics of the project and its subprojects, a large number of diverse spatial and other data to be taken into account, several stakeholders groups with different opinions (providing diverse and often conflicting criteria to evaluate alternative spatial units). The concept is based on the SDSS logic and multicriteria analysis. Applying a family of PROMETHEE Methods and AHP Method comparison of selected spatial units according to priority for acquisition is provided in a form of priority ranking list. Insights obtained by analysis of these results as well as other influential factors (such as strategies and plans of a higher order, active contracts, etc.) are then used as the basis for design of additional spatial-functional constrains by decision-maker introduced trough PROMETHEE V method which ensured definition of the first acquisition’s implementation phase defining a set of spatial units that are recommended for acquisition within next investment/project cycle. The proposed concept was tested on planning of land acquisition for realization of the University Campus Project in Split, Croatia


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    The aim of this paper is to present Decision Support Concept (DSC) for management of construction projects. Focus of our research is in application of multicritera methods (MCM) to decision making in planning phase of construction projects (related to the problem of construction sites selection). The problem is identified as a significant one from many different aspects such as economic aspect, civil engineering aspect, etc. what indicates the necessity for evaluation of multiple sites by several different criteria. Therefore, DSC for construction site selection based on PROMETHEE method is designed. In order to define the appropriate criteria, their weights and preference functions for the concept, three groups of stakeholders are involved (investors, construction experts and experts for real estate market) in its design. AHP method has been used for determination of criteria weights. The model has been tested on the problem of site selection for construction of residential-commercial building in four largest cities in Croatia

    Fuzzy expert system for land valuation in land consolidation processes

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    Land fragmentation is one of the main obstacles to sustainable agricultural and rural development. The main goal of sustainable agriculture development is the production of food by the synergy of economic, social and ecological requirements. The ineffective and defective legislation and even its complete absence have led to land degradation globally. The most adaptable and globally recognized method that has the effect to solve the existing land fragmentation and to prevent the trend of even more intensive land fragmentation is the method of land consolidation. Land consolidation is carried out in a way that each participant in the process of land consolidation gets new land of equal value, with land value reduction for general and common needs of settlements and participants of consolidation. The value of the land included in consolidation process is determined and shown in land consolidation assessment which is conducted by land classification in the defined classes, and the value in the land consolidation evaluation is shown in the estimation units. The estimation unit is the relative relation between the exemplar cadastral parcel and the cadastral parcel which need to be valued, taking into account all the relevant factors that can affect the land valuation. This paper proposes a model of land classification in the evaluation classes based on the Fuzzy Logic Method. The paper aims to develop an expert system that would improve and optimize the process of relative valuation of agricultural land as one of the critical steps in the implementation of the land consolidation. The proposed expert system would provide effective support in conducting the negotiation procedures and planning of land consolidation implementation with the involvement of different stakeholder groups with different requirements and wishes. The model will be validated for agricultural land on the island of Hvar in the Split-Dalmatia County


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    The aim of this paper is to present Decision Support Concept (DSC) for management of construction projects. Focus of our research is in application of multicritera methods (MCM) to decision making in planning phase of construction projects (related to the problem of construction sites selection). The problem is identified as a significant one from many different aspects such as economic aspect, civil engineering aspect, etc. what indicates the necessity for evaluation of multiple sites by several different criteria. Therefore, DSC for construction site selection based on PROMETHEE method is designed. In order to define the appropriate criteria, their weights and preference functions for the concept, three groups of stakeholders are involved (investors, construction experts and experts for real estate market) in its design. AHP method has been used for determination of criteria weights. The model has been tested on the problem of site selection for construction of residential-commercial building in four largest cities in Croatia

    Planning support concept to implementation of sustainable parking development projects in ancient Mediterranean cities

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    This paper proposes a planning support concept (PSC) to implementation of sustainable parking development projects (SPDP) in ancient Mediterranean cities. It is conceptualized by the logic of decision support systems and a multicriteria analysis approach. The purpose of the concept is to support setting of implementation priorities for subprojects (construction of new and/or improvement of existing parking) within a SPDP. Analysing the existing and a planned state of parking within the city a goal tree is established. Subprojects are defined accordingly. Objectives from the last hierarchy level within the goal tree are used as criteria for assessment of defined subprojects. Representatives of stakeholders provided criteria weights by application of AHP and SAW methods. PROMETHEE II was used for priority ranking and PROMETHEE V ensured a definition of project’s implementation phases. The result of the presented concept is the implementation plan for such projects. The concept is tested on the city of Trogir

    Ranking zones model – a multicriterial approach to the spatial management of urban areas

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    Urban investment planning is highly complex and different views are provided by stakeholders and experts as to the scope, scale and potential solutions. The evaluation of such investments requires explicit consideration of multiple, conflicting and incommensurate criteria that have an important social, economic, and environmental influence on various stakeholders in different ways. To take into account all the dimensions, the proposed model is the Ranking Zones Model (RZM), based on PROMETHEE methods. The RZM comprises several steps providing a rank-list of all observed zones. It helps decision-makers come up with consistent decisions as to which zones to invest in and, at the same time, provides reassurance that the decision was based on a proper comparison of all relevant urban zone areas. The advantage of this approach is that even with a change in the decision-making structure, the actual procedure remains consistent

    A Decision Support Concept for a construction design project – selecting the type of glass façade

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    The paper describes research into the possibility of developing a concept for supporting decisions in planning construction projects (one of the most important stages of construction project management). The focus is on supporting decisions in selecting the type of and solution for the glass façade in the main design. Materials and types of soluteons for a glass façade were analyzed and alternative solutions were obtained. The concept was developed in that it included relevant stakeholders in the decision-making process during the construction design. These stakeholders were the investor, architect, and construction contractor. The analysis was carried out and a hierarchical structure of objectives was formed as a goal tree. The criteria at the last hierarchical level were used to evaluate alternative solutions for the glass façade, and their weights were determined by all stakeholders using the AHP method (Analytic Hierarchy Process). Using PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Method for Enrichment Evaluation), a comparison of alternative solutions for the glass façade was conducted and the alternatives were ranked according to the priorities for inclusion into the main design. The concept was tested by selecting a type of glass façade on a residential-commercial building in the city of Rijeka, Croatia

    Decision support to management of transport projects in urban areas

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    Faza planiranja unutar upravljanja urbanim prometnim projektom složen je proces kako sa stajališta menadžmenta tako i s tehničko-ekonomskih stajališta. Ovo istraživanje usmjereno je na procese donošenja odluka vezanih za fazu planiranja prilikom upravljanja urbanim cestovnim infrastrukturnim projektima. Predloženi koncept se temelji na višekriterijskim metodama te na umjetnim neuronskim mrežama. U ovom radu predstavljeni koncept za podršku odlučivanju testiran je na cestovnoj infrastrukturi grada Splita i prikazuje način na koji se može unaprijediti planiranje urbane cestovne infrastrukture.The planning phase within the urban-transport project management is a complex process from both the management and techno-economic aspects. The focus of this research is on decision-making processes related to the planning phase during management of urban-road infrastructure projects. The proposed concept is based on multicriteria methods and Artificial Neural Networks. The decision-support concept presented in this paper is tested on the road infrastructure of the city of Split, and it shows how urban road infrastructure planning can be improved