48 research outputs found
A metacognitive model of self-esteem
Background: In the current study, we aimed to test a metacognitive model of self-esteem grounded in the Self-Regulatory Executive Function model of psychopathology. Method: A convenience sample of 346 community participants were recruited and completed a battery of online questionnaires that measured self-esteem, self-criticism, self-critical rumination, metacognitions about self-critical rumination, generic metacognitions and negative affect. Initially, we tested a series of hypotheses to establish the relationships between the study variables. We then examined whether self-critical rumination, and its associated metacognitions, both positive and negative, would independently predict self-esteem when controlling for age, negative affect, levels of self-criticism and generic metacognitions. Results: Self-critical rumination and its associated negative metacognitions, levels of depression and self-criticism independently predicted self-esteem. Additionally, a path analysis revealed that the study data was a very good fit to the proposed metacognitive model of self-esteem. Conclusion: The metacognitive model of self-esteem presented in this paper may be used to generate novel interventions to improve self-esteem and decrease self-critical rumination
Правна природа уговора о испоруци инвестиционе опреме
Специфичност уговора о испоруци инвестиционе опреме
произилази из чињенице постојања разноврсних обавеза које, по
правилу, чине предмет овог уговора. Мисли се првенствено на обавезу
да се опрема изради, која по својој правној природи представља
обавезу чињења (лат. facere) и обавезу да се обезбеди материјал од
којег ће се опрема израдити, која по својој правној природи
представља обавезу давања (лат. dare). Присуство таквих обавеза
карактеристично је и за уговор о продаји и за уговор о делу, с тим што
у овом уговору оне могу бити уговорене као међусобно самосталне
или пак до то мере међусобно условљене да доводе до стварања
посебног уговорног односа у виду мешовитог уговора. Томе треба
додати и чињеницу да овај уговор неретко садржи и елементе других
уговора, као што су уговор о грађењу (монтажа опреме, изградња
грађевинских објеката у које се опрема уграђује), уговор о
инжињерингу и трансферу технологије (уступање знања, обука
кадрова, примена know-how-а, израда студија, елабората итд.), уговор
о налогу и других, sui generis уговора, чије се обавезе не могу лако
подвести под предмет неког именованог уговора (нпр. market in hand
contracts, product in hand contract approach, BOT, BOOT и сл). У
зависности од врсте и међусобног односа уговорних обавеза у
конкретном случају, односно циља који стране уговором желе да
постигну, истражује се и правна природа уговора у целини.
Проблем при одређењу правне природе може настати онда када
уговор о испоруци инвестиционе опреме подразумева обавезу
испоручиоца да опрему изради од сопственог материјала. То истичемо
зато што се кауза таквог уговора неспорно огледа у чињењу – обавези
израде инвестиционе опреме за рачун наручиоца. Уговорне стране,
дакле, закључују уговор због тога што испоручилац може да изради
опрему, односно да изврши дело, а друга страна се обавезује да
исплати накнаду за обављање таквог посла. Материјал од којег се
опрема израђује је у функцији њене израде па представља споредну
обавезу, невезано од тога ко га обезбеђује. У оба случаја, рад
испоручиоца је главна уговорна обавеза и разлог уговорног
обавезивања странака.The specificity of the Supply of Capital Equipment Contract stems
from diversity of obligations which forms its subject. This refers,
primarily, to the obligation ‘‘to doˮ i.e. to produce equipment (lat.
facere) and the obligation ‘‘to give” i.e. to provide the material from
which the equipment is to be manufactured (lat. dare). The presence of
such obligations is characteristic for both Contract of Sale and Service
Contract, whether these obligations are mutually independent or they are
forming inseparable obligation, when talking about mixed contract. In
addition, this contract often contains elements of other contracts, such as
Construction Contracts (construction of buildings in which the equipment
is to be installed, installation of equipment), Engineering and Transfer of
Technology Contracts (transfer of knowledge, training of personnel, use
of know-how, preparation of studies, reports, etc.), Mandate Contract and
other sui generis contracts, whose obligations cannot be easily subsumed
under the subject of any nominate contract (e.g. market in hand
contracts, product in hand contract approach, BOT, BOOT and similar).
The legal nature of the whole contract is determined depending on the
type and mutual relation of contractual obligations in a specific case, or
the aim that parties wish to achieve by performance of contract.
The problem while determining the legal nature can arise when the
Supply of Capital Equipment Contract includes the obligation of supplier
to manufacture the equipment from its own material. This is because the
cause of such contract is, indisputably, reflected in obligation ‘‘to do” i.e.
in the obligation to manufacture the equipment for the account of the
client. Therefore, the parties sign and enter into a contract because the
supplier can manufacture the equipment, i.e. perform a service, either
individually or by hiring certain associates (subcontractors and
subsuppliers), while the other party accepts to pay the compensation for
performance of such work. The material out of which the equipment is
manufactured is in function of its production, or more precisely, in
function of performance of the service that the supplier must undertake.
Such service (performed for the account of client) consists of both work
and materials. In that regard, the material represents a secondary
contractual obligation, nevertheless who provides it (whether it is the
purchaser or the supplier). In both cases, the supplier’s work is the
primary contractual obligation, the reason of contractual commitment of
the parties
The metacognitions about smoking questionnaire : development and psychometric properties
The Metacognitions about Smoking Questionnaire was shown to possess good psychometric properties, as well as predictive and divergent validity within the populations that were tested. The metacognition factors explained incremental variance in smoking behaviour above smoking outcome expectancies
Examples of signature (2,2) manifolds with commuting curvature operators
We exhibit Walker manifolds of signature (2,2) with various commutativity
properties for the Ricci operator, the skew-symmetric curvature operator, and
the Jacobi operator. If the Walker metric is a Riemannian extension of an
underlying affine structure A, these properties are related to the Ricci tensor
of A
The role of metacognition in self-critical rumination: an investigation in individuals presenting with low self-esteem
Background: No research, to date, has directly investigated the role of metacognition in self-critical rumination and low self-esteem. Aim: To investigate the presence of metacognitive beliefs about self-critical rumination; the goal of self-critical rumination and its stop signal; and the degree of detachment from intrusive self-critical thoughts. Method: Ten individuals reporting both a self-acknowledged tendency to judge themselves critically and having low self-esteem were assessed using metacognitive profiling, a semi-structured interview. Results: All participants endorsed both positive and negative metacognitive beliefs about self-critical rumination. Positive metacognitive beliefs concerned the usefulness of self-critical rumination as a means of improving cognitive performance and enhancing motivation. Negative metacognitive beliefs concerned the uncontrollability of self-critical rumination and its negative impact on mood, motivation and perception of self-worth. The primary goal of engaging in self-critical rumination was to achieve a better or clearer understanding of a given trigger situation or to feel more motivated to resolve it. However, only four participants were able to identify when this goal had been achieved, which was if the trigger situation were not to occur again. Participants unanimously stated that they were either unable to detach from their self-critical thoughts or could do so some of the time with varying degrees of success. More often than not, though, self-critical thoughts were viewed as facts, would rarely be seen as distorted or biased, and could take hours or days to dissipate. Conclusions: These findings provide preliminary evidence that specific facets of metacognition play a role in the escalation and perseveration of self-critical rumination
A systematic review of treatments for Impulse Control Disorders and related behaviours in Parkinson's Disease
Impulse Control Disorders (ICDs) are a set of behaviours characterised by impulsivity despite known harm. Related to ICDs is the dopamine dysregulation syndrome (DDS), which is characterised by an addiction-like consumption of dopaminergic medication and punding. These behaviours all have an increased prevalence in Parkinson׳s disease (PD). The aim of this review is to identify treatments available for patients suffering from ICDs, DDS and punding in PD. Searches of The Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, Embase, Medline and PsychInfo were conducted, using the entire timescale available. Seven out of the 688 papers retrieved met the inclusion criteria and were considered in this systematic review. One class I study, one class II study, and five class IV studies were identified. All studies demonstrated a positive effect on ICDs in PD. Research in this field is still in its early stages. At present, there is insufficient evidence to recommend any treatment over another. There is a need for more methodologically robust research, using larger, more generalisable samples, randomisation and meaningful follow-up periods. In addition, the use of a validated outcome measures should be implemented in future research efforts
A metacognitive model of procrastination
procrastination refers to the delay or postponement of task or decision-making initiation or completion and is often conceptualised as a failure of self-regulation. Recent research has suggested that metacognitions play a role in procrastination and that unintentional procrastination (UP), as opposed to intentional procrastination (IP), may be the most problematic form of this behaviour. We aimed to test a metacognitive model of procrastination that was grounded in the Self-Regulatory Executive Function model.
a convenience sample of 400 participants were recruited and completed (at least partially) a battery of online questionnaires that measured IP and UP, metacognitions about procrastination, depression, and Cognitive Attentional Syndrome (CAS) configurations. Initially, we tested series of hypotheses to establish the relationships between the experimental variables and to test whether CAS configurations would independently predict UP when controlling for age, depression, IP, metacognitions about procrastination, and whether an individual reported that they had been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder.
CAS configurations, depression, and metacognitions independently predicted UP. Additionally, path analysis revealed that the study data was an excellent fit to the proposed metacognitive model of procrastination.
the study is cross-sectional.
the metacognitive model of procrastination presented in this paper can be used to generate novel interventions to treat this problematic behaviour
The contribution of metacognitions and attentional control to decisional procrastination
Earlier research has implicated metacognitions and attentional control in procrastination and self-regulatory failure. This study tested several hypotheses: (1) that metacognitions would be positively correlated with decisional procrastination; (2) that attentional control would be negatively correlated with decisional procrastination; (3) that metacognitions would be negatively correlated with attentional control; and (4) that metacognitions and attentional control would predict decisional procrastination when controlling for negative affect. One hundred and twenty-nine participants completed the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 21, the Meta-Cognitions Questionnaire 30, the Attentional Control Scale, and the Decisional Procrastination Scale. Significant relationships were found between all three attentional control factors (focusing, shifting, and flexible control of thought) and two metacognitions factors (negative beliefs concerning thoughts about uncontrollability and danger, and cognitive confidence). Results also revealed that decisional procrastination was significantly associated with negative affect, all measured metacognitions factors, and all attentional control factors. In the final step of a hierarchical regression analysis only stress, cognitive confidence, and attention shifting were independent predictors of decisional procrastination. Overall these findings support the hypotheses and are consistent with the Self-Regulatory Executive Function model of psychological dysfunction. The implications of these findings are discussed