36 research outputs found

    Uptake, Transport, and Toxicity of Pristine and Weathered Micro- and Nanoplastics in Human Placenta Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The first evidence of micro- and nanoplastic (MNP) exposure in the human placenta is emerging. However, the toxicokinetics and toxicity of MNPs in the placenta, specifically environmentally relevant particles, remain unclear. OBJECTIVES: We examined the transport, uptake, and toxicity of pristine and experimentally weathered MNPs in nonsyncytialized and syncytialized BeWo b30 choriocarcinoma cells. METHODS: We performed untargeted chemical characterization of pristine and weathered MNPs using liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry to evaluate compositional differences following particle weathering. We investigated cellular internalization of pristine and weathered polystyrene (PS; 0.05 - 10 μ m ) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE; 0 - 80 μ m ) particles using high-resolution confocal imaging and three-dimensional rendering. We investigated the influence of particle coating with human plasma on the cellular transport of PS particles using a transwell setup and examined the influence of acute MNP exposure on cell viability, damage to the plasma membrane, and expression of genes involved in steroidogenesis. RESULTS: Chemical characterization of MNPs showed a significantly higher number of unique features in pristine particles in comparison with weathered particles. Size-dependent placental uptake of pristine and weathered MNPs was observed in both placental cell types after 24 h exposure. Cellular transport was limited and size-dependent and was not influenced by particle coating with human plasma. None of the MNPs affected cell viability. Damage to the plasma membrane was observed only for 0.05 μ m PS particles in the nonsyncytialized cells at the highest concentration tested ( 100 μ g / mL ). Modest down-regulation of hsd17b1 was observed in syncytialized cells exposed to pristine MNPs. DISCUSSION: Our results suggest that pristine and weathered MNPs are internalized and translocated in placental cells in vitro. Effects on gene expression observed upon pristine PS and HDPE particle exposure warrant further examination. More in-depth investigations are needed to better understand the potential health risks of MNP and chemicals associated with them under environmentally relevant exposure scenarios. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP10873

    Short-term associations between barbecue fumes and respiratory health in young adults

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    Background: Epidemiological studies have associated biomass combustion with (respiratory) morbidity and mortality, primarily in indoor settings. Barbecuing results in high outdoor air pollution exposures, but the health effects are unknown. Objective: The objective was to investigate short-term changes in respiratory health in healthy adults, associated with exposure to barbecue fumes. Methods: 16 healthy, adult volunteers were exposed to barbecue smoke in outdoor air in rest during 1.5 h, using a repeated-measures design. Major air pollutants were monitored on-site, including particulate matter <2.5 μm (PM2.5), particle number concentrations (PNC) and black- and brown carbon. At the same place and time-of-day, subjects participated in a control session, during which they were not exposed to barbecue smoke. Before and immediately after all sessions lung function was measured. Before, immediately after, 4- and 18 h post-sessions nasal expression levels of interleukin (IL)-8, IL6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFα) were determined in nasal swabs, using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Associations between major air pollutants, lung function and inflammatory markers were assessed using mixed linear regression models. Results: High PM2.5 levels and PNCs were observed during barbecue sessions, with averages ranging from 553 to 1062 μg/m3 and 109,000–463,000 pt/cm3, respectively. Average black- and brown carbon levels ranged between 4.1-13.0 and 5.0–16.2 μg/m3. A 1000 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 was associated with 2.37 (0.97, 4.67) and 2.21 (0.98, 5.00) times higher expression of IL8, immediately- and 18 h after exposure. No associations were found between air pollutants and lung function, or the expression of IL6 or TNFα. Discussion: Short-term exposure to air pollutants emitted from barbecuing was associated with a mild respiratory response in healthy young adults, including prolonged increase in nasal IL8 without a change in lung function and other measured inflammatory markers. The results might indicate prolonged respiratory inflammation, due to short-term exposure to barbecue fumes

    Short-term associations between barbecue fumes and respiratory health in young adults

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    Background: Epidemiological studies have associated biomass combustion with (respiratory) morbidity and mortality, primarily in indoor settings. Barbecuing results in high outdoor air pollution exposures, but the health effects are unknown. Objective: The objective was to investigate short-term changes in respiratory health in healthy adults, associated with exposure to barbecue fumes. Methods: 16 healthy, adult volunteers were exposed to barbecue smoke in outdoor air in rest during 1.5 h, using a repeated-measures design. Major air pollutants were monitored on-site, including particulate matter <2.5 μm (PM2.5), particle number concentrations (PNC) and black- and brown carbon. At the same place and time-of-day, subjects participated in a control session, during which they were not exposed to barbecue smoke. Before and immediately after all sessions lung function was measured. Before, immediately after, 4- and 18 h post-sessions nasal expression levels of interleukin (IL)-8, IL6 and Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFα) were determined in nasal swabs, using quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Associations between major air pollutants, lung function and inflammatory markers were assessed using mixed linear regression models. Results: High PM2.5 levels and PNCs were observed during barbecue sessions, with averages ranging from 553 to 1062 μg/m3 and 109,000–463,000 pt/cm3, respectively. Average black- and brown carbon levels ranged between 4.1-13.0 and 5.0–16.2 μg/m3. A 1000 μg/m3 increase in PM2.5 was associated with 2.37 (0.97, 4.67) and 2.21 (0.98, 5.00) times higher expression of IL8, immediately- and 18 h after exposure. No associations were found between air pollutants and lung function, or the expression of IL6 or TNFα. Discussion: Short-term exposure to air pollutants emitted from barbecuing was associated with a mild respiratory response in healthy young adults, including prolonged increase in nasal IL8 without a change in lung function and other measured inflammatory markers. The results might indicate prolonged respiratory inflammation, due to short-term exposure to barbecue fumes

    Uptake, Transport, and Toxicity of Pristine and Weathered Micro- and Nanoplastics in Human Placenta Cells

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    BACKGROUND: The first evidence of micro- and nanoplastic (MNP) exposure in the human placenta is emerging. However, the toxicokinetics and toxicity of MNPs in the placenta, specifically environmentally relevant particles, remain unclear. OBJECTIVES: We examined the transport, uptake, and toxicity of pristine and experimentally weathered MNPs in nonsyncytialized and syncytialized BeWo b30 choriocarcinoma cells. METHODS: We performed untargeted chemical characterization of pristine and weathered MNPs using liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry to evaluate compositional differences following particle weathering. We investigated cellular internalization of pristine and weathered polystyrene (PS; formula presented ) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE; formula presented ) particles using high-resolution confocal imaging and three-dimensional rendering. We investigated the influence of particle coating with human plasma on the cellular transport of PS particles using a transwell setup and examined the influence of acute MNP exposure on cell viability, damage to the plasma membrane, and expression of genes involved in steroidogenesis. RESULTS: Chemical characterization of MNPs showed a significantly higher number of unique features in pristine particles in comparison with weathered particles. Size-dependent placental uptake of pristine and weathered MNPs was observed in both placental cell types after 24 h exposure. Cellular transport was limited and size-dependent and was not influenced by particle coating with human plasma. None of the MNPs affected cell viability. Damage to the plasma membrane was observed only for formula presented PS particles in the nonsyncytialized cells at the highest concentration tested (formula presented ). Modest down-regulation of hsd17b1 was observed in syncytialized cells exposed to pristine MNPs. DISCUSSION: Our results suggest that pristine and weathered MNPs are internalized and translocated in placental cells in vitro. Effects on gene expression observed upon pristine PS and HDPE particle exposure warrant further examination. More in-depth investigations are needed to better understand the potential health risks of MNP and chemicals associated with them under environmentally relevant exposure scenarios. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP10873

    Anti-tumor properties of methoxylated analogues of resveratrol in malignant MCF-7 but not in non-tumorigenic MCF-10A mammary epithelial cell lines

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    Resveratrol is a plant-derived polyphenol that is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-tumorigenic properties in in vitro and in vivo models. Recent studies show that some resveratrol analogues might be more potent anti-tumor agents, which may partly be attributed to their ability to activate the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). Here, the anti-tumorigenic properties of resveratrol and structural analogues oxyresveratrol, pinostilbene, pterostilbene and tetramethoxystilbene (TMS) were studied in vitro, using in the malignant human MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and non-tumorigenic breast epithelial cell line MCF-10A. Cell viability and migration assays showed that methoxylated analogues of resveratrol are more potent anti-tumorigenic compounds than resveratrol and its hydroxylated analogue oxyresveratrol, with 2,3’,4,5’-tetramethoxy-trans-stilbene (TMS) being the most potent compound. TMS decreased MCF-7 tumor cell viability with 50% at 3.6 μM and inhibited migration with 37.5 ± 14.8% at 3 μM. In addition, TMS activated the AHR more potently (EC50 in a reporter gene assay 2.0 μM) and induced AHR-mediated induction of cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) activity (EC50 value of 0.7 μM) more than resveratrol and the other analogues tested. Cell cycle analysis showed that TMS induced a shift in cell cycle status from the G1 to the G2/M phase causing a cell cycle arrest in the MCF-7 cells, while no effect of TMS was observed in the non-tumorigenic MCF-10A mammary epithelial cell line. Gene expression analysis showed that 3 μM TMS increased gene expression of CYP1A1 (289-fold), CYP1B1 (5-fold) and Nqo1 (2-fold), and decreased gene expression of IL-8 (3-fold) in MCF-7 cells. In MCF-10A cells, 10 μM TMS also increased gene expression of CYP1A1 (5-fold) and CYP1B1 (2-fold), but decreased gene expression of Nqo1 (1.4-fold) in contrast to MCF-7 cells. TMS displays more potent anti-tumorigenic properties and activates the AHR more effectively than resveratrol. In addition, this is the first study to show that TMS, but not resveratrol, selectively inhibits the cell cycle of breast tumor cells and not the non-tumorigenic cells. Our study provides more insight in the anti-tumor properties of the methoxylated analogues of resveratrol in breast cells in vitro

    Induction of glutathione synthesis and conjugation by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and 3,4-dihydroxymethamphetamine (HHMA) in human and rat liver cells, including the protective role of some antioxidants

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    MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) metabolism is a major cause of MDMA-mediated hepatotoxicity. In this study the effects of MDMA and its metabolites on the glutathione system were evaluated. Glutathione (GSH/GSSG) levels and gene expression of glutamate cysteine ligase catalytic subunit (GCLC), glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and pregnane X receptor (PXR) were compared in the immortalized human liver epithelial cell line THLE-Neo lacking phase I metabolism and primary rat hepatocytes expressing both phase I and II metabolism. Furthermore, we evaluated the potential protective effects of two antioxidants, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) and sulforaphane (SFN) in these cell systems. In THLE-Neo cells, the MDMA metabolite 3,4-dihydroxymetamphetamine (HHMA) significantly decreased cell viability and depleted GSH levels, resulting in an increased expression of GCLC and GST up to 3.4- and 2.2-fold, respectively. In primary rat hepatocytes, cell viability or GSH levels were not significantly affected upon MDMA exposure. GCLC expression levels where not significantly altered either, although GST expression was increased 2.3-fold. NAC counteracted MDMA-induced cytotoxicity and restored GSH levels. Phase II enzyme expression was also reverted. Conversely, SFN increased MDMA-induced cytotoxicity and GSH depletion, while GCLC and GST expression were significantly induced. In addition, PXR expression decreased after HHMA and MDMA exposure, while co-exposure to SFN induced it up to 3.6- and 3.9-fold compared to vehicle-control in the THLE-Neo cells and rat hepatocytes, respectively. Taken together, these data indicate that HHMA is a major factor in the MDMA-mediated hepatotoxicity through interaction with the glutathione system. The results of our study show that for MDMA intoxication the treatment with an antioxidant such as NAC may counteract the potentially hepatotoxicity. However, SFN supplementation should be considered with care because of the indications of possible drug-drug interactions

    Excessive levels of diverse phytoestrogens can modulate steroidogenesis and cell migration of KGN human granulosa-derived tumor cells

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    Abstract Phytoestrogens are plant-derived estrogen-like compounds that are increasingly used for their suggested health promoting properties, even by healthy, young women. However, scientific concerns exist regarding potential adverse effects on female reproduction. In this study, naringenin (NAR), 8-prenylnaringenin (8-PN), genistein (GEN), coumestrol (COU), quercetin (QUE) and resveratrol (RSV) up-regulated steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StaR) mRNA levels in KGN human granulosa-like tumor cells. Most of the phytoestrogens tested also increased CYP19A1 (aromatase) mRNA levels via activation of ovary-specific I.3 and II promoters. Yet, only NAR (3 and 10 μM), COU (10 and 30 μM) and QUE (10 μM) also statistically significantly induced aromatase activity in KGN cells after 24 h. 8-PN, aromatase inhibitor letrozole and estrogen receptor antagonist ICI 182,780 concentration-dependently inhibited aromatase activity with IC50 values of 8 nM, 10 nM and 72 nM, respectively. Co-exposure with ICI 182,780 (0.1 μM) statistically significantly attenuated the induction of aromatase activity by QUE and COU, but not NAR. Cell cycle status and proliferation of KGN cells were not affected by any of the phytoestrogens tested. Nonetheless, the migration of KGN cells was significantly reduced with approximately 30% by COU, RSV and QUE and 46% by GEN at 10 μM, but not NAR and 8-PN. Our results indicate that phytoestrogens can affect various pathways in granulosa-like cells in vitro at concentrations that can be found in plasma upon supplement intake. This implies that phytoestrogens may interfere with ovarian function and caution is in place regarding the use of supplements with high contents of phytoestrogens

    Acetylcholinesterase inhibition in electric eel and human donor blood: an in vitro approach to investigate interspecies differences and human variability in toxicodynamics

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    In chemical risk assessment, default uncertainty factors are used to account for interspecies and interindividual differences, and differences in toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics herein. However, these default factors come with little scientific support. Therefore, our aim was to develop an in vitro method, using acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition as a proof of principle, to assess both interspecies and interindividual differences in toxicodynamics. Electric eel enzyme and human blood of 20 different donors (12 men/8 women) were exposed to eight different compounds (chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos-oxon, phosmet, phosmet-oxon, diazinon, diazinon-oxon, pirimicarb, rivastigmine) and inhibition of AChE was measured using the Ellman method. The organophosphate parent compounds, chlorpyrifos, phosmet and diazinon, did not show inhibition of AChE. All other compounds showed concentration-dependent inhibition of AChE, with IC50s in human blood ranging from 0.2–29 µM and IC20s ranging from 0.1–18 µM, indicating that AChE is inhibited at concentrations relevant to the in vivo human situation. The oxon analogues were more potent inhibitors of electric eel AChE compared to human AChE. The opposite was true for carbamates, pointing towards interspecies differences for AChE inhibition. Human interindividual variability was low and ranged from 5–25%, depending on the concentration. This study provides a reliable in vitro method for assessing human variability in AChE toxicodynamics. The data suggest that the default uncertainty factor of ~ 3.16 may overestimate human variability for this toxicity endpoint, implying that specific toxicodynamic-related adjustment factors can support quantitative in vitro to in vivo extrapolations that link kinetic and dynamic data to improve chemical risk assessment

    Anti-tumor properties of methoxylated analogues of resveratrol in malignant MCF-7 but not in non-tumorigenic MCF-10A mammary epithelial cell lines

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    Resveratrol is a plant-derived polyphenol that is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-tumorigenic properties in in vitro and in vivo models. Recent studies show that some resveratrol analogues might be more potent anti-tumor agents, which may partly be attributed to their ability to activate the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). Here, the anti-tumorigenic properties of resveratrol and structural analogues oxyresveratrol, pinostilbene, pterostilbene and tetramethoxystilbene (TMS) were studied in vitro, using in the malignant human MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and non-tumorigenic breast epithelial cell line MCF-10A. Cell viability and migration assays showed that methoxylated analogues of resveratrol are more potent anti-tumorigenic compounds than resveratrol and its hydroxylated analogue oxyresveratrol, with 2,3’,4,5’-tetramethoxy-trans-stilbene (TMS) being the most potent compound. TMS decreased MCF-7 tumor cell viability with 50% at 3.6 μM and inhibited migration with 37.5 ± 14.8% at 3 μM. In addition, TMS activated the AHR more potently (EC50 in a reporter gene assay 2.0 μM) and induced AHR-mediated induction of cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1) activity (EC50 value of 0.7 μM) more than resveratrol and the other analogues tested. Cell cycle analysis showed that TMS induced a shift in cell cycle status from the G1 to the G2/M phase causing a cell cycle arrest in the MCF-7 cells, while no effect of TMS was observed in the non-tumorigenic MCF-10A mammary epithelial cell line. Gene expression analysis showed that 3 μM TMS increased gene expression of CYP1A1 (289-fold), CYP1B1 (5-fold) and Nqo1 (2-fold), and decreased gene expression of IL-8 (3-fold) in MCF-7 cells. In MCF-10A cells, 10 μM TMS also increased gene expression of CYP1A1 (5-fold) and CYP1B1 (2-fold), but decreased gene expression of Nqo1 (1.4-fold) in contrast to MCF-7 cells. TMS displays more potent anti-tumorigenic properties and activates the AHR more effectively than resveratrol. In addition, this is the first study to show that TMS, but not resveratrol, selectively inhibits the cell cycle of breast tumor cells and not the non-tumorigenic cells. Our study provides more insight in the anti-tumor properties of the methoxylated analogues of resveratrol in breast cells in vitro