6 research outputs found

    Discrimination of mineral waters using near-infrared spectroscopy and aquaphotomics

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    Voda je jedan od najčeŔće proučavanih materijala danas, ali uprkos tome mnoga njena svojstva i dalje ostaju nerazjaÅ”njena i neiskoriŔćena. Voda je neophodna za normalno funkcionisanje ljudskog organizma, između ostalog zbog toga, poremećaji homeostaze vode u ljudskom telu leže u osnovi mnogih bolesti. Analiza vode i njene ispravnosti za upotrebu u ljudskoj ishrani uglavnom se bavi onim Å”to je prisutno u vodi - koncentracijama prisutnih anjona i katjona, prisustvu mikroorganizama i tome slično. Različite vrste voda se uglavnom i klasifikuju upravo prema vrsti elemenata koje sadrže, koncentraciji prisutnih elemenata, ili pak odnosu između koncentracije pojedinih jona i njihov efekat na ljudski organizam razmatra se isključivo sa stanoviÅ”ta elemenata koji su prisutni u njoj. Međutim, iako je poznato da voda formira različite tipove klastera i može da se organizuje oko prisutnih elemenata na različite načine, klasifikacija voda na osnovu organizacije vodenih molekula, kao i efekti različito klasterizovanih voda na ljudski organizam, za sada ne postoje u literaturi. Predmet ovog rada je diskriminacija različitih tipova voda na osnovu njihovog spektra u bliskoj infracrvenoj oblasti, primenom multivarijacione analize i novog pristupa za tumačenje spektara vode u ovoj oblasti, poznatog pod nazivom Akvafotomika. Akvafotomika interpretira spektar vode u bliskoj infracrvenoj oblasti preko posebno definisanih koordinata vodene mreže (water matrix coordinates - WAMACS) kojima su pripisani tačno određeni vibracioni modovi molekula vode preko kojih se može zaključiti kako se molekuli vode organizuju. Na taj način, primenom saznanja akvafotomike, voda se može opisati i sa aspekta njene organizacije u klastere, i time se omogućiti i diskriminacija voda na osnovu prisutnih tipova klastera Å”to je prikazano u ovom radu.Despite that water is one of the most studied materials today its dynamic properties are still not well understood. Water state in human organism is of high importance for normal healthy functioning of human body. Different kinds of water are usually classified according to their present solutes and concentrations of these solutes, but though it is known that water molecules can form clusters around present solutes, the classification of waters based on types of water molecular organization and present clusters is not present in current literature. In this study the multivariate analysis is used for classification of commercial mineral waters based on their near-infrared spectra (NIR). Further, the aquaphotomics has been applied, a new approach for interpretation of near-infrared spectra of water, that gives insight into organization of water molecules in each of these waters

    Discrimination of mineral waters using near-infrared spectroscopy and aquaphotomics

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    Voda je jedan od najčeŔće proučavanih materijala danas, ali uprkos tome mnoga njena svojstva i dalje ostaju nerazjaÅ”njena i neiskoriŔćena. Voda je neophodna za normalno funkcionisanje ljudskog organizma, između ostalog zbog toga, poremećaji homeostaze vode u ljudskom telu leže u osnovi mnogih bolesti. Analiza vode i njene ispravnosti za upotrebu u ljudskoj ishrani uglavnom se bavi onim Å”to je prisutno u vodi - koncentracijama prisutnih anjona i katjona, prisustvu mikroorganizama i tome slično. Različite vrste voda se uglavnom i klasifikuju upravo prema vrsti elemenata koje sadrže, koncentraciji prisutnih elemenata, ili pak odnosu između koncentracije pojedinih jona i njihov efekat na ljudski organizam razmatra se isključivo sa stanoviÅ”ta elemenata koji su prisutni u njoj. Međutim, iako je poznato da voda formira različite tipove klastera i može da se organizuje oko prisutnih elemenata na različite načine, klasifikacija voda na osnovu organizacije vodenih molekula, kao i efekti različito klasterizovanih voda na ljudski organizam, za sada ne postoje u literaturi. Predmet ovog rada je diskriminacija različitih tipova voda na osnovu njihovog spektra u bliskoj infracrvenoj oblasti, primenom multivarijacione analize i novog pristupa za tumačenje spektara vode u ovoj oblasti, poznatog pod nazivom Akvafotomika. Akvafotomika interpretira spektar vode u bliskoj infracrvenoj oblasti preko posebno definisanih koordinata vodene mreže (water matrix coordinates - WAMACS) kojima su pripisani tačno određeni vibracioni modovi molekula vode preko kojih se može zaključiti kako se molekuli vode organizuju. Na taj način, primenom saznanja akvafotomike, voda se može opisati i sa aspekta njene organizacije u klastere, i time se omogućiti i diskriminacija voda na osnovu prisutnih tipova klastera Å”to je prikazano u ovom radu.Despite that water is one of the most studied materials today its dynamic properties are still not well understood. Water state in human organism is of high importance for normal healthy functioning of human body. Different kinds of water are usually classified according to their present solutes and concentrations of these solutes, but though it is known that water molecules can form clusters around present solutes, the classification of waters based on types of water molecular organization and present clusters is not present in current literature. In this study the multivariate analysis is used for classification of commercial mineral waters based on their near-infrared spectra (NIR). Further, the aquaphotomics has been applied, a new approach for interpretation of near-infrared spectra of water, that gives insight into organization of water molecules in each of these waters

    Nanoscale material characterization under the influence of aggressive agents by magnetic force microscopy and opto-magnetic spectroscopy

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    Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) and Opto-Magnetic Spectroscopy (OMS) were used to characterize HTCV stainless steel and aluminum. Both materials were immersed in 1.0M HCl and 1.0M CH3COOH solutions for two hours. From the OMS method it was discovered that treated materials showed differences in peak wavelengths. Topographical and magnetic features for steel plate samples showed better resistance to an aggressive medium compared to aluminum. The results and analysis of these investigations are compared and presented in this paper

    Discrimination of mineral waters using near infrared spectroscopy and aquaphotomics

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    Despite that water is one of the most studied materials today its dynamic properties are still not well understood. Water state in human organism is of high importance for normal healthy functioning of human body. Different kinds of water are usually classified according to its present solutes, and concentrations of these solutes, but though it is known that water molecules can form clusters around present solutes, classification of waters based on types of water molecular organization and present clusters is not present in current literature. In this study we used multivariate analysis for classification of commercial mineral waters based on their near infrared spectra (NIR). Further, we applied Aquaphotomics, a new approach for interpretation of near infrared spectra of water, which gives insight into organization of water molecules in each of these waters

    Nanoscale Material Characterization under the Influence of Aggressive Agents by Magnetic Force Microscopy and Opto-Magnetic Spectroscopy

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    Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) and Opto-Magnetic Spectroscopy (OMS) were used to characterize HTCV stainless steel and aluminum. Both materials were immersed in 1.0M HCl and 1.0M CH3COOH solutions for two hours. From the OMS method it was discovered that treated materials showed differences in peak wavelengths. Topographical and magnetic features for steel plate samples showed better resistance to an aggressive medium compared to aluminum. The results and analysis of these investigations are compared and presented in this paper

    Thermal management evaluation of the complex electro-optical system

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    The thermal management of a complex electro-optical system aimed for outdoor application is challenging task due to the requirement of having an air-sealed enclosure, harsh working environment, and an additional thermal load generated by sunlight. It is essential to consider the effect of heating loads in the system components, as well as the internal temperature distribution, that can have influence on the system life expectancy, operational readiness and parameters, and possibility for catastrophic failure. The main objective of this paper is to analyze internal temperature distribution and evaluate its influence on system component operation capability. The electro-optical system simplified model was defined and related thermal balance simulation model based on Solid Works thermal analysis module was set and applied for temperature distribution calculation. Various outdoor environment scenarios were compared to evaluate system temperature distribution and evaluate its influence on system operation, reliability, and life time in application environment. This work was done during the design process as a part of the electro-optical system optimization. The results show that temperature distribution will not be cause for catastrophic failure and malfunction operation during operation in the expected environment