184 research outputs found

    The quantum measurement process in an exactly solvable model

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    An exactly solvable model for a quantum measurement is discussed which is governed by hamiltonian quantum dynamics. The zz-component s^z\hat s_z of a spin-1/2 is measured with an apparatus, which itself consists of magnet coupled to a bath. The initial state of the magnet is a metastable paramagnet, while the bath starts in a thermal, gibbsian state. Conditions are such that the act of measurement drives the magnet in the up or down ferromagnetic state according to the sign of szs_z of the tested spin. The quantum measurement goes in two steps. On a timescale 1/N1/\sqrt{N} the off-diagonal elements of the spin's density matrix vanish due to a unitary evolution of the tested spin and the NN apparatus spins; on a larger but still short timescale this is made definite by the bath. Then the system is in a `classical' state, having a diagonal density matrix. The registration of that state is a quantum process which can already be understood from classical statistical mechanics. The von Neumann collapse and the Born rule are derived rather than postulated.Comment: 7 pages revtex, 2 figure
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