234 research outputs found

    Learning phase transitions from dynamics

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    We propose the use of recurrent neural networks for classifying phases of matter based on the dynamics of experimentally accessible observables. We demonstrate this approach by training recurrent networks on the magnetization traces of two distinct models of one-dimensional disordered and interacting spin chains. The obtained phase diagram for a well-studied model of the many-body localization transition shows excellent agreement with previously known results obtained from time-independent entanglement spectra. For a periodically-driven model featuring an inherently dynamical time-crystalline phase, the phase diagram that our network traces in a previously-unexplored regime coincides with an order parameter for its expected phases.Comment: 5 pages + 3 fig, appendix + 5 fi

    Discriminative Cooperative Networks for Detecting Phase Transitions

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    The classification of states of matter and their corresponding phase transitions is a special kind of machine-learning task, where physical data allow for the analysis of new algorithms, which have not been considered in the general computer-science setting so far. Here we introduce an unsupervised machine-learning scheme for detecting phase transitions with a pair of discriminative cooperative networks (DCN). In this scheme, a guesser network and a learner network cooperate to detect phase transitions from fully unlabeled data. The new scheme is efficient enough for dealing with phase diagrams in two-dimensional parameter spaces, where we can utilize an active contour model -- the snake -- from computer vision to host the two networks. The snake, with a DCN "brain", moves and learns actively in the parameter space, and locates phase boundaries automatically

    Single spin probe of Many-Body Localization

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    We use an external spin as a dynamical probe of many body localization. The probe spin is coupled to an interacting and disordered environment described by a Heisenberg spin chain in a random field. The spin-chain environment can be tuned between a thermalizing delocalized phase and non-thermalizing localized phase, both in its ground- and high-energy states. We study the decoherence of the probe spin when it couples to the environment prepared in three states: the ground state, the infinite temperature state and a high energy N\'eel state. In the non-thermalizing many body localized regime, the coherence shows scaling behaviour in the disorder strength. The long-time dynamics of the probe spin shows a logarithmic dephasing in analogy with the logarithmic growth of entanglement entropy for a bi-partition of a many-body localized system. In summary, we show that decoherence of the probe spin provides clear signatures of many-body localization.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Renormalization group approach to symmetry protected topological phases

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    A defining feature of a symmetry protected topological phase (SPT) in one-dimension is the degeneracy of the Schmidt values for any given bipartition. For the system to go through a topological phase transition separating two SPTs, the Schmidt values must either split or cross at the critical point in order to change their degeneracies. A renormalization group (RG) approach based on this splitting or crossing is proposed, through which we obtain an RG flow that identifies the topological phase transitions in the parameter space. Our approach can be implemented numerically in an efficient manner, for example, using the matrix product state formalism, since only the largest first few Schmidt values need to be calculated with sufficient accuracy. Using several concrete models, we demonstrate that the critical points and fixed points of the RG flow coincide with the maxima and minima of the entanglement entropy, respectively, and the method can serve as a numerically efficient tool to analyze interacting SPTs in the parameter space.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Explainable Representation Learning of Small Quantum States

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    Unsupervised machine learning models build an internal representation of their training data without the need for explicit human guidance or feature engineering. This learned representation provides insights into which features of the data are relevant for the task at hand. In the context of quantum physics, training models to describe quantum states without human intervention offers a promising approach to gaining insight into how machines represent complex quantum states. The ability to interpret the learned representation may offer a new perspective on non-trivial features of quantum systems and their efficient representation. We train a generative model on two-qubit density matrices generated by a parameterized quantum circuit. In a series of computational experiments, we investigate the learned representation of the model and its internal understanding of the data. We observe that the model learns an interpretable representation which relates the quantum states to their underlying entanglement characteristics. In particular, our results demonstrate that the latent representation of the model is directly correlated with the entanglement measure concurrence. The insights from this study represent proof of concept towards interpretable machine learning of quantum states. Our approach offers insight into how machines learn to represent small-scale quantum systems autonomously

    A NEAT Quantum Error Decoder

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    We investigate the use of the evolutionary NEAT algorithm for the optimization of a policy network that performs quantum error decoding on the toric code, with bitflip and depolarizing noise, one qubit at a time. We find that these NEAT-optimized network decoders have similar performance to previously reported machine-learning based decoders, but use roughly three to four orders of magnitude fewer parameters to do so.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure
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