695 research outputs found

    Computer Network Attack, Defense, and Forensics in Two Scenarios

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    Many different methods exist for infiltrating a PC locally or over the internet. This can be done through the use of malicious software such as viruses, worms, malicious applets, spammers, keyloggers, rootkits, and the like. The purpose of our study was to, first off, study the effects of malicious software downloaded and installed onto a PC running Windows XP Professional, and the ways the software hijacks the machine and spreads from the user\u27s PC. The second half of our project utilized everything we learned from analyzing this malicious software and applying it to a real-life scenario. For our scenario, we coded a specific kind of virus (aptly named a cryptovirus ) and attacked from one machine over the network to another machine. After the attack was carried out, forensics were applied, and ways of defending against the attack in the future were determined. The victim machine then assumed the role of the attacker PC, and a stronger cryptovirus was created to attack the other PC. Forensics and a defense strategy were also applied to this attack

    Industriestandort mit Vorbildfunktion? Das ostdeutsche Chemiedreieck

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    In diesem Beitrag wird aufgezeigt, mit welchen Strategien die ostdeutsche Chemieindustrie den Transformationsprozeß von der Planwirtschaft mit volkseigenen Betrieben zur Marktwirtschaft mit Privatunternehmen bewältigt hat. Betrachtet werden dafür die Standorte der ehemaligen Kombinate Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Buna und Leuna, an denen vor der Transformation 50 Prozent des Chemie- und 10 Prozent des gesamten Industrieproduktionswertes der ehemaligen DDR geschaffen wurden. Die Ausgangslage der Betriebe an diesen Standorten wurde 1989/1990 als so verheerend eingestuft, daß eine Weiterführung der Erzeugung chemischer Produkte sehr fraglich war. -- This paper analyzes the strategies of the eastern German chemical industry to make the transition from planned to market economy. For this purpose, the sites at Bitterfeld- Wolfen, Buna and Leuna (called the .chemical triangle.) are researched. Before the transformation, 50 percent of the chemical and 10 percent of the whole industrial production value of the former GDR was created in the .chemical triangle.. The plants. starting situation for the sites mentioned above were assessed disastrous in 1989 - 1990. Thus, the survival of chemicals production on these sites was insecure.

    Ultrasonic Attenuation Measurements in Jet-Engine Titanium Alloys

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    In the inspection of titanium material intended for use in aircraft engines, a number of unusual phenomena are observed, including significant fluctuations of the amplitude and phase of back-surface echoes and of the amplitudes of pulse-echo signals from nominally identical flaws[1]. Practical implications include a broadening of the probability of detection curves and difficulties in determining the ultrasonic attenuation, a parameter used in interpreting flaw response data. Incorrect determination of attenuation can lead to errors in distance-gain corrections and hence in estimates of the magnitude of the flaw response. In this paper, we report experiments designed to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for these signal fluctuations

    Corporate Social Responsibility: Do Companies Have Consciences?

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    The first part of this thesis is a report that provides information on a wide variety of topics pertaining to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), particularly those that would be of interest to the accounting industry. All information in this report was gathered through review of research already done by prominent persons and entities in the CSR field. CSR is a combination of both environmental and social factors. In addition to government initiative support, there are a multitude of inherent benefits of CSR, as well as benefits that can only be gained through good CSR marketing. There are also costs, which can be quite substantial. Companies should decide for themselves whether CSR investment is worth the cost. Apart from some side effects, some of which can be significantly mitigated with targeted effort, CSR can be a good thing for the world overall. CSR is not going away any time soon, and it has provided and will continue to provide opportunities for the accounting industry. Because of this, the accounting industry should continue research into CSR and prepare to take advantage of the opportunities it provides. The second part of this thesis is a summary of all the case studies we did in the fall semester of 2013, when firms visited our class to speak on a variety of topics relating to the accounting industry

    Vitamin D and parathyroid hormone in the umbilical cord blood - Correlation with light and dark maternal skin color

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    During pregnancy, vitamin D deficiency is associated with negative health consequences for mother and child. Furthermore, dark skin color is associated with lower vitamin D levels. We investigated 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels in mothers and in cord blood of their newborns depending on maternal skin color. We recruited 202 mother and child pairs at the University Hospital Zurich and measured 25(OH)D and PTH concentrations in maternal and postpartum umbilical cord blood. Skin type was self-reported based on the Fitzpatrick Scale (type I to V). Uni- and multivariate methods were used to compare the maternal and neonatal 25(OH)D and PTH levels by skin type (light: I-III vs. dark: IV-V). As many as 54.5% of all mothers and 41.1% of the neonates were 25(OH)D deficient. This was higher in the neonates of dark-skinned (55.9%) than in the neonates of light-skinned mothers (38.1%; p = .06). The correlation of 25(OH)D in the maternal with umbilical cord blood was high (light: r = 0.85, dark: r = 0.87), with higher concentrations of 25(OH) vitamin D in the umbilical cord than in maternal blood. Regression analysis revealed that country of origin and maternal 25(OH)D concentration were the only statistically significant determinants for umbilical cord blood 25(OH)D. We observed no correlation of maternal with umbilical cord PTH concentrations; median PTH concentrations in the umbilical cord (5.6 pg/ml) were significantly lower than in maternal blood (25.7 pg/ml). The recommendation of vitamin D supplementation in newborns in their first 3 years of life should be particularly emphasized to dark-skinned mothers

    Makroökonomische Bewertung von Extremwetterereignissen in Deutschland

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    Extremwetterereignisse werden infolge des Klimawandels zukünftig häufiger auftreten. Die deutsche Volkswirtschaft ist aufgrund ihrer hochtechnischen Ausdifferenzierung potenziell besonders anfällig. Zur Planung von Anpassungsmaßnahmen müssen diese Risiken auf gesamtwirtschaftlicher Ebene abgebildet und bewertet werden

    Design and Fabrication of Forged Ti-6Al-4V Blocks with Synthetic Ti-N Inclusions for Estimation of Detectability by Ultrasonic Signal-To-Noise

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    In the work described subsequently, synthetic “hard alpha” inclusions have been fabricated within Ti-6A1-4V (Ti64) forgings. Several compositions of synthetic hard alpha were made by arc melting Ti sponge and TiN powder. Small solid cylinders of the titanium-nitrogen alloys were made by electro-discharge machining (e. d. m.) the arc-melted ingots to diameters of 0.031, 0.047, 0.062, and 0.078 inches, respectively, with heights equal to the respective diameter. Sets of eight or sixteen each identical cylinders were hot isostatic press (HIP) bonded within forged Ti64 blocks to yield uncracked inclusions with sharp interfaces with the Ti64 matrix. Detectability of the uncracked hard alpha was estimated as a function of flaw size, orientation, and nitrogen content from ultrasonic signal to noise ratios determined from C-Scan images of the blocks. Relationships of detectability to physical properties of hard alpha, and methodologies of signal to noise determinations are discussed

    Industriestandort mit Vorbildfunktion? Das ostdeutsche Chemiedreieck

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    "In diesem Beitrag wird aufgezeigt, mit welchen Strategien die ostdeutsche Chemieindustrie den Transformationsprozeß von der Planwirtschaft mit volkseigenen Betrieben zur Marktwirtschaft mit Privatunternehmen bewältigt hat. Betrachtet werden dafür die Standorte der ehemaligen Kombinate Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Buna und Leuna, an denen vor der Transformation 50 Prozent des Chemie- und 10 Prozent des gesamten Industrieproduktionswertes der ehemaligen DDR geschaffen wurden. Die Ausgangslage der Betriebe an diesen Standorten wurde 1989/1990 als so verheerend eingestuft, daß eine Weiterführung der Erzeugung chemischer Produkte sehr fraglich war. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird detailliert auf den vollzogenen Transformationsprozeß der ehemaligen Kombinate und dessen Auswirkungen auf die ökologische, ökonomische und gesellschaftliche Situation in der Region eingegangen. Auffallend ist, daß jetzt an allen drei Standorten die in der Chemieindustrie produktionstechnisch bedingte firmenübergreifende Zusammenarbeit auch bei der Nutzung der Infrastruktur Anwendung findet. Dieses sogenannte Chemieparkkonzept wurde von der Treuhandanstalt unter dem Druck des notwendigen schnellen Transformationsprozesses entwickelt. Die Entwicklung und Umsetzung des Konzeptes wird im zweiten Teil der Arbeit behandelt. Daran anschließend folgt im dritten Teil der Arbeit eine umfassende Standortbewertung. Als Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit lassen sich feststellen: Ein langfristiger Erhalt der Chemiestandorte bedurfte der Auflösung der alten Organisations- und Verbundstruktur und war allein mit dem Bestand der alten Betriebe nicht möglich, sondern benötigte gezielte Neuansiedlungen. Im Transformationsprozeß stellte sich die Schaffung einer unternehmensgerechten Infrastruktur als kritischer Faktor für private Investitionen heraus. Mit der Entwicklung des Chemieparkkonzeptes trug die Treuhandanstalt dieser Tatsache Rechnung. Die Umsetzung des Chemieparkkonzeptes, das vorhandene Facharbeiterpotential und die Chemieakzeptanz in der Bevölkerung machen das Chemiedreieck heute zu einem attraktiven Standort. Für die langfristige Erhaltung der Chemieproduktion müssen die Standorte entsprechend der Produktion zu Forschungsstandorten ausgebaut werden." (Autorenreferat)"This paper analyzes the strategies of the eastern German chemical industry to make the transition from planned to market economy. For this purpose, the sites at Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Buna and Leuna (called the 'chemical triangle') are researched. Before the transformation, 50 percent of the chemical and 10 percent of the whole industrial production value of the former GDR was created in the 'chemical triangle'. The plants' starting situation for the sites mentioned above were assessed disastrous in 1989-1990. Thus, the survival of chemicals production on these sites was insecure. The paper consists of three main parts. In the first part, the general strategies used in the transformation process and their ecological, economical and social effects are analyzed. It is characteristic of all three locations that joint production, typical for the chemical industry, was extended to a common use of the site infrastructure. The chemical park concept made this possible. The second part of the paper presents a detailed discussion of the development and implementation of this concept. The third part consists of a valuation of the site locations at Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Buna and Leuna. The research results can be stated as follows: The long-term preservation of the chemical sites required the destruction of the former organizational and co-operative structure. The preservation was not possible within the confines of the existing plants but it needed specific new foundations. The development of a modern, competitive infrastructure was crucial for potential investors. The realization of the chemical park concept, the availability of a well-educated work force and the acceptance of chemical production by the population were the main factors that made the 'chemical triangle' an attractive location. R&D activity in the 'chemical triangle' is low. To ensure the success of the chemical sites in the long run, the R&D budget of the companies must be proportionate to the size of the chemical production." (author's abstract