12 research outputs found

    An algorithm for the proportional division of indivisible items

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    An allocation of indivisible items among n ≥ 2 players is proportional if and only if each player receives a proportional subset—one that it thinks is worth at least 1/n of the total value of all the items. We show that a proportional allocation exists if and only if there is an allocation in which each player receives one of its minimal bundles, from which the subtraction of any item would make the bundle worth less than 1/n. We give a practicable algorithm, based on players’ rankings of minimal bundles, that finds a proportional allocation if one exists; if not, it gives as many players as possible minimal bundles. The resulting allocation is maximin, but it may be neither envy-free nor Pareto-optimal. However, there always exists a Pareto-optimal maximin allocation which, when n = 2, is also envy-free. We compare our algorithm with two other 2-person algorithms, and we discuss its applicability to real-world disputes among two or more players

    An adaptive point sampler on a regular lattice

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    We present a framework to distribute point samples with controlled spectral properties using a regular lattice of tiles with a single sample per tile. We employ a word-based identification scheme to identify individual tiles in the lattice. Our scheme is recursive, permitting tiles to be subdivided into smaller tiles that use the same set of IDs. The corresponding framework offers a very simple setup for optimization towards different spectral properties. Small lookup tables are sufficient to store all the information needed to produce different point sets. For blue noise with varying densities, we employ the bit-reversal principle to recursively traverse sub-tiles. Our framework is also capable of delivering multi-class blue noise samples. It is well-suited for different sampling scenarios in rendering, including area-light sampling (uniform and adaptive), and importance sampling. Other applications include stippling and distributing objects.publishe

    Windy Trees : Computing Stress Response for Developmental Tree Models

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    We present a novel method for combining developmental tree models with turbulent wind fields. The tree geometry is created from internal growth functions of the developmental model and its response to external stress is induced by a physically-plausible wind field that is simulated by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH).Our tree models are dynamically evolving complex systems that (1) react in real-time to high-frequent changes of the wind simulation; and (2) adapt to long-term wind stress. We extend this process by wind-related effects such as branch breaking as well as budabrasion and drying. In our interactive system the user can adjust the parameters of the growth model, modify wind properties and resulting forces, and define the tree’s long-term response to wind. By using graphics hardware, our implementation runs at interactive rates for moderately large scenes composed of up to 20 tree models

    Understanding human perception of building categories in virtual 3D cities : a user study

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    Virtual 3D cities are becoming increasingly important as a means of visually communicating diverse urban-related information. To get a deeper understanding of a human’s cognitive experience of virtual 3D cities, this paper presents a user study on the human ability to perceive building categories (e.g. residential home, office building, building with shops etc.) from geometric 3D building representations. The study reveals various dependencies between geometric properties of the 3D representations and the perceptibility of the building categories. Knowledge about which geometries are relevant, helpful or obstructive for perceiving a specific building category is derived. The importance and usability of such knowledge is demonstrated based on a perception-guided 3D building abstraction process.publishe

    Procedural Urban Forestry

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    The placement of vegetation plays a central role in the realism of virtual scenes. We introduce procedural placement models (PPMs) for vegetation in urban layouts. PPMs are environmentally sensitive to city geometry and allow identifying plausible plant positions based on structural and functional zones in an urban layout. PPMs can either be directly used by defining their parameters or learned from satellite images and land register data. This allows us to populate urban landscapes with complex 3D vegetation and enhance existing approaches for generating urban landscapes. Our framework’s effectiveness is shown through examples of large-scale city scenes and close-ups of individually grown tree models. We validate the results generated with our framework with a perceptual user study and its usability based on urban scene design sessions with expert users.publishe

    Sketching in Gestalt Space : Interactive Shape Abstraction through Perceptual Reasoning

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    We present an interactive method that allows users to easily abstract complex 3D models with only a few strokes. The key idea is to employ well-known Gestalt principles to help generalizing user inputs into a full model abstraction while accounting for form, perceptual patterns and semantics of the model. Using these principles, we alleviate the user's need to explicitly define shape abstractions. We utilize structural characteristics such as repetitions, regularity and similarity to transform user strokes into full 3D abstractions. As the user sketches over shape elements, we identify Gestalt groups and later abstract them to maintain their structural meaning. Unlike previous approaches, we operate directly on the geometric elements, in a sense applying Gestalt principles in 3D. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with a series of experiments, including a variety of complex models and two extensive user studies to evaluate our framework.publishe

    Windy trees

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    We present a novel method for combining developmental tree models with turbulent wind fields. The tree geometry is created from internal growth functions of the developmental model and its response to external stress is induced by a physically-plausible wind field that is simulated by Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH).Our tree models are dynamically evolving complex systems that (1) react in real-time to high-frequent changes of the wind simulation; and (2) adapt to long-term wind stress. We extend this process by wind-related effects such as branch breaking as well as budabrasion and drying. In our interactive system the user can adjust the parameters of the growth model, modify wind properties and resulting forces, and define the tree’s long-term response to wind. By using graphics hardware, our implementation runs at interactive rates for moderately large scenes composed of up to 20 tree models