242 research outputs found

    The use of electronic communication for patient-professional interaction – nursing staff’s point of view

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    Patient care in hospital wards is decreasing dramatically; more and more often, it takes place at home and in outpatient clinics. New ways to communicate are thus needed between patients and professionals. The use of electronic devices is one possible solution to facilitate the communication and support modern care.The purpose of the study was to describe nursing staff’s skills and experiences on the use of electronic communication for interaction with patients. The study also looks at factors promoting and hindering the use of electronic communication. The study used a descriptive design including both qualitative and quantitative components. The data were collected among nursing staff (N=567, n=123) working in outpatient clinics in spring 2012 with an electronic questionnaire.Computer and electronic communication skills among nursing staff were at a moderately good level. They had most experience in the use of email and text messages. Electronic devices were used at all stages of the nursing process. Three main categories were formed to describe promoting and hindering factors for the use of electronic communication: user-related factors; technology- and organization-related factors; and nursing- and communication-related factors. According to the participants, electronic devices are necessary and useful tools in interacting with patients. Patients’ personal characteristics and information security problems were perceived as the most significant hindering factors.The use of technology benefited both the nursing staff and patients in communication. The nurses’ experiences on the use of electronic communication were not very extensive as emails and text messages were the most commonly used methods

    Active Learning and Self-Regulation Enhance Student Teachers’ Professional Competences

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    The study identifies the relationships between active learning, student teachers’ self-regulated learning and professional competences. Further, the aim is to investigate how active learning promotes professional competences of student teachers with different self-regulation profiles. Responses from 422 student teachers to an electronic survey were analysed using statistical methods. It was found that the use of active learning methods, such as goal-oriented and intentional learning as well as autonomous and responsible group work, are strongly and positively related to the achievement of professional competences. To develop the best competences, student teachers need high learning motivation and excellent self-regulation strategies. The mean scores in professional competences of highly motivated student teachers with excellent self-regulated learning were significantly higher when their experiences of active learning increased. Moreover, student teachers with high motivation and moderate self-regulation also benefited significantly from the use of active learning methods.Peer reviewe

    Arviointitutkimus Kotihoidon Optimoinnin käyttöönotosta Peruspalvelukeskus Oivassa

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    Sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluissa on meneillään laaja rakennemuutos. Erityisesti ikäihmisten palvelut pyritään hoitamaan entisen laitospainotteisuuden sijaan kotiin annettavien palvelujen turvin. Muutosten ja uudistusten läpivienti vaatii yhä enemmän keinoja niiden toteuttamiseen tehokkaasti. Yksi keino on teknologia, jolla voidaan lisätä tehokkuutta palvelujen toteuttamiseen. Johtamisen merkitys korostuu muutosten läpiviennissä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli arvioida Peruspalvelukeskus Oivan Kotihoidon toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä Optimoinnin käyttöönottoprojektille asetettujen tavoitteiden toteutumista ja selvittää mitä muuttui lähijohtajan työssä Optimoinnin myötä. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin arviointitutkimuksen keinoja. Aineisto kerättiin Kotihoidon Optimointi toiminnanohjauksen käyttöönottoprojektin aikana syntyneistä dokumenteista ja kotihoidon esimiehille tehdystä haastattelusta. Lisäksi aineistona käytettiin työntekijöille tehdyn palautekyselyn tulokisa. Aineistonanalyysinä käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimuksen tuloksina voidaan todeta, että Kotihoidon Optimoinnin käyttöönottoprojektille asetetut tavoitteet toteutuivat melko hyvin. Asiakkaan näkökulmasta tavoitteet toteutuivat hyvin. Suurimmat asiat, joista hoitajat asiakkaiden kohdalla kantoivat huolta, oli työtekijöiden vaihtuvuuden osalta kotikäynneillä ja vastuuhoitajuuden toteutuminen. Työntekijän näkökulmasta voidaan sanoa vahvimmin esiin nousseen sen, ettei omaan työhönsä pysty enää vaikuttamaan samalla tavalla kuin aikaisemman järjestelmän aikana. Kotihoidon johdon tavoitteet eivät toteutuneet projektin aikana täysin. Kotihoidon välitön työaika ei projektin aikana juurikaan lisääntynyt. Yhteisten ohjeiden mukaan toimi-minen ja kotihoidon resurssin tarpeen seuraaminen lähijohtajan työssä parani. Strategisen- ja muutoksen johtamisen osaaminen vahvistui. Toisaalta esimiestyön koettiin pirstaloituneen. Tietoteknisen näkökulman tavoitteet toteutuivat parhaiten sekä teknisesti että aikataulullisesti. Tutkimuksen valossa voidaan todeta, että Kotihoidon Optimoinnin käyttöönottoprojektin tavoitteiden arvioinnilla saatiin tietoa asiakkaille, työntekijöille ja työnjohdolle asetettujen tavoitteiden toteutumisesta. Lähijohtajan työn muutoksen tarkastelu lisäsi oman työn sisällön ymmärrystä, etenkin strategisen ja muutoksen johtamisen näkökulmasta. Projekti itsessään onnistui hyvin nopeasta aikataulusta huolimatta.Social and health services are in the middle of a comprehensive structural change. Especially elderly people’s services are aimed to be organized as home care services, instead of with institutional care services. Many changes and reforms demand more and more measures to be executed efficiently. Technology is one alternative which can add effi-ciency in implementation of services. When change is in progress, it influences for management. The purpose of this study was to estimate the goals set to implementation project of an enterprise resource planning system Oiva. Optimointi in homecare services of Basic Service Centre as well as to clarify the changes in a line manager’s work. The study was qualitative in nature and evaluation method was used. The data were collected from Optimointi introduction documents and through line managers´ interviews. There were also data from interview that was conducted to homecare workers when project had ended. The data were content- analyzed. The results showed that goals of Optimointi –enterprise planning system were achieved came true fairly well. From a client´s perspective goals were achieved well. The greatest worries among nurses and practical nurses were workers’ turnover and realization of primary nursing things. From a worker’s perspective it can be stated that a worker can-not influence his/her own work in the same way as earlier. Home care managers goals’ were not achieved perfectly during the project period. The work time which nurses and practical nurses care for clients in their home did not increase. Following instructions and working accordingly as well as following needs of resources improved in line managers’ work. Further strategic and change management strengthened. On the other hand, supervisory work was experienced as fragmentary. The goals of teleinformatic perspective came true fine technically and according to a timetable. The conclusion is that Optimointi - enterprise planning system´s results evaluation gets facts for clients, workers and managers how results have came true. Line managers’ work change added comprehension particularly for strategic and change management perspective. The project was completed successfully despite the tight schedule

    Active Learning and Self-Regulation Enhance Student Teachers’ Professional Competences

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    The study identifies the relationships between active learning, student teachers’ self-regulated learning and professional competences. Further, the aim is to investigate how active learning promotes professional competences of student teachers with different self-regulation profiles. Responses from 422 student teachers to an electronic survey were analysed using statistical methods. It was found that the use of active learning methods, such as goal-oriented and intentional learning as well as autonomous and responsible group work, are strongly and positively related to the achievement of professional competences. To develop the best competences, student teachers need high learning motivation and excellent self-regulation strategies. The mean scores in professional competences of highly motivated student teachers with excellent self-regulated learning were significantly higher when their experiences of active learning increased. Moreover, student teachers with high motivation and moderate self-regulation also benefited significantly from the use of active learning methods

    På trappans första steg

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    Recension av: Schoug, Fredrik: På trappans första steg. Doktoranders och nydisputerade forskares erfarenheter av akademin. Lund: Studentlitteratur 2004. 213 s

    På jakt efter förståelse

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    Min kommande licentiatavhandling i etnologi handlar om representationer av medeltiden i Åbo, och då främst de nya, upplevelsebaserade och virtuella representationerna. Ett av mina forskningsobjekt är den medeltida marknaden på Gamla Stortorget, ett årligt evenemang som uppnått stor popularitet. Det karaktäriseras av försäljare klädda i medeltida stil, arbetsuppvisningar samt skådespelare som rör sig bland publiken och spelar upp olika episoder. För att sätta mig in i evenemangets karaktär och betydelse för olika grupper har jag intervjuat producenter, besökare samt personer som medverkar i marknadsskådespelet. I denna artikel kommer jag att diskutera begreppet förståelse utgående från mitt forskningsämne och -material

    Historiens lockelse: Om forskning kring historiebruk

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    Det verkar som om vår tid genomsyras av ett allmänt intresse för historien, vissa hävdar att man nästan kan tala om en slags besatthet av det förflutna. Utgångspunkten till att jag blivit intresserad av historiebruk i nutiden ligger i mina observationer av vad jag väljer att kalla det postmoderna historieintresset. Med begreppet avser jag nutida människors intresse för historia och såväl materiella som andliga minnen av det förflutna, som uttrycks på olika sätt och nivåer. Det postmoderna historieintresset karaktäriseras av att det förflutna ges betydelser som kan vara av de mest skilda slag, och det kan brukas för att fylla olika ändamål. Historien har till en viss grad blivit ett redskap för olika intressegrupper att nå sina mål som kan vara allt ifrån politiska till ekonomiska eller vara bundna till identitetsskapande aktiviteter