29,288 research outputs found

    Leaf stripe resistance of spring barley cultivars

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    Results of six years of screening trials clearly indicate that effective resistance against barley leaf stripe is available, also in modern cultivars. Among the spring barley cultivars that are currently most widely grown in Denmark, Cabaret, Troon, Sebastian, Justina and Brazil appear most resistant, but only Brazil combines a favourable resistance performance (= low mean and standard deviation of environment-adjusted leaf stripe incidence) with a high number of observations (= years of testing). However, the cultivars appearing most resistant over the years are relatively old ones such as Vada, Alabama, Odin and particularly Scarlett, which has been resistant in all years in which it was tested. Amongst the new cultivars, Marigold, Native and SW Immer appear to have the most promising resistance properties so far. However, they have only been tested in two years of which only one had reasonably high infection levels. The results furthermore indicate huge year-to-year variation in infection levels, presumably due to variation in environmental conditions related to leaf stripe infection

    Fisher information in quantum statistics

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    Braunstein and Caves (1994) proposed to use Helstrom's {\em quantum information} number to define, meaningfully, a metric on the set of all possible states of a given quantum system. They showed that the quantum information is nothing else than the maximal Fisher information in a measurement of the quantum system, maximized over all possible measurements. Combining this fact with classical statistical results, they argued that the quantum information determines the asymptotically optimal rate at which neighbouring states on some smooth curve can be distinguished, based on arbitrary measurements on nn identical copies of the given quantum system. We show that the measurement which maximizes the Fisher information typically depends on the true, unknown, state of the quantum system. We close the resulting loophole in the argument by showing that one can still achieve the same, optimal, rate of distinguishability, by a two stage adaptive measurement procedure. When we consider states lying not on a smooth curve, but on a manifold of higher dimension, the situation becomes much more complex. We show that the notion of ``distinguishability of close-by states'' depends strongly on the measurement resources one allows oneself, and on a further specification of the task at hand. The quantum information matrix no longer seems to play a central role.Comment: This version replaces the previous versions of February 1999 (titled 'An Example of Non-Attainability of Expected Quantum Information') and that of November 1999. Proofs and results are much improved. To appear in J. Phys.

    Generation of two-mode field squeezing through selective dynamics in cavity QED

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    We propose a scheme for the generation of a two-mode field squeezed state in cavity QED. It is based on two-channel Raman excitations of a beam of three-level atoms with random arrival times by two classical fields and two high-Q resonator modes. It is shown that by suitably choosing the intensities and detunings of fields the dynamical processes can be selective and two-mode squeezing between the cavity modes can be generated at steady state. This proposal does not need the preparation of the initial states of atoms and cavity modes, and is robust against atomic spontaneous decay.Comment: 4 pages,2 figure

    Transition from Icosahedral to Decahedral Structure in a Coexisting Solid-Liquid Nickel Cluster

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    We have used molecular dynamics simulations to construct a microcanonical caloric curve for a 1415-atom Ni icosahedron. Prior to melting the Ni cluster exhibits static solid-liquid phase coexistence. Initially a partial icosahedral structure coexists with a non-wetting melt. However at energies very close to the melting point the icosahedral structure is replaced by a truncated decahedral structure which is almost fully wet by the melt. This structure remains until the cluster fully melts. The transition appears to be driven by a preference for the melt to wet the decahedral structure.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Derivative pricing under the possibility of long memory in the supOU stochastic volatility model

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    We consider the supOU stochastic volatility model which is able to exhibit long-range dependence. For this model we give conditions for the discounted stock price to be a martingale, calculate the characteristic function, give a strip where it is analytic and discuss the use of Fourier pricing techniques. Finally, we present a concrete specification with polynomially decaying autocorrelations and calibrate it to observed market prices of plain vanilla options

    Distance growth of quantum states due to initial system--environment correlations

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    Intriguing features of the distance between two arbitrary states of an open quantum system are identified that are induced by initial system-environment correlations. As an example, we analyze a qubit dephasingly coupled to a bosonic environment. Within tailored parameter regimes, initial correlations are shown to substantially increase a distance between two qubit states evolving to long-time limit states according to exact non-Markovian dynamics. It exemplifies the breakdown of the distance contractivity of the reduced dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    High damage potential of seed-borne spot blotch in organically grown spring barley in Denmark

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    Spot blotch of barley (Bipolaris sorokiniana, perfect state: Cochliobolus sativus) occurs wherever barley is grown but is normally not considered a major problem in Danish barley production. It is therefore not included in routine disease surveys or official variety testing in Denmark. However, recommended seed contamination thresholds are 30% for spring barley and 15% for winter barley. Several spring barley varieties were grown under organic (no seed dressing, mechanical weeding) and conventional (seed dressing with fungicides, herbicide application) production conditions at three sites in Denmark in 2003. The harvested seeds were analysed for contamination levels of seed-borne B. sorokiniana using a blotter method. The percentage of seeds contaminated with B. sorokiniana ranged from about 5 to 95 % and was highly depending on the site, production system and variety. Contamination levels of organically cultivated plots were about twice as high as those of plots receiving conventional treatments. The germinating ability of seeds was highly affected by the level of B. sorokiniana contamination and declined drastically at contamination levels above 60%. This effect appeared to differ among varieties. The 1000-grain weight was not affected by the level of spot blotch contamination of seeds. The results indicate that the importance of spot blotch may be underrated, especially in organic barley production and that the role of varietal resistance should be investigated. More results are expected from ongoing seed analyses

    Hadronic form factors and the J/ψJ/\psi secondary production cross section: an update

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    Improving previous calculations, we compute the D+DˉJ/ψ+πD + \bar{D} \to J/\psi + \pi cross section using the most complete effective lagrangians available. The new crucial ingredients are the form factors on the charm meson vertices, which are determined from QCD sum rules calculations. Some of them became available only very recently and the last one, needed for our present purpose, is calculated in this work.Comment: 12 pages, 9 eps figure

    Does the D/D+D^-/D^+ production asymmetry decrease at large xFx_F?

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    We have applied the meson cloud model (MCM) to calculate the asymmetries in DD and DsD_s meson production in high energy Σ\Sigma^--nucleus and π\pi^--nucleus collisions. We find a good agreement with recent data. Our results suggest that the asymmetries may decrease at large xFx_F.Comment: revised version with new figures and added references to appear in Phys. Rev. Let