3 research outputs found

    Reliably estimating prevalences of atopic children: An epidemiological study in an extensive and representative primary care database

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    Electronic health records stored in primary care databases might be a valuable source to study the epidemiology of atopic disorders and their impact on health-care systems and costs. However, the prevalence of atopic disorders in such databases varies considerably and needs to be addressed. For this study, all children aged 0-18 years listed in a representative primary care database in the period 2002-2014, with sufficient data quality, were selected. The effects of four different strategies on the prevalences of atopic disorders were examined: (1) the first strategy examined the diagnosis as recorded in the electronic health records, whereas the (2) second used additional requirements (i.e., the patient had at least two relevant consultations and at least two relevant prescriptions). Strategies (3) and (4) assumed the atopic disorders to be chronic based on strategy 1 and 2, respectively. When interested in cases with a higher probability of a clinically relevant disorder, strategy 2 yields a realistic estimation of the prevalence of atopic disorders derived from primary care data. Using this strategy, of the 478,076 included children, 28,946 (6.1%) had eczema, 29,182 (6.1%) had asthma, and 28,064 (5.9%) had allergic rhinitis; only 1251 (0.3%) children had all three atopic disorders. Prevalence rates are highly dependent on the clinical atopic definitions used. The strategy using cases with a higher probability of clinically relevant cases, yields realistic prevalences to establish the impact of atopic disorders on health-care systems. However, studies are needed to solve the problem of identifying atopic disorders that are missed or misclassified

    Risks for comorbidity in children with atopic disorders: an observational study in Dutch general practices

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    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate both atopic and non-atopic comorbid symptoms and diseases in children with physician-diagnosed atopic disorders (atopic eczema, asthma and allergic rhinitis).METHODS: All children aged 0-18 years listed in a nationwide primary care database (the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research-Primary Care Database) with routinely collected healthcare data in 2014 were selected. Children with atopic disorders were matched on age and gender with non-atopic controls within the same general practice. A total of 404 International Classification of Primary Care codes were examined. Logistic regression analyses were performed to examine the associations between the presence of atopic disorders and (non-)atopic symptoms and diseases by calculating ORs.RESULTS: Having one of the atopic disorders significantly increased the risk of having other atopic-related symptoms, even if the child was not registered as having the related atopic disorder. Regarding non-atopic comorbidity, children with atopic eczema (n=15 530) were at significantly increased risk for (infectious) skin diseases (OR: 1.2-3.4). Airway symptoms or (infectious) diseases (OR: 2.1-10.3) were observed significantly more frequently in children with asthma (n=7887). Children with allergic rhinitis (n=6835) had a significantly distinctive risk of ear-nose-throat-related symptoms and diseases (OR: 1.5-3.9). Neither age nor gender explained these increased risks.CONCLUSION: General practitioners are not always fully aware of relevant atopic and non-atopic comorbidity. In children known to have at least one atopic disorder, specific attention is required to avoid possible insufficient treatment and unnecessary loss of quality of life

    Cost-Effectiveness of Including a Nurse Specialist in the Treatment of Urinary Incontinence in Primary Care in the Netherlands.

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    #### Objective Incontinence is an important health problem. Effectively treating incontinence could lead to important health gains in patients and caregivers. Management of incontinence is currently suboptimal, especially in elderly patients. To optimise the provision of incontinence care a global optimum continence service specification (OCSS) was developed. The current study evaluates the costs and effects of implementing this OCSS for community-dwelling patients older than 65 years with four or more chronic diseases in the Netherlands. #### Method A decision analytic model was developed comparing the current care pathway for urinary incontinence in the Netherlands with the pathway as described in the OCSS. The new care strategy was operationalised as the appointment of a continence nurse specialist (NS) located with the general practitioner (GP). This was assumed to increase case detection and to include initial assessment and treatment by the NS. The analysis used a societal perspective, including medical costs, containment products (out-of-pocket and paid by insurer), home care, informal care, and implementation costs. #### Results With the new care strategy a QALY gain of 0.005 per patient is achieved while saving €402 per patient over a 3 year period from a societal perspective. In interpreting these findings it is important to realise that many patients are undetected, even in the new care situation (36%), or receive care for containment only. In both of these groups no health gains were achieved. #### Conclusion Implementing the OCSS in the Netherlands by locating a NS in the GP practice is likely to reduce incontinence, improve quality of life, and reduce costs. Furth