330 research outputs found

    Fractal properties of quantum spacetime

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    We show that in general a spacetime having a quantum group symmetry has also a scale dependent fractal dimension which deviates from its classical value at short scales, a phenomenon that resembles what observed in some approaches to quantum gravity. In particular we analyze the cases of a quantum sphere and of \k-Minkowski, the latter being relevant in the context of quantum gravity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; some minor corrections; reference adde

    Signatures of gravitational fixed points at the LHC

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    We study quantum-gravitational signatures at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the context of theories with extra spatial dimensions and a low fundamental Planck scale in the TeV range. Implications of a gravitational fixed point at high energies are worked out using Wilson¿s renormalization group. We find that relevant cross sections involving virtual gravitons become finite. Based on gravitational lepton pair production we conclude that the LHC is sensitive to a fundamental Planck scale of up to 6 TeV

    Asymptotically Safe Lorentzian Gravity

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    The gravitational asymptotic safety program strives for a consistent and predictive quantum theory of gravity based on a non-trivial ultraviolet fixed point of the renormalization group (RG) flow. We investigate this scenario by employing a novel functional renormalization group equation which takes the causal structure of space-time into account and connects the RG flows for Euclidean and Lorentzian signature by a Wick-rotation. Within the Einstein-Hilbert approximation, the β\beta-functions of both signatures exhibit ultraviolet fixed points in agreement with asymptotic safety. Surprisingly, the two fixed points have strikingly similar characteristics, suggesting that Euclidean and Lorentzian quantum gravity belong to the same universality class at high energies.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Spectral geometry as a probe of quantum spacetime

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    Employing standard results from spectral geometry, we provide strong evidence that in the classical limit the ground state of three-dimensional causal dynamical triangulations is de Sitter spacetime. This result is obtained by measuring the expectation value of the spectral dimension on the ensemble of geometries defined by these models, and comparing its large scale behaviour to that of a sphere (Euclidean de Sitter). From the same measurement we are also able to confirm the phenomenon of dynamical dimensional reduction observed in this and other approaches to quantum gravity -- the first time this has been done for three-dimensional causal dynamical triangulations. In this case, the value for the short-scale limit of the spectral dimension that we find is approximately 2. We comment on the relevance of these results for the comparison to asymptotic safety and Horava-Lifshitz gravity, among other approaches to quantum gravity.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures. Version 2: references to figures added, acknowledgment added

    An effective action for asymptotically safe gravity

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    Asymptotically safe theories of gravitation have received great attention in recent times. In this framework an effective action embodying the basic features of the renormalized flow around the non-gaussian fixed point is derived and its implications for the early universe are discussed. In particular, a "landscape" of a countably infinite number of cosmological inflationary solutions characterized by an unstable de Sitter phase lasting for a large enough number of e-folds is found.Comment: 5 pages, to appear as a Rapid Communication in Physical Review

    Quasinormal modes for asymptotic safe black holes

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    Under the hypothesis of asymptotic safety of gravity, the static, spherically symmetric black hole solutions in the infrared limit are corrected by non-perturbative effects. Specifically, the metric is modified by the running of gravitational couplings. In this work, we investigate the effects of this correction to the quasinormal modes (QNMs) of a test scalar field propagating in this kind of black hole background analytically and numerically. It is found that although the quasi-period frequencies and the damping of oscillations are respectively enhanced and weakened by the quantum correction term, the stability of the black hole remains.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figures, accepted for publication in CQG. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1007.131

    Quark contact interactions at the LHC

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    Quark contact interactions are an important signal of new physics. We introduce a model in which the presence of a symmetry protects these new interactions from giving large corrections in flavor changing processes at low energies. This minimal model provides the basic set of operators which must be considered to contribute to the high-energy processes. To discuss their experimental signature in jet pairs produced in proton-proton colllisions, we simplify the number of possible operators down to two. We show (for a representative integrated luminosity of 200 pb^-1 at \surd s = 7 TeV) how the presence of two operators significantly modifies the bound on the characteristic energy scale of the contact interactions which is obtained by keeping a single operator.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Renormalisation group improvement of scalar field inflation

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    We study quantum corrections to Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology with a scalar field under the assumption that the dynamics are subject to renormalisation group improvement. We use the Bianchi identity to relate the renormalisation group scale to the scale factor and obtain the improved cosmological evolution equations. We study the solutions of these equations in the renormalisation group fixed point regime, obtaining the time-dependence of the scalar field strength and the Hubble parameter in specific models with monomial and trinomial quartic scalar field potentials. We find that power-law inflation can be achieved in the renormalisation group fixed point regime with the trinomial potential, but not with the monomial one. We study the transition to the quasi-classical regime, where the quantum corrections to the couplings become small, and find classical dynamics as an attractor solution for late times. We show that the solution found in the renormalisation group fixed point regime is also a cosmological fixed point in the autonomous phase space. We derive the power spectrum of cosmological perturbations and find that the scalar power spectrum is exactly scale-invariant and bounded up to arbitrarily small times, while the tensor perturbations are tilted as appropriate for the background power-law inflation. We specify conditions for the renormalisation group fixed point values of the couplings under which the amplitudes of the cosmological perturbations remain small.Comment: 17 pages; 2 figure

    One Loop Beta Functions in Topologically Massive Gravity

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    We calculate the running of the three coupling constants in cosmological, topologically massive 3d gravity. We find that \nu, the dimensionless coefficient of the Chern-Simons term, has vanishing beta function. The flow of the cosmological constant and Newton's constant depends on \nu, and for any positive \nu there exist both a trivial and a nontrivial fixed point.Comment: 44 pages, 16 figure

    Spherically symmetric ADM gravity with variable G and Lambda(c)

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    This paper investigates the Arnowitt--Deser--Misner (hereafter ADM) form of spherically symmetric gravity with variable Newton parameter G and cosmological term Lambda(c). The Newton parameter is here treated as a dynamical variable, rather than being merely an external parameter as in previous work on closely related topics. The resulting Hamilton equations are obtained; interestingly, a static solution exists, that reduces to Schwarzschild geometry in the limit of constant G, describing a Newton parameter ruled by a nonlinear differential equation in the radial variable r. A remarkable limiting case is the one for which the Newton parameter obeys an almost linear growth law at large r. An exact solution for G as a function of r is also obtained in the case of vanishing cosmological constant. Some observational implications of these solutions are obtained and briefly discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. The presentation has been improved in all section
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