110 research outputs found

    Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis: presentation and management

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    Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP) is characterized by the presence of lipid-laden foamy macrophages with both acute and chronic phase inflammatory cells. The aim of the study is to present our experience about patients with Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis. 29 patients were evaluated through a complete anamnesis and the preoperative management included routine blood and biochemical tests, urine culture and renal ultrasound, intravenous urography and computed tomography (CT). All patients underwent open nephrectomy followed by the pathological exam. The main symptoms of these patients were fever and flank pain. Preoperative laboratory tests revealed anemia, leukocytosis and increasing levels of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine. Kidney failure was noticed in almost half of the cases. This study succeeded to evaluate the demographic, clinical, biological, surgical and histological characteristics. A pathological diagnosis is mandatory mainly for the evaluation of its coexistence with renal carcinoma

    Analysis of total content of petroleum products in water by using FTIR spectroscopy

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    Contamination of aquatic and terrestrial environment with oil products is a major problem in processes of extraction, transport and processing of crude oil. Derived organic compounds, resulting from fractional distillation of crude oil often end up in wastewater and surface water causing irreversible effects on aquatic ecosystems. Thus, it’s necessary to identify and qualitatively determine the total content of petroleum products in water, by classical chemical, chromatographic and infrared spectroscopy methods. Gathering high-resolution spectral data was performed by a modern method, Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR), a relatively precise, high accuracy data method. The study’s main purpose is to describe most important steps to be followed to obtain representative results for the use of FTIR spectrometry in determining total content of petroleum products in water. Steps described in the study involve drawing the baseline, calibrating the method with certified reference materials and estimating the uncertainty degree of the analysis method used. The study of total content of petroleum products is addressed especially to researchers in the field of analytical chemistry to update the methods used, environmental engineers to estimate the pollution degree of a body of water and (PhD) students who want to deepen the field of petroleum compounds analysis

    Studiu privind consumabilitatea frunzei de dud în raport cu vârsta larvelor de bombyx mori

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    During the growth of silk larvae series on summertime,alternated with the development of several experiences regarding the nutritional value of mulberry leaves obtained from some varieties.There were alsostudied the dynamics of leaf consumption by Bombyx mori larvae. Data regarding this fact shown that if during age I, the average value of consumption coefficient was 24.72±0.88%,which it has been increased progressively while the larvae grew (during age V this coefficient was 51.57±0.42%). During the whole larvae period, the consumption coefficient registeredan average value of 51.07±0.45%

    Studiu cu privire la caracteristicile chimice ale ouălor provenite de la găini crescute în sisteme agreate de Uniunea Europeană

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    Analysis of which results are presented in the current paper are part of an ample study in which wefocused on the influence of rearing systems on quality of eggs destined to human consumption.Regarding water content in yolk, we mention the fact that the highest value was founded at the eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with access to external paddock (56.12±0.006%) while the lowest value was recorded at the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery, 55.02±0.006%.For dry matter content the obtained mean values were 43.88±0.005% for yolk of the eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with accessto external paddock, 44.06±0.004% for the one gathered from hens reared in loft and 44.98±0.004% at the ones reared in battery.Protein content from albumen recorded a calculated mean value of 12.17±0.032%for hens reared in free-range system.For hens reared in loft, protein content in mélange was 12.12±0.036% with variation limits which oscillated between 11.93% and12.22%.For the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery, protein level in mélangewas 12.21±0.035.In the case of fat content the calculated mean value for eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with access to external paddock was 10.64±0.045%;11.18±0.041% for the ones reared in loft and 11.22±0.049% for the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery

    Összehasonlító tanulmány polietilén hulladékanyaggal, illetve cementtel megvalósított talajstabilizációról

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    Esetenként a szilárd hulladék termelése folyamatos és megállíthatatlan folyamatnak tűnik, különösen a műanyagszármazékok kapcsán. A műanyag hulladékok nyersanyaggá alakítási folyamatában, habár nagy mennyiségű energiát használ fel, a keletkezett termék felhasználható a geotechnika területén. Ezen dolgozat két talajjavító megoldás eredményeinek összehasonlításán alapszik. Az első megoldásnál a talaj-polietilén, míg a másodiknál talaj-cement együttest vizsgáltuk. Erős esőzésekkor felléphet a lejtők stabilizációjának problémája, ezért a közvetlen nyírási kísérleteket vízzel telített talajpróbákon végeztük. A kutatás során végzett kísérletek kimutatják a polietilén hulladékanyag és a cement hatását a talaj kohéziójára és belső súrlódási szögére

    The development of value-added yogurt based on pumpkin peel powder as a bioactive powder

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    This study aimed to explore the utilization of pumpkin by-products as a bioactive powder in the development of value-added yogurt. Pumpkin peel resulting from food processing contains antioxidant components like phenolics, flavonoids, and carotenoids, compounds characterized by high bioactivity. This study investigated the potential of incorporating pumpkin peel powder (PPP) into yogurt to enhance its nutritional value and sensory attributes. Results indicated that the incorporation of PPP into yogurt resulted in improvements in nutritional composition, particularly in terms of β-carotene and bioactive compounds. Additionally, the addition of PPP positively influenced the textural properties of the yogurt. The sensory evaluation revealed that the incorporation of pumpkin peel had no negative impact on the overall acceptability of the yogurt, with some samples (YPP2) even exhibiting preferred sensory characteristics compared to the control. The utilization of PPP as a bioactive powder in yogurt presents a promising strategy for reducing food waste and creating innovative, value-added dairy products. The development of such products can not only contribute to sustainable food production but also provide consumers with more diverse food choices with enhanced characteristics

    Modelling and simulation of a remote controlled mechatronic device

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    The paper introduces the design, modelling and simulation of an electromechanical actuator device able to produce periodical translation movement. The parameters characterizing this movement (stroke length, force, speed profile) are considered to be remotely programmable via a wireless interface

    Incorporation of spirulina powder into processed milk to obtain semihard cheese with the aim of increased nutritional value and sensory characteristics

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    Vital amino acids, essential fatty acids, carotenoids, and vitamins are all abundant in spirulina. The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of adding spirulina to processed cheese as a source of nutrients and color. To carry out this study, the milk was processed to obtain semi-paste cheese, making three batches as follows: the control batch (Lc) cheese without the addition of spirulina, the experimental batch 1 (Lexp-1) where the addition of 0.25% spirulina and experimental group 2 (Lexp-2) where 0.50% spirulina was added. For products enriched with Spirulina, we mention the fact that it was added to the milk after its pasteurization. Determinations were made on the finished product to establish the main physicochemical parameters after the cheese was kept for 30 days during maturation under specific conditions. The results obtained indicate increases in the protein level, therefore from 19.47% obtained in Lc to 19.87% in Lexp-1 and 20.27% in Lexp-2. Differences can also be noted in terms of total mineral content (ash), the value obtained for Lexp-2 being 3.32% higher than that obtained for Lc. Therefore, the results of this study highlight the fact that we can increase the nutritional value of a product, managing to come to consumers with a less conventional product

    Field tests of rostselmash cereal harvesting combine

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    Agriculture and plant cultivation has been and will continue to be a vital field of human activity, since the beginning of mankind, agriculture has been part of man's daily life. Man instead looked for methods, mechanisms and technologies to ease the work and capitalize on the biological potential of cultivated crops. As a result, this field, which is a science in and of itself, has had a constant need for advancement and knowledge. The transition from manual tools to modern, self-guiding machines and from manual grain harvesting to the creation of true mobile processing factories known as generic combine harvesters makes this technological advancement represent a true revolution of modern technologies, integrated in the most important activity sector of humanity, agriculture