17 research outputs found

    Bringing New Opportunities to Develop Statistical Software and Data Analysis Tools in Romania

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    In the last decade, open source programming technology is widely used among statisticians for developing a new statistical software and data analysis. This is R software environment and the main objective of this paper is to underline the importance of R for statistical computations, data analysis, visualization and applications in various fields. Regarding to this, the paper is primarily intended for people already familiar with common statistical concepts. Thus the statistical methods used to illustrate the R performance are not explained in detail. The main intention is to offer an overview to get started, to motivate beginners by illustrating the flexibility of R, and to show how simply it enables the user to carry out statistical computations

    Bringing New Opportunities to Develop Statistical Software and Data Analysis Tools in Romania

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    In the last decade, open source programming technology is widely used among statisticians for developing a new statistical software and data analysis. This is R software environment and the main objective of this paper is to underline the importance of R for statistical computations, data analysis, visualization and applications in various fields. Regarding to this, the paper is primarily intended for people already familiar with common statistical concepts. Thus the statistical methods used to illustrate the R performance are not explained in detail. The main intention is to offer an overview to get started, to motivate beginners by illustrating the flexibility of R, and to show how simply it enables the user to carry out statistical computations

    Research on the quality of the salty cheese obtained in the microunit production from UASVM Iasi

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    Taking into account the fact that at present the population is in a continuous fight against the food additives, part of the dairy products has started to be indispensable. The quality of the cheeses is mainly outlined by defining the sensory and physical-chemical characteristics, these being the defining ones in the consumers' decision. To obtain superior dairy products we need a very good quality raw milk. Therefore, through this paper we set out to analyze the stages of the technological flow of obtaining salty cheese as well as of the sensory and physico-chemical analyzes on the finished product but also on the raw material. Regarding the quality of the analyzed milk, the average values calculated were 4.01 ± 0.03% for the fat content, and 1.030 ± 0.001g / cm3 for the density. For the final product, salty cheese, sensory analyzes and physico-chemical determination were performed in order to establish the qualitative parameters. Also analyzed were the stages of the technological flow by monitoring the parameters, all of which lead to obtaining a product that can be marketed within USAMV-Iasi

    Lübnan'ın entegre etmeme politikası bağlamında Filistinli mülteciler

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    1948 yılında İsrail devletinin kurulması ve İsrail-Arap Savaşı‟ndan sonra 700.000'den fazla Filistinli Arap, ülkeyi terk etmek zorunda kaldı. Lübnan, Ürdün, Suriye ve Mısır gibi komşu ülkelere ise bu mülteciler istemeden yerleşmek zorunda idiler. Ev sahibi ülkeler arasında, Filistinli mülteciler için en sorunlu ülke Lübnan‟dır. Bu husus devletin istikrar ve güvenliğini, aynı zamanda mültecilerin yaşam koşullarını da etkiler. Filistinli mülteciler konusunda, Milli Lübnan Politikası negatif bir sonuç gösteriyor ve bu olayın uluslararası güvenliğini etkiliyor. Mülteci statüsü, uluslararası sözleşmeler yoluyla kabul edilmiş olsa da, Mültecilerin Statüsüne Dair Birleşmiş Milletler Sözleşmesi veya Mültecilerin Hukuki Statüsüne İlişkin 1967 Protokolü Lübnan devleti herhangi bir hak veya üzerlerine sorumluluk tanımıyor. Filistinli mülteciler, Lübnan hükümeti için bir güvenlik ikilemi temsil etmektedir. 1948‟de başlayan ülkedeki mevcut gruplar arasındaki dengenin daha da kötüleşeceği korkusu vardı. Lübnan politikasının ilk başladığından (mültecilerin Lübnan'ın belli bir alanda yerleşmek için izin verildi an) itibaren bugüne kadar değişti. Lübnan tarafından teşvik edilen temel politikasının merkezinde, kendi kamplarında bütün alanlarda (siyasi, sosyal ve ekonomik), mültecileri marjinalize girişimi vardı. Bu politikanın ana fikri, onları izole etmek, kampların boyutunu azaltmak ve herhangi bir tahrip binanın inşaatı veya restorasyonu yasaklamaktı. Lübnan yasası, orada yaşayan Filistinlilere karşı olan ayrımcılığı açıkça gösterir. Yasa, işe sahip olması, bir arazi ya da bir ev satın almasını önlemekte ve o şekilde Lübnan ekonomisinde katkılarını izole etmektedir. Bu bağlamda, en önemli aktörlerden biri olarak, Yakın Doğu'daki Filistinli Mültecilere Birleşmiş Milletler Yardım ve Bayındırlık Ajansı (UNRWA), uluslararası tepki, bir ülkede onun güvenliği ve egemenliği konusunda insani sorunun yönlerini nasıl değiştirebileceği göstermek amacıyla analiz edilmiştir.The thesis "Palestinian refugees in the context of Lebanese policy of non-integration" represented a complex research about one of the most important problems of the international community. The research of the Palestinian refugee question has fundamental importance both at national and international level, because the problem can influence the realities of the world and particularly of the states hosting the refugees. The need of understanding the historical background and the causes of the Arab-Israeli conflict is very important in order to provide the best solutions for the refugee problem. The comprehension of the continuous armed struggle between the parties involved in the conflict and the permanent violation of the human rights is significant in securing the right assistance for the needy persons. In order to maintain the security of the international community and the agreement between the Israel and other Arab states, the Palestinian question is the basic element that should be solved. Im particular, the research of the policies of Lebanon towards the Palestinians is absolutely necessary, considering that the massive violation of the human rights and the inhuman living conditions of the refugees are unseen in another hosting country. The regional security is dependent on finding a solution for the Palestinians from Lebanon, because the economic, social and political exclusion of the refugees has created a psychological anxiety, which can determine conflicts in the society. As it was seen in the history, the Palestinians had been the reason for a series of armed conflicts in the region involving the most important actors, for civil war and the threat for Lebanon‟s security, determining external occupation. In the analysis of the Palestinian refugees‟ exclusion on account of the Lebanese policies, there are a series of fundamental questions. Firstly, what was the context that determined the Palestinians to arrive to Lebanon and remain in a state that has not provided them any rights? In addition, what is the meaning of the refugee problem and how is treated by the international community and law? Another question is about the situation of the Palestinian refugees in the world and more specific what are their living conditions in Lebanon? The main question of the thesis is about the policies promoted by Lebanon towards the Palestinian refugees. Ultimately, an important question regards the differences between the Palestinian refugees from Lebanon and the ones from another two states under UNRWA areas of operation, Jordan and Syria


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    Multivariate data analysis in the context of autoregressive models has evolved as a standard instrument in econometrics. In present, there are developed packages available in R for estimating time series models; one of the most useful package is vars (Pfaff, 2008) containing functions for diagnostic testing, estimation of a restricted models, prediction, causality analysis, impulse response analysis and forecast error variance decomposition. Using the examples provided in the vars vignette, the authors tried to obtain results for the different methods and functions on the base of macroeconomic data set for Romania

    R - evolution in Time Series Analysis Software Applied on R - omanian Capital Market

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    Worldwide and during the last decade, R has developed in a balanced way and nowadays it represents the most powerful tool for computational statistics, data science and visualization. Millions of data scientists use R to face their most challenging problems in topics ranging from economics to engineering and genetics. In this study, R was used to compute data on stock market prices in order to build trading models and to estimate the evolution of the quantitative financial market. These models were already applied on the international capital markets. In Romania, the quantitative modeling of capital market is available only for clients of trading brokers because the time series data are collected for the commercial purpose; in that circumstance, the statistical computing tools meet the inertia to change. This paper aims to expose a small part of the capability of R to use mix-and-match models and cutting-edge methods in statistics and quantitative modeling in order to build an alternative way to analyze capital market in Romania over the commercial threshold


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    The Crouzon’s Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, with an incidence between 1/25,000 to 1/100,000 newborn babies, transmitted autosomal dominant, characterized by facial dysmorphism and craniosynostosis, based on those characteristic can be diagnosed early. We present the case of a premature newborn female admitted to the Hospital Division of Neonatology “Louis Ţurcanu” with facial dysmorphism. The anamnestic investigation revealed that the patient’s mother and sister suffer from the same type of affection. The patients affected by Crouzon Syndrome have a normal lifespan, and 97% of them have a normal intelligence. The quality of their life is affected by aesthetic considerations and the severity of abnormalities they present