4 research outputs found

    Palynology of the Late Neogene, intercepted in a borehole from Cerneţi (East of Turnu Severin)

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    The paper presents the results of the palynologic studies carried on the samples recovered the W1 well from Cerneţi. These rocks were assigned to Meotian and Pontian deposits. The Meotian deposits, 40 m thick are characterized by a paly-nological spectrum consisting from: Ferns (3-4%), Conifers (56-62%), Monocotyledon-ous Angiosperms (1-2%), Dicotyledonous Angiosperms (33-40%). The microflora was compared with the pollinic spectrum from the Late Meotian deposits between Teleajen and Dâmboviţa (Cioflică, 1969). The Pontian intercepted between m 112 and m 36 keeps a relatively uniform microflora: Ferns (5%), Conifers (60%), Monocotyledonous Angiosperms (1%), Dicotyledonous Angiosperms (34%). This microflora was compared with the pollinic spectrum from the Lower Pontian deposits from Batoţi and from the Upper Pontian deposits from V. Vişenilor and V. Boierească. The paper infers on paleocli-matic circumstances specific to the forest vegetation during the Meotian and Pontian times, and also contains a reconstitution of the source vegetation for the studied and identified sporo-pollinic material

    Palynological researchers concerning the Pontian on the Visenilor Valley and Boereasca Valley - NE of Drobeta Turnu Severin (SW Romania)

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    Palynological analyses in the sections of Vişenilor Valley and Boereasca Valley (Upper Pontian (Bosphorian)) are presented in table 1. In the second part of paper, the authors made a comparison between microflora from Mehedinţi and other Pontian microfloras in Romania and from abroad (former Yugoslavia, Hungary, and Slovakia)

    First Steps towards a National Approach for Radon Survey in Romanian Schools

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    Schools are a category of public buildings with a high radon exposure risk, due to their high occupancy factor. In Romania, the elaboration of a methodology for radon measurements in schools is a necessity imposed both by the European legislation and by the relatively high percentage (about 10%) of the mapped territory with a potential increased risk of exposure to the action of ionizing radiation emitted by radon. In order to optimize the design of a national survey aimed to evaluate radon exposure of children in Romanian schools, we conducted a pilot study in two schools in Cluj-Napoca, following the screening measurements carried out in 109 schools and kindergartens from five counties. The specific steps that must be followed were described, taking into account the international protocols and particularities of Romanian territory. The proposed approach could act as a guide for other large buildings and is implicit for the implementation of National Radon Action Plan, approved by HG no. 526/12 July 2018 in accordance with Council Directive 2013/59/EURATOM. The obtained results indicate that a high probability of annual radon concentration above the national reference level is to be expected in schools

    Environmental Equity through Negotiation: A Case Study on Urban Landfills and the Roma Community

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    The paper discusses the necessity to bring environmental equity within the Pata Rât Roma community in Northwest Romania, relying on the answers to three questions: “Does environmental equity exist in Pata Rât?”, “How can it be attained?”, and “To what extent can it be brought to the targeted people?” It was shown how a trio of factors tailors the destiny of Roma inhabitants: being a minority, their ethnicity, and the fact they are living on and off what society rejects and dumps—a landfill. The framing of the environmental equity concerns within a vision considering negotiation as the most adequate means to attain it is a novel approach. Further on, the results of the study can fuel win-win solutions in environmental equity. The information abstracted from a set of indicators, assessed through an evaluation matrix, represents a beneficial platform for future bottom-up decisions concerning landfill residents. Three action options were analyzed: on-site living opportunities—that resulted to be preferred, off-site living opportunities, and “Do nothing”. The analysis provides qualitative evidence that the evaluation of environmental equity is largely subjective, because of its complexity and specificity related to geographical, historical, cultural characteristics, and political interests