36 research outputs found

    New Applications of Radioguided Surgery in Oncology

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    OBJECTIVE: To report oncological cases (excluding those related to breast cancer) for which radioguided surgery has been used in combination with the Radioguided Occult Lesion Localization technique. INTRODUCTION: Radioguided surgery enables a surgeon to identify lesions or tissues that have been preoperatively marked with radioactive substances. The Radioguided Occult Lesion Localization technique has been widely used to identify the sentinel lymph node and occult lesions in patients with breast cancer. However, few studies have reported the use of this technique for non-breast cancer pathologies. METHODOLOGY: In all cases, injection of Technecium-99m sulfur colloid was performed, directly inside or near by the suspicious lesion, guided by ultrasound or computed tomography, up to 36 hours prior to the surgical procedure. Intraoperative lesion detection was carried out using a gamma-probe. RESULTS: We report five oncology cases in which preoperative markings of the lesions were carried out using the Radioguided Occult Lesion Localization technique. The patients presented with the following: recurrence of renal cell carcinoma, cervical recurrence of papillary carcinoma of the thyroid, recurrence of retroperitoneal sarcoma, lesions of the popliteal fossa, and recurrence of rhabdomyosarcoma of a thigh. In each case, the lesions that were marked preoperatively were ultimately successfully excised. CONCLUSIONS: Radioguided surgery has proven to be a safe and effective alternative for the management of oncology patients. The Radioguided Occult Lesion Localization technique can be useful in selected cases where suspect lesions may be difficult to identify intraoperatively, due to their dimensions or anatomical location. The procedure allows for more conservative excisions and reduces the surgery-related morbidity

    Chest CT accuracy in the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection: initial experience in a cancer center

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    Objective: To evaluate the accuracy of chest computed tomography (CT) in patients with suspected severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection at a cancer center. Materials and Methods: This retrospective single-center study selected 91 patients who had chest CT and real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test collected at the same day. CT results were classified in negative, typical, indeterminate or atypical findings. Diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity were calculated for two different scenarios: in the first, only typical findings on CT were considered positive; in the second, both typical and indeterminate findings were considered positive. Results: Mean patients’ age was 58.2 years, most were male (60.4%) and had prior diagnosis of cancer (85.7%). CT showed typical findings in 28.6%, indeterminate findings in 24.2% and atypical findings in 26.4%. RT-PCR results were positive for SARS-CoV-2 in 27.5%. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy in the first and second scenarios were respectively 64.0%, 84.8% and 79.1%, and 92.0%, 62.1% and 70.3%. Conclusion: CT has a high accuracy for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Different interpretation criteria can provide either high sensitivity or high specificity. CT should be integrated as a triage test in resource-constrained environments during the pandemic to assist in the optimization of PCR-tests, isolation beds and intensive care units.Objetivo: Avaliar a acurácia da tomografia computadorizada (TC) de tórax em pacientes com suspeita de infecção por SARS-CoV-2 em um centro oncológico. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo e unicêntrico que selecionou 91 pacientes que realizaram TC de tórax e teste RT-PCR no mesmo dia. Os resultados da TC foram classificados em negativos, achados típicos, indeterminados ou atípicos. Acurácia diagnóstica, sensibilidade e especificidade foram calculadas para dois cenários: no primeiro, apenas TC com achados típicos foi considerada positiva; no segundo, achados típicos ou indeterminados foram considerados positivos. Resultados: A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 58,2 anos, sendo a maioria homens (60,4%) e com história de câncer prévio (85,7%). TC demonstrou achados típicos em 28,6%, indeterminados em 24,2% e atípicos em 26,4%. Resultados da RT-PCR foram positivos para SARS-CoV-2 em 27,5%. Sensibilidade, especificidade e acurácia no primeiro e segundo cenários foram, respectivamente, de 64,0%, 84,8% e 79,1%, e 92,0%, 62,1% e 70,3%. Conclusão: A TC tem alta acurácia para o diagnóstico de infecção por SARS-CoV-2. Diferentes critérios de interpretação fornecem maior sensibilidade ou especificidade. A TC deve ser integrada como um teste de triagem em ambientes com recursos limitados durante a pandemia, para ajudar na otimização da utilização de testes de PCR, leitos de isolamento e unidades de terapia intensiva


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    Objetivou-se caracterizar a qualidade da carne de aves da raça Rodhe Island Red em função da diferença do tipo de corte e sexo. Foram utilizadas 30 aves em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial (2 x 2), sendo dois cortes (peito e coxa) e dois sexos, com cinco repetições por tratamento. As aves foram abatidas aos 105 dias para realização das análises físico-químicas, composição centesimal e perfil lipídico do peito e coxa. A coxa apresentou maior média de pH final, teor de vermelho (a*) e força de cisalhamento (FC). Para luminosidade (L*), o peito obteve a maior média e as fêmeas maior média de FC. A coxa apresentou maior teor de extrato etéreo (EE) e umidade. O peito apresentou maior média de ácidos graxos saturados. As fêmeas obtiveram maior quantidade de ?3 e menor relação ?6/?3. Foi observado maior índice de trombogenicidade no peito. A coxa mostrou menor conteúdo de ácidos graxos saturados e menor índice de trombogenicidade. As fêmeas apresentaram maior teor de ?3. O tipo de corte demonstrou maior influência que o sexo sobre os parâmetros estudados e a coxa apresentou melhores aspectos físico-químicos e de perfil lipídico para carne de aves neste sistema de produção relacionados à qualidade de carne desejável pelos consumidores. Palavras-chave: ácido graxo; aterogenicidade; cor; força de cisalhamento; trombogenicidade


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    A cicatrização é extremamente importante para a sobrevivência do ser humano, visto que configura um mecanismo de defesa refinado. A contínua restauração do tecido epitelial na pele, permite a regeneração celular e assegura sua integridade morfológica e funcional. O queloide é um fenômeno exclusivamente humano, e ocorre quando há falha na remodelação das cicatrizes provocadas pelo desequilíbrio entre a formação e a degradação de colágeno, assim como modificação na alteração em sua organização espacial, o que gera a cicatriz exuberante. A lesão é elevada, brilhante, pruriginosa e/ou dolorosa, se localiza na derme, com crescimento contínuo, além de ultrapassar os limites da ferida original. O relato aqui apresentado é de um paciente do sexo masculino, 56 anos, que procurou o ambulatório de Cirurgia Geral para exérese de estrutura hipertrófica no lóbulo auricular da orelha direita. O procedimento foi realizado sem nenhuma intercorrência e o paciente teve alta médica no mesmo dia com prescrição de analgésico

    Personalized therapy for mycophenolate:Consensus report by the international association of therapeutic drug monitoring and clinical toxicology

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    When mycophenolic acid (MPA) was originally marketed for immunosuppressive therapy, fixed doses were recommended by the manufacturer. Awareness of the potential for a more personalized dosing has led to development of methods to estimate MPA area under the curve based on the measurement of drug concentrations in only a few samples. This approach is feasible in the clinical routine and has proven successful in terms of correlation with outcome. However, the search for superior correlates has continued, and numerous studies in search of biomarkers that could better predict the perfect dosage for the individual patient have been published. As it was considered timely for an updated and comprehensive presentation of consensus on the status for personalized treatment with MPA, this report was prepared following an initiative from members of the International Association of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Clinical Toxicology (IATDMCT). Topics included are the criteria for analytics, methods to estimate exposure including pharmacometrics, the potential influence of pharmacogenetics, development of biomarkers, and the practical aspects of implementation of target concentration intervention. For selected topics with sufficient evidence, such as the application of limited sampling strategies for MPA area under the curve, graded recommendations on target ranges are presented. To provide a comprehensive review, this report also includes updates on the status of potential biomarkers including those which may be promising but with a low level of evidence. In view of the fact that there are very few new immunosuppressive drugs under development for the transplant field, it is likely that MPA will continue to be prescribed on a large scale in the upcoming years. Discontinuation of therapy due to adverse effects is relatively common, increasing the risk for late rejections, which may contribute to graft loss. Therefore, the continued search for innovative methods to better personalize MPA dosage is warranted.</p

    Health Literacy and Patient Activation in the Pediatric to Adult Transition in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Patient and Health Care Team Perspectives

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    Objective To identify perceived health literacy (HL) and patient activation (PA) needs during the transition from pediatric to adult rheumatology among patients with childhood‐onset systemic lupus erythematosus (cSLE). Methods Semistructured interviews of patients and health care professionals were conducted from November 2019 through May 2020, until thematic saturation was achieved. Interviews were audio‐recorded, transcribed, coded, and analyzed using thematic analysis. Results Thirteen post‐transition adult female participants with cSLE were recruited from a public safety‐net hospital system or from private practice. Thirteen health care team members were recruited from two pediatric and four adult rheumatology clinical sites serving patients in the same metropolitan area. Patients and health care team members acknowledged numerous HL components as important to transition, including language fluency, education, SLE‐specific knowledge, self‐efficacy, and accurate knowledge of personal medical history. Our interviews found PA to be an important component of the transition process, driven by internalization of the implications of cSLE diagnosis, self‐education, autonomy, introspection, and trustworthy doctor–patient relationships. Patients valued access to their online electronic medical record, recommended multimodal SLE‐specific education materials, and desired increased access to social workers. Health care team members stressed the importance of early preparation for transition and use of mobile medical applications and endorsed interventions such as lupus camp and increased partnership with psychologists and social workers. Conclusion HL and PA are perceived by patients and health care team members as substantially influencing transition success. Further research is needed to evaluate whether interventions to improve HL and PA positively influence cSLE transition outcomes