13,622 research outputs found

    A biomimetic algorithm for the improved detection of microarray features,

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    One the major difficulties of microarray technology relate to the processing of large and - importantly - error-loaded images of the dots on the chip surface. Whatever the source of these errors, those obtained in the first stage of data acquisition - segmentation - are passed down to the subsequent processes, with deleterious results. As it has been demonstrated recently that biological systems have evolved algorithms that are mathematically efficient, this contribution attempts to test an algorithm that mimics a bacterial-"patented" algorithm for the search of available space and nutrients to find, "zero-in" and eventually delimitate the features existent on the microarray surface

    Simulated Likelihood Estimation of Non-Linear Diffusion Processes Through Non-Parametric Procedure With an Application to the Portuguese Interest Rate

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    In this article we present a new model of the spot interest rate and a new method of estimation of nonlinear stochastic differential equations. We show how an integrated discrete time process in an econometric sense can be modelled by a continuous time ergodic process. We make an application to the Portuguese spot interest rate.

    Romanian Banking System Evolution and Basel II Requirements

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    Before 1989, Romanian Banking System was structured in the specific way of a centralized economy. Restructuring of the banking system took its first step at the end of 1990 when the newly- established bank, Banca Comerciala Româna, took over retail operations performed previously by the NBR. Simultaneously, some privately-owned banking companies were established and foreign banks’ branches were integrated into the domestic banking activity, the number of banks almost trebling. The unfriendly economic environment, the poor quality of bank managers and shareholders and cumbersome legal procedures led to an increase in tensions, the poor quality of credit portfolio representing the major difficulty of the banking sector. In the past years, NBR tried to control more the banking activity by implementing international settlements. More over, since Romania is one of the European Union countries, it is absolutely necessary the harmonization of entire economic and financial system to EU regulations. The paper try to present the position of Romanian banking system in the framework of all these transformations.

    Romanian banking system evolution and Basel II requirements

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    Before 1989 Romanian banking system was structured in the specific way of a centralized economy. Restructuring the banking system took its first step at the end of 1990 when the newly established commercial bank Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR) took over retail operations performed previously by the National Bank of Romania (NBR). Simultaneously some privately-owned banking companies were established and foreign banks' branches were integrated into the domestic banking activity. The unfriendly economic environment, the poor quality of bank managers and shareholders and cumbersome legal procedures led to an increase in tensions, the poor quality of credit portfolio representing the major difficulty of the banking sector. In the past years, NBR tried to control more the banking activity by implementing international settlements. More over, since Romania will be one of the European Union countries, it is absolutely necessary the harmonization of entire economic and financial system to EU regulations. The paper try to present the position of Romanian banking system in the framework of all these information.Romanian banking system, banking systems in transition, bank regulation, Basel II, credit portfolio, bank concentration,

    'Extremotaxis': Computing with a bacterial-inspired algorithm

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    We present a general-purpose optimization algorithm inspired by “run-and-tumble”, the biased random walk chemotactic swimming strategy used by the bacterium Escherichia coli to locate regions of high nutrient concentration The method uses particles (corresponding to bacteria) that swim through the variable space (corresponding to the attractant concentration profile). By constantly performing temporal comparisons, the particles drift towards the minimum or maximum of the function of interest. We illustrate the use of our method with four examples. We also present a discrete version of the algorithm. The new algorithm is expected to be useful in combinatorial optimization problems involving many variables, where the functional landscape is apparently stochastic and has local minima, but preserves some derivative structure at intermediate scales
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