33 research outputs found

    Differentiation of Symbiotic Cells and Endosymbionts in Medicago truncatula Nodulation Are Coupled to Two Transcriptome-Switches

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    The legume plant Medicago truncatula establishes a symbiosis with the nitrogen-fixing bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti which takes place in root nodules. The formation of nodules employs a complex developmental program involving organogenesis, specific cellular differentiation of the host cells and the endosymbiotic bacteria, called bacteroids, as well as the specific activation of a large number of plant genes. By using a collection of plant and bacterial mutants inducing non-functional, Fix− nodules, we studied the differentiation processes of the symbiotic partners together with the nodule transcriptome, with the aim of unravelling links between cell differentiation and transcriptome activation. Two waves of transcriptional reprogramming involving the repression and the massive induction of hundreds of genes were observed during wild-type nodule formation. The dominant features of this “nodule-specific transcriptome” were the repression of plant defense-related genes, the transient activation of cell cycle and protein synthesis genes at the early stage of nodule development and the activation of the secretory pathway along with a large number of transmembrane and secretory proteins or peptides throughout organogenesis. The fifteen plant and bacterial mutants that were analyzed fell into four major categories. Members of the first category of mutants formed non-functional nodules although they had differentiated nodule cells and bacteroids. This group passed the two transcriptome switch-points similarly to the wild type. The second category, which formed nodules in which the plant cells were differentiated and infected but the bacteroids did not differentiate, passed the first transcriptome switch but not the second one. Nodules in the third category contained infection threads but were devoid of differentiated symbiotic cells and displayed a root-like transcriptome. Nodules in the fourth category were free of bacteria, devoid of differentiated symbiotic cells and also displayed a root-like transcriptome. A correlation thus exists between the differentiation of symbiotic nodule cells and the first wave of nodule specific gene activation and between differentiation of rhizobia to bacteroids and the second transcriptome wave in nodules. The differentiation of symbiotic cells and of bacteroids may therefore constitute signals for the execution of these transcriptome-switches

    AGO1 and AGO2 Act Redundantly in miR408-Mediated Plantacyanin Regulation

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    Background: In Arabidopsis, AGO1 and AGO2 associate with small RNAs that exhibit a Uridine and an Adenosine at their 59 end, respectively. Because most plant miRNAs have a 59U, AGO1 plays many essential roles in miRNA-mediated regulation of development and stress responses. In contrast, AGO2 has only been implicated in antibacterial defense in association with miR393*, which has a 59A. AGO2 also participates in antiviral defense in association with viral siRNAs. Principal Findings: This study reveals that miR408, which has a 59A, regulates its target Plantacyanin through either AGO1 or AGO2. Indeed, neither ago1 nor ago2 single mutations abolish miR408-mediated regulation of Plantacyanin. Only an ago1 ago2 double mutant appears compromised in miR408-mediated regulation of Plantacyanin, suggesting that AGO1 and AGO2 have redundant roles in this regulation. Moreover, the nature of the 59 nucleotide of miR408 does not appear essential for its regulatory role because both a wildtype 59A-MIR408 and a mutant 59U-MIR408 gene complement a mir408 mutant. Conclusions/Significance: These results suggest that miR408 associates with both AGO1 and AGO2 based on criteria that differ from the 59 end rule, reminiscent of miR390-AGO7 and miR165/166-AGO10 associations, which are not based on the nature of the 59 nucleotide

    Analyse du transcriptome de Medicago truncatula lors de l'organogenÚse de la nodosité induite par Sinorhizobium melitoti

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    Au cƓur de la symbiose entre les lĂ©gumineuses et les rhizobia se trouve un Ă©change de nutriments. Cette interaction se dĂ©roule dans un organe racinaire spĂ©cifique : la nodositĂ©. Les bactĂ©roĂŻdes sont des rhizobia diffĂ©renciĂ©s Ă  l'intĂ©rieur des nodositĂ©s fixant l'azote pour l'usage de la plante hĂŽte et la plante fourni des produits carbonĂ©s aux bactĂ©ries. Les mĂ©canismes molĂ©culaires et les gĂšnes gouvernant l'organogenĂšse de la nodositĂ© sont dans leur majoritĂ© peu connus. Pendant ce travail de thĂšse, une analyse transcriptomique a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour la description de la formation des nodositĂ©s. A cette fin, une collection d'EST a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tablie Ă  partir d'une banque d'ADNc de nodositĂ©s puis des microarrays ont Ă©tĂ© crĂ©Ă©s. Un compendium de transcriptomes a Ă©tĂ© assemblĂ© Ă  partir de stades distincts du dĂ©veloppement chez le sauvage, de tissus de nodositĂ©s dissĂ©quĂ©es et de nodositĂ©s induites par une collection de mutants bactĂ©riens ou vĂ©gĂ©taux, incapables de former une nodositĂ© fonctionnelle. Environ 500 gĂšnes sur les 2400 testĂ©s sont induits au cours de la nodulation. Parmi ces gĂšnes, une nouvelle famille a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e de plus de 300 gĂšnes (les ncrs) qui sont exclusivement exprimĂ©s dans les nodositĂ©s. Sur la base d'une variĂ©tĂ© de critĂšres, il est proposĂ© que les NCRs jouent un rĂŽle dans la diffĂ©rentiation des rhizobia pour former des bactĂ©roĂŻdes fixateurs d'azote. D'autres gĂšnes importants identifiĂ©s codent des facteurs de transcription et sont des bons candidats pour orchestrer le transcriptome dans les nodositĂ©s. Des gĂšnes candidats qui organisent et exĂ©cutent la sĂ©nescence des nodositĂ©s ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s. L'analyse statistique du compendium a permis d'organiser les gĂšnes en clusters et de prĂ©dire pour un grand nombre d'entre eux leur profil d'expression spatiale dans les nodositĂ©s. Cela a Ă©galement permis de classer les mutants de nodulation en fonction de leur transcriptome et de le corrĂ©ler avec leur phĂ©notype morphologique. Il est dĂ©montrĂ© que le transcriptome spĂ©cifique des nodositĂ©s n'est atteint que lorsque les cellules vĂ©gĂ©tales symbiotiques et les bactĂ©roĂŻdes sont diffĂ©renciĂ©s mais qu'il est indĂ©pendant de la fixation d'azote.At the heart of the Rhizobium-legume symbiosis is the exchange of nutrients between the two symbionts. This interaction takes place in specialized organs, the nodules, on the roots of the plant. Bacteroids are differentiated rhizobia inside the nodules that fix nitrogen for plant use and plants in turn provide photosynthates to the bacteria. The molecular mechanisms and the plant genes that govern nodule organogenesis are only partially understood. During this thesis work, transcriptome analysis was used to describe the nodule formation. For this purpose, an EST collection was made from a nodule cDNA library and microarrays were constructed. A compendium of transcriptomes was assembled from distinct stages in wild type nodule development, dissected tissues of nodules and nodules induced by a collection of bacterial and plant mutants unable to form a functional nodule. About 500 from the 2400 tested genes were induced during nodule formation. Among these, a novel family was identified of more than 300 genes (the ncrs) which are exclusively expressed in nodules. Other important identified genes code for transcription factors and are good candidates to orchestrate the nodule transcriptome. Candidate genes orchestrating senescence of nodules were identified as well. Statistical analysis of the compendium data made it possible to create gene clusters and to predict spatial gene expression patterns in nodules for many of the nodule induced genes. It also allowed classifying the mutants in function of their transcriptome and correlating this with their morphological phenotype. It is demonstrate that the nodule specific transcriptome is established only when both, plant symbiotic cells and bacteroids are differentiated but it is independent of nitrogen fixation.ORSAY-PARIS 11-BU Sciences (914712101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Jurisprudence française relative au droit international

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    Maziau Nicolas, Cazala Julien, Jambon Nicolas, Maunoury Myriam. Jurisprudence française relative au droit international. In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 50, 2004. pp. 876-903

    Jurisprudence française relative au droit international

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    Maziau Nicolas, Cazala Julien, Jambon Nicolas, Maunoury Myriam. Jurisprudence française relative au droit international. In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 51, 2005. pp. 773-801

    Jurisprudence française relative au droit international (2001)

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    Maziau Nicolas, Cazala Julien, Jambon Nicolas, Maunoury Myriam. Jurisprudence française relative au droit international (2001). In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 48, 2002. pp. 725-761

    Jurisprudence française relative au droit international

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    Maziau Nicolas, Cazala Julien, Jambon Nicolas, Maunoury Myriam. Jurisprudence française relative au droit international. In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 49, 2003. pp. 699-731

    Jurisprudence française relative au droit international - 2005

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    Maziau Nicolas, Cazala Julien, Jambon Nicolas, Maunoury Myriam. Jurisprudence française relative au droit international - 2005. In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 52, 2006. pp. 764-793

    Jurisprudence française relative au droit international – 2006

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    Maziau Nicolas, Cazala Julien, Jambon Nicolas, Maunoury Myriam. Jurisprudence française relative au droit international – 2006. In: Annuaire français de droit international, volume 53, 2007. pp. 846-871