64 research outputs found

    Teaching topic core modules, as established by the NGS Trainers Consortium during the “Best Practice in HTS data analysis” workshop.

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    <p>Teaching topic core modules, as established by the NGS Trainers Consortium during the “Best Practice in HTS data analysis” workshop.</p

    Overview of the repository’s implementation, content, search interface, and flowchart of roles and actions.

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    <p>Authors add their material to the main repository, where they can be searched and retrieved by trainers. Any trainer can then build on existing materials for their own lectures and practicals and request a merge of the updated materials into the main repository, which upon validation, results in the older version of the material to be archived. Two of the consortium members act as curators for each topic, ensuring the completeness of the descriptors and the adequate use of the controlled vocabularies. The newly added materials are then indexed and made discoverable through the search interface. Both the search interface and repository rely on a GitLab instance hosted by the consortium. The Git logo is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 by GitLab (<a href="https://about.gitlab.com/press/" target="_blank">https://about.gitlab.com/press/</a>).</p

    Training providers—among the trainers consortium—offering hands on training courses on the analysis of HTS data.

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    <p>Training providers—among the trainers consortium—offering hands on training courses on the analysis of HTS data.</p

    Over-representation analysis showing gene ontology terms in of Module 8 genes.

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    The data points, color-coded by ontology classification-Biological Process (red), Cellular Component (green), and Molecular Function (blue) are plotted against their respective -log10 transformed p-values, emphasizing the significance of each term. The numerical labels adjacent to each data point indicate the count of genes. (TIF)</p

    Differential core gene expression in the anterior end after exposure to 10<sup>−9</sup> M ivermectin exposure.

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    The table quantifies the number of upregulated and downregulated genes across functional categories in the anterior end in 10−9 M ivermectin concentration.</p

    Differential core gene expression in intestinal tissue after exposure to 10<sup>−9</sup> M ivermectin exposure.

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    The table quantifies the number of upregulated and downregulated genes across functional categories in the intestinal tissue in 10−9 M ivermectin concentration.</p

    Over-representation analysis showing gene ontology terms in upregulated genes in anterior end after worm exposure to 10<sup>−9</sup> M ivermectin.

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    The data points, color-coded by ontology classification-Biological Process (red), Cellular Component (green), and Molecular Function (blue) are plotted against their respective -log10 transformed p-values, emphasizing the significance of each term. The numerical labels adjacent to each data point indicate the count of upregulated genes.</p

    Heatmap and hierarchical clustering of network centrality metrics.

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    The color-coded matrix displays the Spearman correlation coefficients between different centrality measures, including Eigenvalue, Betweenness, Closeness, Degree, and PageRank, calculated for nodes within the consensus network. Values close to 1 indicate a high positive correlation, illustrated by a gradient from yellow to green, whereas values close to 0 imply no correlation, depicted in purple. The dendrogram reflects the hierarchical clustering based on the correlation values, grouping similar centrality measures. (TIF)</p
