7 research outputs found

    Dietitians use and recommend dietary supplements: report of a survey

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    BACKGROUND: Dietary supplement use is common in the United States, with more than half of the population using such products. Nutrition authorities consistently advocate a "food first" approach to achieving nutritional adequacy but some, including the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association), also recognize that dietary supplements have a role to play in improving nutrient intake to support health and wellness. Surveys show that many health professionals use dietary supplements themselves and also recommend dietary supplements to their patients or clients. METHODS: As one component of a series of surveys of healthcare professionals (the "Life...supplemented" HCP Impact Studies), 300 registered dietitians were surveyed in 2009 regarding their personal use of dietary supplements and whether they recommend dietary supplements to their clients. Respondents were registered dietitians whose business involved seeing clients in a private practice or at a clinic. RESULTS: Seventy-four percent of the dietitians surveyed said they were regular users of dietary supplements, while 22% said they used dietary supplements occasionally or seasonally. The primary reasons for using dietary supplements were for bone health (58%), overall health and wellness (53%), and to fill nutrient gaps (42%). When asked if they "ever recommend dietary supplements to clients," 97% of the respondents said they did. The primary reasons were for bone health (70%), to fill nutrient gaps (67%), and overall health and wellness (49%). Eighty-seven percent of the dietitians agreed with the statement, "There are gaps in clients' diets that could effectively be addressed with dietary supplements." The dietitians surveyed said they followed healthy habits including eating a balanced diet (96%), managing stress (92%), visiting their own healthcare professional regularly (86%), exercising regularly (83%), maintaining a healthy weight (80%), and getting a good night's sleep (72%). Nearly all respondents (95%) expressed an interest in continuing education about dietary supplements on a variety of topics. CONCLUSIONS: Many dietitians, like other health professionals, use dietary supplements regularly as part of their own approach to a healthy diet and lifestyle. They also recommend dietary supplements to their clients or patients, to promote health

    Use of dietary supplements by cardiologists, dermatologists and orthopedists: report of a survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dietary supplements are regularly used by a majority of the American population, and usage by health professionals is also common. There is considerable interest in usage patterns within the population and in the reasons for using dietary supplements. The "Life...supplemented" Healthcare Professionals 2008 Impact Study (HCP Impact Study) surveyed usage of dietary supplements by physicians in three specialties: cardiology, dermatology, and orthopedics.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The HCP Impact Study was conducted online by Ipsos Public Affairs for the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), a trade association of the dietary supplement industry. Respondents were 900 physicians, including 300 each from three specialties - cardiology, dermatology, and orthopedics.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifty-seven percent of cardiologists said they use dietary supplements at least occasionally, as did 75% of dermatologists and 73% of orthopedists. The product most commonly reported to be used was a multivitamin, but over 25% in each specialty said they used omega-3 fatty acids and over 20% said they used some botanical supplements. Regular dietary supplement use was reported by 37% of cardiologists, 59% of dermatologists, and 50% of orthopedists. Seventy-two percent of cardiologists, 66% of dermatologists, and 91% of orthopedists reported recommending dietary supplements to their patients. The primary reason given for recommending dietary supplements to patients was for heart health or lowering cholesterol for the cardiologists; benefits for skin, hair and nails for the dermatologists; and bone and joint health for the orthopedists.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Reported dietary supplement use was relatively common in this sample of physicians, and when they recommended dietary supplements to patients, they tended to do so for reasons related to their specialty.</p

    Témoignages et éclairages. Partie I

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    Lopez Nicolas, Guénot Christophe, Champion Jean-Pierre, Bouclet Philippe, Joussellin Éric, Saunier Marc, Boyon Alexandre. Témoignages et éclairages. Partie I. In: Les Cahiers de l'INSEP, n°43, 2009. De Pékin (2008) à Londres (2012) : Bilan des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques de Pékin. pp. 49-57

    Capítulo 3. Vivir con las actividades petroleras en la Amazonía, entre vulnerabilidades y resiliencia / Chapitre 3. Vivre avec les activités pétrolières en Amazonie, entre vulnérabilités et résilience

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    Cambios y resiliencia de las comunidades indígenas amazónicas tradicionales durante la época petrolera Los grupos amazónicos tradicionales, lejos de constituir un sistema socioecológico estático y estable han estado y están en constante cambio. Hace unas pocas décadas el uso de la cerbatana, la lanza y la agricultura itinerante caracterizaba los sistemas productivos de los grupos nativos (waorani, shuaras, sápara entre otros). Estas prácticas constituyeron durante muchos años una forma de sob..

    Nuestro vivir en la Amazonía ecuatoriana: entre la finca y el petróleo

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    El petróleo, "sangre de la tierra", es la principal fuente de energía fósil en el mundo. La Amazonia ecuatoriana, tierra de explotación petrolera y de colonización agrίcola, es símbolo de la riqueza natural del planeta pero también un testigo del daño causado por las actividades humanas. En el corazón de este bosque, de su biodiversidad, de sus recursos y de sus habitantes, se teje el hilo de un viaje científico c interdisciplinario. Este libro comparte saberes, conocimientos e imágenes sobre los impactos y riesgos de las actividades petroleras en el medio ambiente, la salud, la sociedad y refleja las condiciones de vida en la Amazonίa.Le pétrole est le « sang de la terre » et la principale source d'énergie fossile au monde. L'Amazonie équatorienne, terre d'exploitation pétrolière et de colonisation agricole, est un symbole des richesses naturelles de la planète mais aussi un témoin des dommages causés par les activités humaines. Au cœur de cette forêt, de sa biodiversité, de ses ressources et de ses habitants, se tisse le fil d'un voyage scientifique et interdisciplinaire. Ce livre partage des savoirs, des connaissances et des images sur les impacts et risques liés aux activités pétrolières sur l'environnement, la santé, la société et dépeint les conditions de vie en Amazonie