18,312 research outputs found

    Unidimensional model of the ad-atom diffusion on a substrate submitted to a standing acoustic wave II. Solutions of the ad-atom motion equation

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    The ad-atom dynamic equation, a Langevin type equation is analyzed and solved using some non-linear analytical and numerical tools. We noticeably show that the effect of the surface acoustic wave is to induce an effective potential that governs the diffusion of the ad-atom: the minima of this effective potential correspond to the preferential sites in which the ad-atom spends more time. The strength of this effective potential is compared to the destructuring role of the thermal diffusion and to the crystalline potential induced by the substrate

    Higher-order supersymmetric quantum mechanics

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    We review the higher-order supersymmetric quantum mechanics (H-SUSY QM), which involves differential intertwining operators of order greater than one. The iterations of first-order SUSY transformations are used to derive in a simple way the higher-order case. The second order technique is addressed directly, and through this approach unexpected possibilities for designing spectra are uncovered. The formalism is applied to the harmonic oscillator: the corresponding H-SUSY partner Hamiltonians are ruled by polynomial Heisenberg algebras which allow a straight construction of the coherent states.Comment: 42 pages, 12 eps figure

    Simulating quantum effects of cosmological expansion using a static ion trap

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    We propose a new experimental testbed that uses ions in the collective ground state of a static trap for studying the analog of quantum-field effects in cosmological spacetimes, including the Gibbons-Hawking effect for a single detector in de Sitter spacetime, as well as the possibility of modeling inflationary structure formation and the entanglement signature of de Sitter spacetime. To date, proposals for using trapped ions in analog gravity experiments have simulated the effect of gravity on the field modes by directly manipulating the ions' motion. In contrast, by associating laboratory time with conformal time in the simulated universe, we can encode the full effect of curvature in the modulation of the laser used to couple the ions' vibrational motion and electronic states. This model simplifies the experimental requirements for modeling the analog of an expanding universe using trapped ions and enlarges the validity of the ion-trap analogy to a wide range of interesting cases.Comment: (v2) revisions based on referee comments, figure added for clarity; (v1) 17 pages, no figure

    Virtual noiseless amplification and Gaussian post-selection in continuous-variable quantum key distribution

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    The noiseless amplification or attenuation are two heralded filtering operations that enable respectively to increase or decrease the mean field of any quantum state of light with no added noise, at the cost of a small success probability. We show that inserting such noiseless operations in a transmission line improves the performance of continuous-variable quantum key distribution over this line. Remarkably, these noiseless operations do not need to be physically implemented but can simply be simulated in the data post-processing stage. Hence, virtual noiseless amplification or attenuation amounts to perform a Gaussian post-selection, which enhances the secure range or tolerable excess noise while keeping the benefits of Gaussian security proofs.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Equilibrium and dynamic moisture adsorption behaviour of bloodmeal based bioplastic

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    Bioplastics can be manufactured from protein or carbohydrate sources such as wheat gluten, corn, sun flower, keratin, casein, soy, gelatine and whey. A recently developed bioplastic is Novatein thermoplastic (NTP), which is produced from bloodmeal by adding water, urea, sodium sulphite, sodium dodecyl sulphate and tri-ethylene glycol (TEG), allowing it to be extruded and injection moulded. Bioplastics, compared to their petroleum counterparts, can readily adsorb or lose water, which then changes their physical properties such as tensile strength and glass transition temperature. NTP at different TEG and water contents was exposed to 20-85% relative humidity (RH) environments and change in mass recorded over 35 days to determine equilibrium and dynamic moisture adsorption behavior. Equilibrium behavior was modelled using modified Freundlich and Langmuir- Freundlich isotherms, and dynamic behavior modelled using Pilosof, Singh- ulshrestha, exponential, Langmuir-Freundlich and simple rate equations. Excellent fits were obtained for both isotherms and the last three rate equations gave best overall fits for dynamics. NTP adsorbed up to 28% by weight in water at 85% RH, reaching equilibrium within 20 days. Plastics with high TEG had a greater affinity for water but lower water adsorption rates, while dry plastic samples had a lower adsorption rate than wet samples. The two parameter Freundlich model and the exponential or simple rate model is recommended for modelling NTP equilibrium and dynamic water adsorption

    Core-collapse supernova neutrinos and neutrino properties

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    Core-collapse supernovae are powerful neutrino sources. The observation of a future (extra-)galactic supernova explosion or of the relic supernova neutrinos might provide important information on the supernova dynamics, on the supernova formation rate and on neutrino properties. One might learn more about unknown neutrino properties either from indirect effects in the supernova (e.g. on the explosion or on in the r-process) or from modifications of the neutrino time or energy distributions in a detector on Earth. Here we will discuss in particular possible effects of CP violation in the lepton sector. We will also mention the interest of future neutrino-nucleus interaction measurements for the precise knowledge of supernova neutrino detector response to electron neutrinos.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings to "Three days of Strong Interactions & Astrophysics HLPW08", 6-8 March 2008, SP

    A new PPN parameter to test Chern-Simons gravity

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    We study Chern-Simons (CS) gravity in the parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) framework through a weak-field solution of the modified field equations. We find that CS gravity possesses the same PPN parameters as general relativity, except for the inclusion of a new term, proportional to the CS coupling and the curl of the PPN vector potential. This new term leads to a modification of frame dragging and gyroscopic precession and we provide an estimate of its size. This correction might be used in experiments, such as Gravity Probe B, to bound CS gravity and test string theory.Comment: 4 pages, replaced with version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letters (December, 2007
