977 research outputs found


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    We can look at the planning as the first function of the management because it will take place before the other functions, the avoidance of errors, the economy of resources and the increase of the company activity performances may be achieved through the planning activity. The policy of the organization producing the road vehicles remains the same as long as the organization will carry out its activity or it may be changed when the managerial team will be also changed. As we said before, throughout the whole period of the application of the policy of the organization producing the road vehicles. The main objective of the strategic planning for the companies producing road vehicles is to establish the main objective of activity of the company and that of the organization of the activities in order to obtain the expected results and the achievement of the objectives. The strategic planning has as distinctive element the approach of the content elements of the management and strategic marketing as a process, made up of successive stages (phases), being in interdependent relations. The action carried out by cascade involves the passage of each phase step by step.marketing, strategic planning, road vehicles, management.

    Enhancement, Authenticity, and Social Acceptance in the Age of Individualism

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    Public attitudes concerning cognitive enhancements are significant for a number of reasons. They tell us about how socially acceptable these emerging technologies are considered to be, but they also provide a window into the ethical reasons that are likely to get traction in the ongoing debates about them. We thus see Conrad et al’s project of empirically investigating the effect of metaphors and context in shaping attitudes about cognitive enhancements as both interesting and important. We sketch what we suspect is a central theme that runs through these public attitudes, but that Conrad el al’s paper elides. We were disappointed that they did not more directly explore the efficacy of frames and metaphors associated with the values of authenticity and self-expression. This seems like a missed opportunity. Based on the premise that individualistic values enjoy centrality in Western and especially North American culture (e.g. Taylor 1989), we hypothesize that metaphors and frames informed by those values will be especially effective in shaping public attitudes. That is, when various kinds of novel enhancement are described as allowing people to more fully express themselves, or as helping people overcome obstacles to being authentic and true to their inner sense of themselves, those enhancements will be considered justified, and their use more likely to be viewed as socially acceptable by the public. We support our contention by drawing on work by Elliott (2004, 2011, c.f. Kadlac 2018), and discuss how this study, and others modeled on it, might shed light on our hypothesis


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    Searching for funding, SMEs' managers face various obstacles arising from information asymmetry, lack of experience, severe market conditions, and insufficient or unsatisfactory collaterals for banks (OECD 2006; Badulescu and Badulescu 2010; OECD 2000 and 2004; Lin and Sun 2006; Toivanen and Cresy, 2000). The collateral issue is extensively discussed in literature - preventing moral hazard, the alignment the interests (Stiglitz and Weiss 1981:393-410; Chan and Thakor 1987:345-363; Jiménez and Saurina 2004), a means to discipline the borrowers behaviour (ex post) given the existence of a credible threat (Aghion and Bolton 1992:473-494), or even banking behaviour on the market (Manove et al. 2001:726-744, Argentiero 2009). In the same time we find that the perception of firms, revealed by National Bank of Romania (NBR 2010) survey data, show that banks still use the collateral as a measure of pressure, in special in crisis times. For an important part of managers, the bank increased the level of required collateral for existing, renewing or new credits, asking for new covenants, revealing a paradox of crisis time: while the bank loans remained the favourite method of external financing needs of business, the banks often reduce their availability. Although the bank loan remains the favorite mean to support the growth ambitions, the higher level of collateral or lending costs are seen as principal obstacles by the majority of manager in EU. According to NBR survey, the influence of risk factors related to collateral had a climax at the end of 2008 and 2009, when the banks have tightened the requirement for loan guarantee. Using National Bank of Romania (NBR 2010) survey data, we show that the banks still use the collateral as a measure of pressure, in special in crisis times. For an important part of managers, the bank increased the level of required collateral for existing, renewing or new credits, asking for new covenants, revealing a paradox of crisis time: while the bank loans remained the favorite method of external financing needs of business, the banks often reduce their availability. According to NBR survey, the influence of risk factors related to collateral had a boom at the end of 2008 and 2009, when the banks have tightened the requirement for loan guarantee. Following the European trend in straightening the credit conditions, Romanian market had a more pregnant evolution with a rapid deterioration of these conditions during the second and the third quarter of 2008. In general terms, the seeking for higher percentage of coverage with real estate collaterals, paradoxically, makes banks more vulnerable, given their pro-cyclical behaviour, feeding the real estate market crisis.SMEs lending, collateral, credit standards

    Innovation – The Key Factor in Global Trade Flow

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    This paper presents in its first part several theoretical approaches on the impact that the innovative factor has globally on the trade circuit. The last part of the paper reveals a quantitative approach of this matter, using an econometric study, which emphasizes the gross expenditures allocated for R & D in European Union and also the exports level towards areas outside EU, during 2002-2009.innovation, research-development, trade.

    Web Content Management Systems, a Collaborative Environment in the Information Society

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    The aim of the present paper is to analyze the main models of collaboration and the use of a Web CMS, in order to develop an online community. Taking into consideration the multitude of the existing Web CMSs on the market and their diverse functionalities, we conducted a prospective study that tests the development trends in the field, with the view of finding out which are the most important Web CMSs in practice, and which are the most important functionalities they have to possess, in order to develop a collaborative online community. The results of the study show that the most popular Web CMS is Joomla, and the most widespread programming language is PHP. Likewise, we consider that this study can help the entry-level web developers to get an overview of the most popular Web CMSs, and their functionalities.collaboration, content management, web content management systems

    Extracting Usage Patterns and the Analysis of Tag Connection Dynamics within Collaborative Tagging Systems

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    Collaborative tagging has become a very popular way of annotation, thanks to the fact that any entity may be labeled by any individual based on his own reason. In this paper we present the results of the case study carried out on the basis of data gathered at different time intervals from the social tagging system developed and implemented on Întelepciune.ro. Analyzing collective data referring to the way in which community members associate different tags, we have observed that between tags, links are formed which become increasingly stable with the passing of time. Following the application of methodology specific to network analysis, we have managed to extract information referring to tag popularity, their influence within the network and the degree to which a tag depends upon another. As such, we have succeeded in determining different semantic structures within the collective tagging system and see their evolution at different stages in time. Furthermore, we have pictured the way in which tag rec-ommendations can be executed and that they can be integrated within recommendation sys-tems. Thus, we will be able to identify experts and trustworthy content based on different cat-egories of interest