2 research outputs found

    Comeback of measles through the border with Venezuela: Controversies between resistance and acceptability

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    The comeback of measles in Brazil through the border with Venezuela has become a social issue. This article makes interdisciplinary reflections about the respective health systems and the polynomial vulnerability/violation/resistance/acceptability within the context of the border region in question. Among the considerations, it is highlighted the success of the Immunization National Program to eradicate measles in Brazil and the fragility of the political and health systems from both countries under analysis regarding border regions mainly in crisis situations. Finally, it is argued that education is the coherent way for the construction of a nation aware of its individual rights and collective duties and that appreciates social policies as they must be respected and valued by the government itself. Thus, herein is an alert on how anti-vaccination movements contribute adversely in the eradication of diseases that can be controlled through more efficacy of vaccination campaigns. &nbsp

    Retalho A-T para reconstrução de ferida operatória na ponta nasal

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    A região nasal é local frequente de tumores cutâneos, e reparar defeitos nessa região pode ser um grande desafio cirúrgico devido à necessidade do restabelecimento de suas propriedades estrutural, funcional e estética. Este estudo descreve a aplicação de um retalho A-T como opção para reconstrução de ferida operatória secundária à excisão de carcinoma basocelular na ponta nasal