220 research outputs found

    Continuous odour measurement from fattening pig units

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    peer reviewedA study in experimental slatted-system fattening pig units was conducted with the aim of estimating the odour emission factor (in ou/s.pig), which can subsequently be used in dispersion models to assess the odour annoyance zone. Dynamic olfactometry measurements carried out at different development stages of pigs showed a logical trend of the mean predicted odour emission factor with the pig weight. However, the variation within the same weight class was much larger than variation between classes. Possible causes of such variation were identified as the evolution of ventilation rate during the day and the circadian rhythm of pig. To be able to monitor continuously the daily variation of the odour, an electronic nose was used with suitable regression model calibrated against olfactometric measurements. After appropriate validation check, the electronic nose proved to be convenient, as a complementary tool to dynamic olfactometry, to record the daily variation of the odour emission factor in the pig barn. It was demonstrated that, in the controlled conditions of the experimental pens, the daily variation of the odour emission rate could be mainly attributed to the sole influence of the circadian rhythm of pig. As a consequence, determining a representative odour emission factor in a real case cannot be based on a snapshot odour sampling

    Technical characteristics and environmental aspects of breeding fattening pigs and weaned piglets on accumulated litters

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    The technique of raising pigs on deep litter consists of leaving the animals on a 30 to 50 cm depth of straw or sawdust which can be used for several batches. This article gives a synthesis on experimental results on rearing 3 to 4 successive batches of fattening pigs or 5 to 6 batches of weaned pigs on straw-based or sawdust-based deep litters. For fattening pigs, this rearing technique required on average 80 kg of sawdust or 45 kg of straw per pig and produced, on average, 123 kg per pig of sawdust-based compost or 159 kg per pig of straw-based manure with a nitrogen content of 1.29 kg and 1.87 kg respectively. For weaned pigs, the rearing technique required on average 15 kg of sawdust or 6 kg of straw per pig and produced, on average, 17 kg of sawdust-based compost per pig or an equivalent quantity of straw-based manure with a nitrogen content of 177 g and 210 g respectively. The cumulative greenhouse gases emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O), calculated in CO2 equivalents, were higher with sawdust-based litter than with straw-based litter of 42 % during fattening periods and of 53% during post-weaning periods. On the contrary, NH3 emissions were higher from the strawbased litter than from the sawdust-based litter but only during post- weaning periods (+ 160 %), not during fattening periods. None of the two litters presents a decisive advantage on the other on an environmental point of view.L’élevage sur litières accumulées consiste à héberger des animaux sur une couche de 30 à 50 cm d’épaisseur de litière qui n’est évacuée qu’après le séjour d’un ou de plusieurs lots. Cet article présente la synthèse des résultats d’expérimentations se rapportant aux séjours successifs de 3 à 4 lots de porcs charcutiers ou de 5 à 6 lots de porcelets sevrés sur litières accumulées de paille ou de sciure. Pour les porcs charcutiers, cette technique d’élevage a nécessité l’utilisation d’environ 80 kg de sciure ou 45 kg de paille par animal et a produit en moyenne, par porc engraissé, 123 kg de compost de sciure ou 159 kg de fumier pailleux contenant respectivement 1,29 et 1,87 kg d’azote. Le séjour de porcelets en post-sevrage a nécessité l’utilisation d’environ 15 kg de sciure ou 6 kg de paille par animal et a produit, en moyenne, 17 kg de compost à base de sciure ou une quantité équivalente de fumier pailleux par porcelet, dont les contenus en azote étaient respectivement de 177 et 210 g. Les émissions cumulées de gaz à effet de serre (N2O, CH4 et CO2 ), exprimées en équivalents CO2 , ont été supérieures à partir des litières de sciure comparées à celles à base de paille, de respectivement 42 % lors de leur utilisation en engraissement et de 53 % en post-sevrage. A l’inverse, les émissions de NH3 ont été plus élevées à partir des fumiers pailleux mais essentiellement en période de post-sevrage (+ 160 %), pas en engraissement. Aucune des deux litières ne présente un avantage décisif d’un point de vue environnemental par rapport à l’autre

    La prise en compte des contraintes environnementales en élevage: code de bonnes pratiques et aspects réglementaires

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    As all other activities, livestock production represents a risk of nuisances for the environment. The author describes the risks of causing water pollution from applying livestock wastes to land and the risks of air pollution from odours and ammonia. The agricultural practices which minimise the nuisances and the Belgian environmental protection laws concerning the building of animal houses and the disposal of farm wastes are presente
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