2 research outputs found

    An Ontology Based Scheme for Formal Care Plan Meta-Description

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    Contemporary healthcare delivery is based on state-of-the-art scientific best practices captured in systematically developed formal care plans which include guidelines, clinical protocols, integrated care pathways, etc. Research so far has addressed the computerized execution of formal care plans by developing a number of related representation languages, execution engines and integrated platforms to support real time care plan execution. However, much less effort has been put into organizing available formal care plans. In this paper we propose a conceptual model and an ontology for a meta-description of the formal care plan. The proposed conceptual model and ontology allows semantic tagging and enrichment of clinical protocols so that they can be used and reused across platforms and also be linked directly to other relevant scientific information, e.g. published works in Pub-Med or personal health records, and other clinical information systems. It also allows modelling of the provenance and justifications for modifications or alterations to care plans

    Integrated visualisation of wearable sensor data and risk models for individualised health monitoring and risk assessment to promote patient empowerment

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    Patient empowerment delivers health and social care services that enable people to gain more control of their healthcare needs. With the advancement of sensor technologies, it is increasingly possible to monitor people’s health with dedicated wearable sensors. The consistent measurements from a variety of wearable sensors imply that a huge amount of data may be exploited to monitor and predict people’s health using medically proven models. In the process of health data representation and analysis, visualisation can be employed to promote data analysis and knowledge discovery via mature visual paradigms and well-designed user interactions. In this paper, we introduce the role of visualisation for individualised health monitoring and risk management in the background of a European Commission funded project, which aims to provide self-management of cardiorenal diseases with the assistance of wearable sensors. The visualisation components of health monitoring, risk model exploration, and risk analysis are presented to achieve personalised health and risk monitoring and to promote people’s wellbeing. It allows the patients not only to view existing risks, but also to gain awareness of the right pathway to change their lifestyles in order to reduce potential health risks