123 research outputs found

    Universal noise and Efimov physics

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    Probability distributions for correlation functions of particles interacting via random-valued fields are discussed as a novel tool for determining the spectrum of a theory. In particular, this method is used to determine the energies of universal N-body clusters tied to Efimov trimers, for even N, by investigating the distribution of a correlation function of two particles at unitarity. Using numerical evidence that this distribution is log-normal, an analytical prediction for the N-dependence of the N-body binding energies is made.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Invited contribution to the 21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB21

    Baryon properties in meson mediums from lattice QCD

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    We present results for the ground-state mass shifts of octet baryons due to the presence of a medium of pions or kaons from a lattice QCD calculation performed at a single value of the quark mass, corresponding to a pion mass of mπm_\pi ~ 390 MeV, and a spatial volume V ~ (4fm)^3. We use a canonical approach in which correlators are formed using a single baryon propagator and a fixed number of meson propagators, up to n=9. From the ground-state energies we calculate two- and three-body interaction parameters. We also extract combinations of low-energy constants by comparing our results to tree level chiral perturbation theory at non-zero isospin/kaon chemical potential.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2013), July 29 - August 3, 2013, Mainz, German

    Lattice methods for strongly interacting many-body systems

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    Lattice field theory methods, usually associated with non-perturbative studies of quantum chromodynamics, are becoming increasingly common in the calculation of ground-state and thermal properties of strongly interacting non-relativistic few- and many-body systems, blurring the interfaces between condensed matter, atomic and low-energy nuclear physics. While some of these techniques have been in use in the area of condensed matter physics for a long time, others, such as hybrid Monte Carlo and improved effective actions, have only recently found their way across areas. With this topical review, we aim to provide a modest overview and a status update on a few notable recent developments. For the sake of brevity we focus on zero-temperature, non-relativistic problems. After a short introduction, we lay out some general considerations and proceed to discuss sampling algorithms, observables, and systematic effects. We show selected results on ground- and excited-state properties of fermions in the limit of unitarity. The appendix contains details on group theory on the lattice.Comment: 64 pages, 32 figures; topical review for J. Phys. G; replaced with published versio

    N-body Efimov states from two-particle noise

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    The ground state energies of universal N-body clusters tied to Efimov trimers, for N even, are shown to be encapsulated in the statistical distribution of two particles interacting with a background auxiliary field at large Euclidean time when the interaction is tuned to the unitary point. Numerical evidence that this distribution is log-normal is presented, allowing one to predict the ground-state energies of the N-body system.Comment: Extended discussion of results; published versio
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