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    A Caratheodory theorem for the bidisk via Hilbert space methods

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    If \ph is an analytic function bounded by 1 on the bidisk \D^2 and \tau\in\tb is a point at which \ph has an angular gradient \nabla\ph(\tau) then \nabla\ph(\la) \to \nabla\ph(\tau) as \la\to\tau nontangentially in \D^2. This is an analog for the bidisk of a classical theorem of Carath\'eodory for the disk. For \ph as above, if \tau\in\tb is such that the lim inf\liminf of (1-|\ph(\la)|)/(1-\|\la\|) as \la\to\tau is finite then the directional derivative D_{-\de}\ph(\tau) exists for all appropriate directions \de\in\C^2. Moreover, one can associate with \ph and τ\tau an analytic function hh in the Pick class such that the value of the directional derivative can be expressed in terms of hh