5 research outputs found

    Capital Flows, Capital Account Liberalisation and the Mediterranean Countries

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    This paper examines questions related to possible capital account liberalisation in the Mediterranean countries. First, we provide an overview of the extent to which these countries have capital controls along with their exchange rate regimes and some basic macroeconomic aggregates. Second, we examine the case for capital account liberalisation, along with the prerequisites for successful liberalisation. Here we consider issues such as sequencing and possible benefits of synchronisation. Finally, we examine the experience with capital flows – both FDI and other capital flows. We explain these flows and use the past experience of these countries to draw some conclusions for the successful opening up of the capital account.capital account liberalisation, Mediterranean countries, capital flows

    Current account determinants and external sustainability in periods of structural change

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    The aim of this paper is to study the main macroeconomic, financial and structural characteristics that affected current account developments in Greece over the period 1960-2007 and link these to the issue of external sustainability. Concerns over Greece’s external sustainability have emerged since 1999 when the current account deficit widened substantially and exhibited high persistence. The empirical model used, which theoretically rests on the intertemporal approach, treats the current account as the gap between domestic saving and investment. We examine the behaviour of the current account in the long run and the short run using co-integration analysis and a variety of econometric tests to account for the effect of significant structural changes in the period under review. We find that a stable equilibrium current account model can be derived if the ratio of private sector financing to GDP, as a proxy for financial liberalization, is included in the specification. Policy options to restore the country’s external sustainability are explored by performing a simulation exercise based on the estimated equilibrium model.Current account model; external sustainability

    Current account determinants and external sustainability in periods of structural change

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    The aim of this paper is to study the main macroeconomic, financial and structural factors that shaped current account developments in Greece over the period from 1960 to 2007 and discuss these developments in relation to the issue of external sustainability. Concerns over Greece’s external sustainability have emerged since 1999 when the current account deficit widened substantially and exhibited high persistence. The empirical model used, which theoretically rests on the intertemporal approach, treats the current account as the gap between domestic saving and investment. We examine the behaviour of the current account in the long run and the short run using co-integration analysis and a variety of econometric tests to account for the effect of significant structural changes in the period under review. We find that a stable equilibrium current account model can be derived if the ratio of private sector financing to GDP, as a proxy for financial liberalisation, is included in the specification. Policy options to restore the country’s external sustainability are explored based on the estimated equilibrium model. JEL Classification: F30, F32Current account model, external sustainability