4,551 research outputs found

    Imperialism and accountability in corporate law: the limitations of incorporation law as a regulatory mechanism

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    This article discusses the limitations of the law incorporating a corporation (‘incorporation law’) as a control or governance mechanism in a world where it is increasingly difficult to prevent corporations choosing the incorporation law which suits them best. It uses as an example of the globalising pressures in this field three important cases on the right of establishment in the European Union

    “A figure of a nude woman”: Art, Popular Culture, and Modernity at the Canadian National Exhibition, 1927

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    The Art Gallery of the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto included in its display in 1927 three paintings of nudes. The ensuing debate carried out in newspaper editorials and letters to the editor extended beyond discussion of the paintings themselves to reveal concerns about being modern and negotiating cultural change in the 1920s. Perceived shifts in moral standards, popular culture, and women's bodies were key areas of unease. Issues pertaining to the challenge to established hierarchies and ways of ordering space and identity also became apparent in the discussions of class, gender, and age. Trois peintures de nus Ă©taient exposĂ©es dans la galerie d’arts de l’Exposition nationale canadienne de 1927 Ă  Toronto. Leur prĂ©sence a suscitĂ© dans les Ă©ditoriaux et les lettres Ă  la rĂ©daction des journaux un dĂ©bat qui transcendait les peintures proprement dites pour rĂ©vĂ©ler des prĂ©occupations sur la modernitĂ© et la nĂ©gociation du tournant culturel dans les annĂ©es 1920. L’évolution perçue des moeurs, la culture populaire et le corps de la femme Ă©taient des sujets de malaise. Les questions entourant les dĂ©fis Ă  l’ordre Ă©tabli de mĂȘme qu’aux modes d’amĂ©nagement de l’espace et de façonnement de l’identitĂ© ont Ă©galement Ă©mergĂ© dans les dĂ©bats sur la classe, le sexe et l’ñge

    A Debt to the Dead? Ethics, Photography, History, and the Study of Freakery

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    Do historians have an ethical duty to the dead? Using the context of the history of North American freak shows in the twentieth century in general and a photograph of “the Elephant Skinned Boys” in particular, this article explores the knot of historical practice, ethics, and the politics of archiving and publishing to question whether or not historical practice may perpetuate vulnerabilities and inequities. The fragments of archival documents can raise important ethical questions of vulnerability, reproduction, and historians’ complicity in the legacies of vulnerability and unequal power relations.Les historiens ont-ils des rĂšgles de dĂ©ontologie Ă  respecter Ă  l’égard des morts? Se plaçant de maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale dans le contexte de l’histoire des spectacles nord-amĂ©ricains oĂč l’on montrait des phĂ©nomĂšnes au cours du XXe siĂšcle et utilisant en particulier une photographie des « Elephant Skinned Boys » (garçons Ă  la peau d’élĂ©phant), l’auteure se penche sur les liens entre la pratique historienne, la dĂ©ontologie et la politique d’archivage et de publication pour se demander si la pratique historienne ne perpĂ©tuerait pas des vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s et des inĂ©galitĂ©s. Les fragments de documents d’archives soulĂšvent parfois d’importantes questions de dĂ©ontologie concernant la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©, la reproduction et la complicitĂ© des historiens dans la perpĂ©tuation de la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© et de l’inĂ©galitĂ© des relations de pouvoir

    Partnership in Pensions? Responses to the Pensions Green Paper

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    The government's pensions Green Paper 'a new contract for welfare: partnership in pensions' proposes fundamental changes to the UK's retirement income system. Members of CASE and the Department of Social Policy at LSE have looked at the likely implications of the reforms for pensioner poverty, income security in old age, economic growth, the National Insurance system, tax reliefs, and women. Agulnik's analysis of redistributive effects of the State Second Pension (SSP) shows that it will result in much better benefits for low earners than would have been the case under SERPS. However, financing this improved provision through National Insurance contributions will mean that the burden of paying for the new scheme will be heaviest for those close to the upper earnings limit. Barr questions the macro-economic advantages of increasing the amount of funded pension provision via Stakeholder pensions. He finds there is no particular reason to favour the proposed balance of 60% private pension provision to 40% public provision over some other ratio. He also finds that Stakeholder pensions will not offer contributors complete income security in retirement due to uncertainties about investment returns, annuity rates and future inflation. Falkingham and Rake argue that the Government's proposals have failed to incorporate fully the needs of women. Women will be underrepresented amongst Stakeholder pensioners, and the exclusion of very low earners and carers with children over 5 from eligibility for the SSP will adversely affect women. Agulnik then looks at the proposed tax relief rules for Stakeholder pensions. While there are good reasons for the proposed ÂŁ3,600 limit to tax relief on contributions, the retention of the existing rules for personal and occupational schemes is anomalous.new contract for welfare, partnership in pensions, UK retirement income system

    Sensitive detection of methane at 3.3 ÎŒm using an integrating sphere and interband cascade laser

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    Detection of methane at 3.3ÎŒm using a DFB Interband Cascade Laser and gold coated integrating sphere is performed. A 10cm diameter sphere with effective path length of 54.5cm was adapted for use as a gas cell. A comparison between this system and one using a 25cm path length single-pass gas cell is made using direct TDLS and methane concentrations between 0 and 1000 ppm. Initial investigations suggest a limit of detection of 1.0ppm for the integrating sphere and 2.2ppm for the single pass gas cell. The system has potential applications in challenging or industrial environments subject to high levels of vibration

    Optimal Sizing of Energy Storage with Embedded Wind Power Generation

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    Energy storage technologies are key to increased penetration of renewable energies on the distribution system. Not only do they increase availability of energy, but they contribute to the overall reliability of the system. However, the cost of large-scale storage systems can often be prohibitive, and storage needs to be sized appropriately, both to fill the energy gaps inevitable in renewable energies such as wind and to minimize costs. In this work, a Monte Carlo Simulation is performed to optimally size an energy storage system while minimizing overall system cost. 30 years of historical wind speed data are used to model the probabilistic behaviour of the wind and the seasonal variation of the wind is captured in the model. A generation adequacy assessment shows the system reliability increasing with energy storage. The energy storage is sized for reliable operation of the case study system with 60% wind penetration. The levelized cost of storage is calculated for the optimally sized level of storage and for the level of storage required to make wind power generation reliable
