394 research outputs found

    Managing risk and consistency in the raw material supply chain for single use systems

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    As the bioprocessing industry moves increasingly towards single use systems (SUS), security of supply at the raw material level becomes imperative to quality. Long term supply of consistent, high quality materials desired for single use film is directly attributed to the stability, continuity and quality of raw material supply from the film manufacturer. This presentation will focus on the strategic selection of raw materials for a single use platform film in the bioprocessing industry to minimize risk associated with change notifications. Utilizing a quality by design approach, a single use film was formulated with no added Irgafos 168, enhanced abuse resistance and a low extractables and leachables profile. There are several factors that are critically important to understanding quality and risk of supply in raw material sourcing. This presentation will outline the raw material selection process established to ensure supply continuity and high quality desired for use in bioprocessing films. A comprehensive study was conducted on raw materials prior to film validation and quality controls were established to ensure consistency prior to processing into single use films

    eleanor: An open-source tool for extracting light curves from the TESS Full-Frame Images

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    During its two year prime mission the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) will perform a time-series photometric survey covering over 80% of the sky. This survey comprises observations of 26 24 x 96 degree sectors that are each monitored continuously for approximately 27 days. The main goal of TESS is to find transiting planets around 200,000 pre-selected stars for which fixed aperture photometry is recorded every two minutes. However, TESS is also recording and delivering Full-Frame Images (FFIs) of each detector at a 30 minute cadence. We have created an open-source tool, eleanor, to produce light curves for objects in the TESS FFIs. Here, we describe the methods used in eleanor to produce light curves that are optimized for planet searches. The tool performs background subtraction, aperture and PSF photometry, decorrelation of instrument systematics, and cotrending using principal component analysis. We recover known transiting exoplanets in the FFIs to validate the pipeline and perform a limited search for new planet candidates in Sector 1. Our tests indicate that eleanor produces light curves with significantly less scatter than other tools that have been used in the literature. Cadence-stacked images, and raw and detrended eleanor light curves for each analyzed star will be hosted on MAST, with planet candidates on ExoFOP-TESS as Community TESS Objects of Interest (CTOIs). This work confirms the promise that the TESS FFIs will enable the detection of thousands of new exoplanets and a broad range of time domain astrophysics.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, Accepted to PAS

    Harmonization Across Imaging Locations(HAIL): One-Shot Learning for Brain MRI

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    For machine learning-based prognosis and diagnosis of rare diseases, such as pediatric brain tumors, it is necessary to gather medical imaging data from multiple clinical sites that may use different devices and protocols. Deep learning-driven harmonization of radiologic images relies on generative adversarial networks (GANs). However, GANs notoriously generate pseudo structures that do not exist in the original training data, a phenomenon known as "hallucination". To prevent hallucination in medical imaging, such as magnetic resonance images (MRI) of the brain, we propose a one-shot learning method where we utilize neural style transfer for harmonization. At test time, the method uses one image from a clinical site to generate an image that matches the intensity scale of the collaborating sites. Our approach combines learning a feature extractor, neural style transfer, and adaptive instance normalization. We further propose a novel strategy to evaluate the effectiveness of image harmonization approaches with evaluation metrics that both measure image style harmonization and assess the preservation of anatomical structures. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in preserving patient anatomy while adjusting the image intensities to a new clinical site. Our general harmonization model can be used on unseen data from new sites, making it a valuable tool for real-world medical applications and clinical trials.Comment: Under revie


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    We have previously shown the importance of immune factors in posterior fossa ependymoma (PF EPN). Recently, we found eight transcriptionally unique subpopulations of myeloid cells infiltrating PF EPN with one population particularly enriched in PFA1 tumors. This subpopulation, denoted as hypoxia myeloid subpopulation, is defined by genes associated with angiogenesis, hypoxia response, wound healing, cell migration, neutrophil activation, and response to oxygen levels. TREM1 (Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1) was found to be expressed almost exclusively within this hypoxia myeloid subpopulation. TREM1 encodes for a receptor belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily that is expressed on myeloid cells, and stimulates neutrophil and monocyte inflammatory responses. However, single-cell RNAseq give little data suggesting location of cells within the tumor microenvironment. We performed immunohistochemistry (IHC) on our bank of ~90 FFPE PFA EPN samples using TREM1 to characterize and identify the location of the hypoxia myeloid cells. The TREM1 positive cells have an ambiguous cytomorphology reminiscent of a monocyte with modest cytoplasm and a mono-lobated nucleus. IHC also showed that TREM1+ myeloid cells are largely localized to the interface of necrosis and viable tissue, most frequently in a perivascular and intravascular distribution. The latter finding suggests that the TREM1+ cells are derived from the bone marrow and that they may be associated with the mesenchymal tumor population (MEC), which we have previously described as being enriched in PFA1 tumors and localizing to perinecrotic zones. This is supported by parallel IHC analysis of subpopulation-specific markers in the same cohort of PFA EPN which showed the highest TREM1 correlation was with CAIX, a marker of MEC. In PFA matched primary/recurrent pairs, the proportion of TREM1+ cells were increased at recurrence in the majority of cases, suggesting an evolving interaction between this TREM1+ hypoxia myeloid subpopulation and neoplastic cells over the disease course


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    Ependymoma (EPN) of childhood is curable in only 50% of cases, with recurrences in the remainder that are refractory to treatment. In recent years significant advances have been made in understanding the molecular and cellular biology of EPN. Recent studies show that PFA subgroup EPN are comprised of multiple neoplastic subpopulations that show undifferentiated, differentiated and mesenchymal characteristics. These studies focused on tumor at presentation, with recurrent EPN being less well understood. In the present longitudinal study we examine changes in neoplastic cell heterogeneity in serial presentations of PFA EPN using deconvolution (Cibersort) of bulk RNAseq data. Analysis of a cohort of 48 PFA EPN presenting at Children’s Colorado showed survival and PFA1/PFA2 subtype assignment was associated with the proportion of individual neoplastic subpopulations as determined by deconvolution. Tumors that subsequently regrew had a significantly higher estimated proportion of undifferentiated EPN cells (UEC) at presentation, than those that were non-recurrent after 5 years follow-up. This outcome association potentially age related, as UEC proportions are significantly higher in PFA arising in children < 1 year old who have a particularly poor prognosis. Changes in PFA neoplastic subpopulations at recurrence was performed in two cohorts of patients from Children’s Colorado (n=23) and Nottingham, UK (n=15). As a whole, no subpopulation proportion was significantly changed at recurrence. However, separation of PFA into subtypes PFA1 and PFA2 revealed an increase in the proportion of the cilia-differentiated EPN cell subpopulation is more frequent event in PFA1 (15/24), and rare in PFA2 (2/11). Changes in other neoplastic subpopulations at recurrence were smaller and only seen in PFA1, both UEC and mesenchymal subpopulations being lower at recurrence. In summary, only PFA1 showed dynamic changes in neoplastic subpopulation proportions at recurrence, with potential impacts on transcriptomic based-subgroup assignment, whereas PFA2 proportions remained largely stable

    Epen-23. A computational analysis of the tumour immune microenvironment in paediatric ependymoma

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    Ependymoma is the third commonest childhood brain tumour. Relapse is frequent, often fatal and current therapeutic strategies are inadequate. Previous ependymoma research describes an immunosuppressive environment with T-cell exhaustion, indicating a lack of response to T-cell directed immunotherapy. Understanding the immune microenvironment is therefore critical. We present a computational analysis of ependymoma, gene expression derived, immune profiles. Using 465 ependymoma samples from gene expression datasets (GSE64415, GSE50385, GSE100240) and two RNA-seq databases from UK ependymomas, we applied bulk tumour deconvolution methods (CIBERSORT and xCell) to infer immune cell populations. Additionally, we measured checkpoint blockade related mRNAs and used immunohistochemistry to investigate cell populations in ependymoma sections. CIBERSORT indicated high proportions of M2-like macrophages and smaller proportions of activated natural killer (NK) cells, T follicular helper cells, CD4+ memory T-cells and B-cells. xCell overlapped with the M2-like macrophage and CD4+ memory T-cell signatures seen in CIBERSORT. On immunohistochemistry, T and B cells were scarce, with small numbers of CD8+, CD4+ and CD20+ cells in the parenchyma but greater numbers in surrounding regions. CD68 was more highly expressed in the parenchyma. Analysis of nine checkpoint ligands and receptors demonstrated only the TIM3/GAL9 combination was reliably detectable. GAL9 is implicated in tumour interactions with T-cells and macrophages elsewhere, possibly contributing to poorer outcomes. Our study supports the presence of myeloid cells being leading contributors to the ependymoma immune microenvironment. Further work will delineate the extent of myeloid contribution to immunosuppression across molecular subtypes. Modulation of tumour immunity may contribute to better clinical outcomes


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    We have previously shown immune gene phenotype variations between posterior fossa ependymoma subgroups. PFA1 tumors chronically secrete IL-6, which induces secretion of myeloid cell IL-8 and pushes the infiltrating myeloid cells to an immune suppressive function. In contrast, PFA2 tumors have a more immune activated phenotype associated with a better prognosis. The objective of this study was to use single-cell(sc) RNAseq to descriptively characterize the infiltrating myeloid cells. We analyzed approximately 8500 cells from 21 PFA patient samples. Using advanced machine learning, we identified eight myeloid cell subpopulations with unique gene expression profiles. Interestingly, only one subpopulation was significantly enriched in PFA1 tumors. This subpopulation, denoted as the hypoxia myeloid subpopulation, was defined by genes associated with angiogenesis, response to hypoxia, wound healing, cell migration, neutrophil activation and response to oxygen levels. These myeloid cells also share similar gene expression profile to a mesenchymal tumor subpopulation (MEC) enriched in PFA1 and associated with poor outcome in EPN patients. This tumor subpopulation was the only population expressing IL-6. Using immunohistochemistry, we found the hypoxia myeloid located in regions of tumor necrosis and perivascular niches. The MEC cells were also more abundant in these regions. In an independent single-cell cytokine release assay, we identified eight subpopulations of functional myeloid cells. One subpopulation significantly secreted IL-8, which represented the hypoxia subpopulation based on IL-8 gene expression in the scRNAseq dataset. This data suggests the tumor necrosis resulting in the development of MEC tumor subpopulation is driving the immune suppressive myeloid phenotype in PFA1 tumors through polarization of myeloid cells to the hypoxia subpopulation. Further studies are needed to determine how these myeloid cells interact with the lymphocyte subpopulation
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