4 research outputs found
Sexualité des femmes ménopausées en Afrique sub-saharienne: exemple du Sénégal
Introduction: en Afrique, la vie sexuelle après la ménopause reste un domaine mal exploré du fait de son caractère tabou. L'objectif de cette étude était d'apprécier la qualité de la sexualité du couple au cours de la ménopause. Methodes: il s'agissait d'une une enquête transversale concernant un échantillon représentatif de 320 femmes ménopausées. Les critères d'inclusion étaient la ménopause naturelle. N'étaient pas incluses de l'étude les patientes ayant fait l'objet d'une ménopause précoce ou iatrogène. La fiche d'enquête était divisée en 4 chapitres : les caractéristiques socio-culturelles de la femme, les données cliniques, les données psycho-sexuelles et les données thérapeutiques. Nous avons utilisé la comparaison des proportions et le test du Chi 2 avec un seuil de signification inférieur à 0,05. Resultats: l'âge moyen des femmes était de 60 ans. L'âge moyen de survenue de la ménopause était de 48 ans et l'ancienneté de la ménopause était de 11,3 ans. Aucune femme de notre étude n'était épargnée par les manifestations du syndrome climatérique. Les bouffées de chaleur étaient présentes dans 85,9%, la sècheresse vaginale dans 62,8% et les troubles urinaires dans 52,5%. Seules les femmes mariées déclaraient avoir des rapports sexuels avec leurs conjoints (62,1%). Ces rapports sexuels étaient occasionnels dans 68,9% des cas alors que 18,1% des femmes n'avaient plus d'activité sexuelle. La diminution de l'activité sexuelle était due aux troubles de l'érection du conjoint (62% des couples) et au manque de désir sexuel (83,5% des femmes). Une absence d'excitation sexuelle et d'orgasme étaient également retrouvée respectivement dans 92% et 100%. Cependant, 93,5 % des femmes mariées jugeaient supportable leur vécu. Conclusion: le statut marital, la dyspareunie, la sècheresse vaginale et les troubles érectiles du conjoint ont un impact réel sur la sexualité de la femme ménopausée au Sénégal
Epidemiological, clinical, prognostic and therapeutic aspects of twin delivery in two referral maternity units in Dakar (Senegal)
Background: Twin pregnancy is the simultaneous development of two embryos and then two fetuses in the uterine cavity. Objective of present study was to assess the epidemiological, clinical, prognostic and therapeutic aspects of twin delivery in two referral maternity units in Dakar.Methods: A descriptive and analytical retrospective bi-centric study of all cases of twin deliveries recorded in two referral center in Dakar was conducted during the period January 1st, 2005-December 31st, 2015, i.e. an 11-year period. It concerned 619 pregnant women who gave birth to twins in these two referral medical structures. The epidemiological parameters, clinical, prognostic and therapeutic aspects of twin childbirth were studied. The data were entered and analysed using Epi info version 3.5.3.Results: The twinning prevalence was 1.11%. The majority of our parturient women (506 or 81.7% of the cases) came from the Dakar suburbs. The average age of the parturient women was 28 years and the gestity age 3.1. Pregnancy was well monitored for 98.5% of the parturient women with an average number of prenatal consultations of 3.6. The first prenatal consultation was performed in 52% of cases in the first quarter. In more than one third of cases (234 or 37.8%), the diagnosis was made in the third quarter of pregnancy. 113 cases (18.2%) of premature rupture of membranes, 10 cases (1.61%) of threat of premature delivery and 7 cases (11.13%) of placenta previa were registered. During labour, the diagnosis was made by clinical examination in 32.2% of cases. Bichorial biamniotic twin pregnancy was the most frequent anatomical type (62.6%). On admission, the first twin (T1) was in cephalic presentation in 56.7%, in breech presentation in 15.2%; The second twin (T2) was in breech presentation in 21.1% of the cases. Caesarean section was related to the first twin in 50.6% and the second twin in 53.8% of the cases. Caesarean section was performed in 50.6% for the first twin and in 53.8% for the second twin. The mean time interval between the delivery of T1 and that of T2 was 17.4 min. Low birth weight was more frequent for the second twin (54.3%). The stillbirth rate was 48.26 per thousand. Maternal complications were dominated by renal-vascular syndromes (4.2%), haemorrhagic causes (1.86%), perineal lesions (1.6%) and uterine rupture (0.97%). Postpartum haemorrhage was observed in 8 cases (1.29%). Maternal mortality was nilConclusions: Twin delivery poses varying difficulties due to the complexity of obstetrical mechanics and the frequency of dystocic presentations. Despite improved maternal prognosis, in recent years, perinatal mortality and morbidity, still high, remain a constant concern
Laparoscopic management of cervical and endometrial cancer in Africa: experience of the National Hospital Centre of Pikine
Background: Laparotomy represents the standard historical surgical approach to these cancers. Process of treatment of benign adnexal pathologies to the emergence of a new pathway for the management of these cancerous pathologies.Methods: Our prospective study from December 2016 to December 2018 included 10 patients with early-stage uterine cancer and endometrial cancer confirmed by MRI. The characteristics of patients, their cancer, their intervention and morbidity were revealed.Results: Our results show that the average age of the patients was 63 years; There were 2 cases of cervical cancer and 8 cases of endometrial cancer. For cervical cancer, it was essentially squamous cell carcinoma; one patient was at stage Ia2 and the other at stage Ib1. For endometrial cancers, squamous cell carcinoma was 80%; 6 patients were in stage IB and 2 in stage IC. Of the 10 patients undergoing surgery, 9 had laparoscopic colpohysterectomy and lymphadectomy and one complementary laparoscopic lymphadenectomy. The average number of lymph nodes removed was 9 and no lymph node metastasis was found. In the immediate postoperative period, one patient had transient urinary incontinence and another had vaginal slice lymphorhea.Conclusions: The main interest of this practice is to be the least morbid possible for patients at the early stage. With our short experience, we obtained a reduction in operating time, a reduction in hospital stay, a decrease in the consumption of analgesics and antibiotics postoperatively and a reduction in per and postoperative complications
Epidemiological, clinical, prognostic and therapeutic aspects of twin delivery in two referral maternity units in Dakar (Senegal)
Background: Twin pregnancy is the simultaneous development of two embryos and then two fetuses in the uterine cavity. Objective of present study was to assess the epidemiological, clinical, prognostic and therapeutic aspects of twin delivery in two referral maternity units in Dakar.Methods: A descriptive and analytical retrospective bi-centric study of all cases of twin deliveries recorded in two referral center in Dakar was conducted during the period January 1st, 2005-December 31st, 2015, i.e. an 11-year period. It concerned 619 pregnant women who gave birth to twins in these two referral medical structures. The epidemiological parameters, clinical, prognostic and therapeutic aspects of twin childbirth were studied. The data were entered and analysed using Epi info version 3.5.3.Results: The twinning prevalence was 1.11%. The majority of our parturient women (506 or 81.7% of the cases) came from the Dakar suburbs. The average age of the parturient women was 28 years and the gestity age 3.1. Pregnancy was well monitored for 98.5% of the parturient women with an average number of prenatal consultations of 3.6. The first prenatal consultation was performed in 52% of cases in the first quarter. In more than one third of cases (234 or 37.8%), the diagnosis was made in the third quarter of pregnancy. 113 cases (18.2%) of premature rupture of membranes, 10 cases (1.61%) of threat of premature delivery and 7 cases (11.13%) of placenta previa were registered. During labour, the diagnosis was made by clinical examination in 32.2% of cases. Bichorial biamniotic twin pregnancy was the most frequent anatomical type (62.6%). On admission, the first twin (T1) was in cephalic presentation in 56.7%, in breech presentation in 15.2%; The second twin (T2) was in breech presentation in 21.1% of the cases. Caesarean section was related to the first twin in 50.6% and the second twin in 53.8% of the cases. Caesarean section was performed in 50.6% for the first twin and in 53.8% for the second twin. The mean time interval between the delivery of T1 and that of T2 was 17.4 min. Low birth weight was more frequent for the second twin (54.3%). The stillbirth rate was 48.26 per thousand. Maternal complications were dominated by renal-vascular syndromes (4.2%), haemorrhagic causes (1.86%), perineal lesions (1.6%) and uterine rupture (0.97%). Postpartum haemorrhage was observed in 8 cases (1.29%). Maternal mortality was nilConclusions: Twin delivery poses varying difficulties due to the complexity of obstetrical mechanics and the frequency of dystocic presentations. Despite improved maternal prognosis, in recent years, perinatal mortality and morbidity, still high, remain a constant concern