30 research outputs found
Correlation study of organizational activity on student resilience at the Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University: Studi korelasi keaktifan berorganisasi terhadap resiliensi mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana
Students face difficulties because they must learn and develop by joining organizations. Therefore, resilience is needed. This study aims to determine the role of organizational activity on the resilience of students of the Medical Faculty at Udayana University. The research subjects were 150 organizational functionary students at the Medical Faculty, Udayana University. The measurement uses the Organizational Activeness and Resilience Scale constructed by researchers. The results show that organizational activity plays a role and contributes 39.1% to increasing resilience. Being active in an organization develops flexibility, creativity and becomes a source of social support that increases resilience
Density, Morphology and Egg Clusters of Pila scutata Snails at Rice Fields Area in Peringsari Village, Bali
Pila scutata is a species belonging to the Ampullariidae family. One of the habitats of the snail is rice fields. Snails are used as an alternative protein source in Bali. The focus of this research was to determine the snail density, morphology, morphometry, and egg clusters in rice fields in the Selat District of the Karangasem Regency in Bali. Snails were collected in the morning by erecting a 1m x 1m quadrat in each corner of the rice field. Snails ranging in size from small to large were collected in the quadrats, on the surface of the water, in the water, and attached to aquatic plants. Snail egg clusters were discovered while exploring the rice fields where snail samples were collected. Sampling was repeated three times. Snail and egg cluster samples were brought to the lab for examination. The density, frequency of presence, distribution pattern, morphology, and morphometry of the snails were all calculated. The number of eggs in one egg cluster was determined by separating each egg from the egg cluster. According to the findings, the snail density was 3.75 individuals/m2, the presence frequency was absolute, and the distribution pattern was regular. The shell height was 17.02-31.09 mm, and the snails had a subglobose shape with brown transverse band. A single egg cluster could contain 29-67 eggs.
Keywords: mollusk, ampullariidae, apple snails, Pil
ABSTRAKTari Leko merupakan salah satu peninggalan tari tradisi Bali yang harus dilestarikan, karena kondisi perkembangannya saat ini sangat meng-khawatirkan. Terlebih, Tari Leko hanya ada di Desa Tunjuk Tabanan dan di Banjar Parekan, Sibang Gede, Denpasar. Penampilan Tari Leko selalu dikaitkan dengan manusa yadnya, khususnya mesesangi (khaul) yang dilakukan oleh seseorang terhadap Tuhan atau roh leluhur. Oleh sebab itu, dalam setiap pertunjukan selalu ada sarana upacara yang berupa banten untuk menghubungkan niat manusia dengan Tuhan dan para leluhurnya. Pada bagian akhir pertunjukannya, orang tua dan anak yang mengundang harus tampil menari bersama dengan penari Leko sebagai tanda bahwa sesangi telah terbayar, dan saat menari bersama ini disebut ibing-ibingan. Penggalian data dalam tulisan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan menggabungkan observasi langsung dan data literer. Adapun hasil yang ditemukan, bahwa masyarakat Bali sangat percaya dengan kekuatan gaib yang ada di sekitarnya. Adapun dalam berperilaku, mereka mengacu pada ajaran yang disebut Tri Kaya Parisudha, yaitu pikiran, perkataan, dan perbuatan harus selalu sejalan.Kata Kunci: Kepercayaan, Seni Pertunjukan, Tari Leko. ABSTRACT. Leko Dance Between Art Arts With Trust, December 2019. Leko Dance Is A Relic Of Balinese Traditional Dance Which Must Be Preserved, Because The Current Development Conditions Are Very Worrying. Moreover, Leko Dance only exists in the Village of Tunjuk Tabanan and in Banjar Parekan, Sibang Gede, Denpasar. Leko dance performance is always associated with humans, especially mesesangi (khaul) made by someone against God or ancestral spirits. Therefore, in every performance there is always a means of ceremony in the form of offer to connect human intentions with God and his ancestors. At the end of the show, parents and children who invite must perform together with Leko dancers as a sign that something has been paid off, and when dancing together this is called ibing-ibingan. Data mining in this paper uses descriptive analysis method by combining direct observation and literary data. As for the results found, that the Balinese people really believe in the supernatural powers that are around it. As for behaving, they refer to the teachings called Tri Rich Parisudha, namely thoughts, words, and deeds must always be in line.Keywords: Trust, Performing, Arts, Leko Dance
ABSTRAKAgama Hindu memiliki budaya yang beraneka ragam, salah satunya ialah budaya metetuasan dimana budaya ini adalah salah satu wujud penuangan ekspresi bhakti oleh si pemuja kepada yang dipuja dalam bentuk suatu simbol yang digunakan sebagai media persembahan. Salah satu hasil dari budaya metetuasan ialah dalam bentuk banten pabersihan yang dimana banten ini merupakan banten utama didalam melaksanakan upacara keagamaan khususnya bagi umat Hindu di Bali dan Lombok. Adanya beragam persepsi tentang bentuk dan komponen unsur penyusun suatu banten pabersihan membuat Pinandita Sanggraha Nusantara Koordinator Wilayah Nusa Tenggara Barat berinisiatif melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian ini agar dapat menyatukan persepsi dikalangan masyarakat tentang inti dari Banten Pabersihan tersebut. Salah satu banten pabersihan yang disosialisasikan dan dipraktekan pada kegiatan pengabdian yang dikemas dalam bentuk pelatihan ini ialah banten Byakala. Adapun tujuan dilaksanakannya kegiatan pelatihan “Pembuatan Banten Byakala” ini ialah sebagai wahana pelestarian budaya Hindu yang berlandaskan satyam, siwam, sundaram agar masyarakat tahu arti makna simbolis serta fungsi dari banten byakala tersebut sehingga dalam penggunaannya dapat disesuaikan dengan mempertimbangkan iksa, sakti, desa, kala dan tattwa. Dengan situasi tersebut masyarakat Hindu tidak terbebani dalam melaksanakan praktik keagamaan. Karena yang menjadi sasaran peserta dalam kegiatan pelatihan ini orang dewasa maka pendekatan yang digunakan ialah metode pendidikan orang dewasa sehingga teknis penyampaian materi pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dalam bentuk dialog interaktif dan tanya jawab yang membahas tentang segala permasalahan yang dialami peserta pelatihan terkait sarana Upakara dan kegiatan praktik tentang tetuasan ragam, variasi, sarana upakara atau banten byakala yang merupakan sarana panglukatan dalam upakara pabersihan. Dengan adanya kegiatan pengabdian ini maka dapat memberikan alternatif solusi dalam tatanan kehidupan bermasyarakat, khususnya dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan upacara Panca Yadnya kaitannya dengan banten byakala. Kata kunci: pelatihan; banten byakala; budaya hindu. ABSTRACTHinduism has a diverse culture, one of which is the metetuas culture where this culture is a form of pouring devotional expressions by the devotee to the worshiped in the form of a symbol that is used as a medium of offering. One of the results of the metetuasan culture is in the form of the paclean offering where this banten is the main offering in carrying out religious ceremonies, especially for Hindus in Bali and Lombok. The existence of various perceptions about the form and components of the constituent elements of a PaCleanan banten made Pinandita Sanggraha Nusantara the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Coordinator to take the initiative to carry out this service activity in order to unite the perception among the public about the essence of the PaCleanan Banten. One of the offerings that are socialized and practiced in service activities that are packaged in the form of this training is the Byakala banten. The purpose of the training activity "Making Banten Byakala" is as a vehicle for the preservation of Hindu culture based on satyam, siwam, sundaram so that people know the symbolic meanings and functions of the byakala banten so that its use can be adjusted by considering iksa, magic, village, kala. and tattwa. With this situation the Hindu community is not burdened in carrying out religious practices. Because the target participants in this training activity are adults, the approach used is the adult education method so that the technical delivery of material in this community service activity is in the form of interactive dialogue and questions and answers that discuss all the problems experienced by training participants related to Upakara facilities and practical activities regarding the variety, variation, ceremony facilities or offerings byakala which are the means of panglukatan in the paCleaning ceremony. With this service activity, it can provide alternative solutions in the order of social life, especially in the implementation of the Panca Yadnya ceremony in relation to the Byakala offering. Keywords: training; banten byakala; hindu culture
Pengaruh Jumlah Kunjungan Wisatawan, Pajak Hiburan, Pajak Hotel dan Restoran terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah di Kabupaten Gianyar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh secara serempak dan parsial jumlah kunjungan wisatawan, pajak hiburan dan PHR terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) di Kabupaten Gianyar, dan mengetahui pengaruh dominan dari ke tiga variabel bebas terhadap PAD Kabupaten Gianyar. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder, yang selanjutnya dianalisis dengan metode regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah kunjungan wisatawan, pajak hiburan, pajak hotel dan restoran berpengaruh signifikan terhadap PAD Kabupaten Gianyar Tahun Anggaran 1991 -2010. Dari nilai koefisien regresi terstandar menunjukkan nilai variable PHR tertinggi, maka dapat disimpulkan PHR memiliki pengaruh paling dominan terhadap PAD Kabupaten Gianyar. Pemerintah daerah disarankan agar memperbaiki mekanisme pemungutan PHR dan melakukan pendataan ulang terhadap jumlah hotel dan restoran. Kata Kunci: jumlah kunjungan wisatawan, pajak hotel dan restoran, pajak hiburan, pendapatan asli daera
Makna Didaktis Pengawasan Etis Berbasis Ajaran Agama Hindu di Lingkungan Kantor Inspektorat Daerah Kabupaten Buleleng
This study examines three main problems, namely: (1) the didactic meaning of ethical supervision discourse based on Hindu teachings, (2) the didactic process of ethical supervision discourse based on Hindu teachings in the Buleleng Regency Regional Inspectorate office, (3) Elements of Hindu religious teachings which is applied in the discourse of ethical supervision based on the teachings of Hinduism in the Buleleng Regency Regional Inspectorate office. The theories used in this study are: (1) Meaning Theory to discuss the didactic meaning of ethical supervision discourse based on Hindu teachings, (2) Education Policy Theory to discuss the didactic process of ethical supervision discourse based on Hinduism teachings in the Buleleng Regency Regional Inspectorate office. , (3) Discourse theory to examine the elements of Hindu religious teachings that are applied in the discourse of ethical supervision based on Hindu teachings in the Buleleng Regency Regional Inspectorate office. This research is a type of qualitative research. Informants were selected using a purposive technique. Data was collected by observation, interviews, and document studies. The data analysis technique used a qualitative descriptive technique. The presentation of the results of the analysis taken is semi-informal-formal. Keywords: Regional Inspectorate of Buleleng Regency, Didactic Meaning, Ethical Supervisio
Penyajian Tari Arjuna Sasrabahu - Somantri
AbstrakTari Arjuna Sasrabahu-Somantri termasuk rumpun Tari Wayang berpasangan dengan karakter Satria Lungguh (Arjuna Sasrabahu) dan Satria Ladak (Somantri). Tari tersebut berlatar belakang cerita wayang yang mengisahkan perang tanding kedua satria tersebut. Pertandingan dimenangkan oleh Arjuna Sasrabahu, dan Somantri menjadi marah. Kemudian ia menunjukkan jati diri sebagai titisan Wisnu, serta ber-triwikrama, menjadikan dirinya seorang raksasa besar berkepala seribu. Untuk menjadikan tarian ini berbeda dari semula, dan juga tidak terperosok ke dalam garapan dramatari, maka diperlukan langkah yang tepat untuk mengembangkannya. Adapun interpretasi dalam pengembangan tarian ini hanya menyangkut ’bentuk penyajiannya’ yang meliputi gerak, iringan, rias busana, property, setting, dan lighting.Kata Kunci: Tari Perang Arjuna Sasrabahu, Somantri, Wayang AbstractArjuna Sasrabahu-Somantri Dance is included in the type of couple Puppet Dance with the character of Satria Lungguh (Arjuna Sasrabahu) and Satria Ladak (Somantri). The dance is based on puppet story telling about duel of the two knights. The battle was won by Arjuna Sasrabahu, and Somantri became angry. Then he showed himself as the incarnation of Vishnu, and became triwikrama, made himself a thousand-headed big giant. To make this dance is different from the original, and also not to fall into dance drama, it takes appropriate steps to develop it. The interpretation of the development of this dance involves only 'form of presentation' which includes movement, accompaniment, costume, properties, settings, and lighting.Keywords: Tari Perang Arjuna Sasrabahu, Somantri, Wayang
DSS for "E-Private" Using a Combination of AHP and SAW Methods
Private tutoring was non-formal education and it was needed to help student in learning.There were already tutoring system developed where the selection of private tutors was done by filtering peocess. However, filtering process was not suitable with needs and desires of students.Besides the filtering process, to support the solution in making decisions on the selection of private tutors on the E-Privat system it also used the Decision Suport System (DSS) concept, namely a combination of AHP and SAW methods. AHP method was used to find the weights in each criterion, and the ranking calculation with the SAW method.E-Privat aimed to help parents / students in choosing private tutors that suit the needs and desires of students by involving multi-criteria and various alternative. This system was also developed to help private tutors to get the opportunity to fill out private lessons. The testing process results showed that the system had been successful and suitable for used. There were 5 testing processes : (1)black box testing, (2)white box testing, (3)accuracy test which showed a percentage of 87%, and (4)user's response test whichused the SUS method showed a percentage 92.08% with best imaginable category
The purpose of this study was to determine variations in morphology and morphological characteristics of golden apple snails (P. canaliculata) in rice fields in Abiansemal Village. Gold apple snails can be found living in fresh water, including lakes, rivers, small ditches and also in rice fields. Rice field habitats in Bali can still be found in Abiansemal village, Badung regency, but not much information has been disclosed about the snails in the rice field habitat, especially the golden apple snail species (P. canaliculata). Therefore, it is necessary to do research on the golden apple snails in Abiansemal Village. This research was carried out in rice fields located in Abiansemal Village, Abiansemal District, Badung Regency, Bali Province. The study was conducted from April to May 2017. Sampling of golden apple snail (P. canaliculata) was carried out in three plots of rice fields in three banjars in Abiansemal Village, namely in the Latu Sari, Banjar Aseman, and Juwet banjars. The rice field was chosen randomly and then in each selected field of rice the golden apple snail sample was taken using a 1x1m square. Samples on each plot of rice were taken three times. All samples of golden snail contained in the squared were taken and cleaned and then preserved with 70% alcohol. The golden apple snail sample obtained was calculated for its density and all morphological and morphometric characters were analyzed descriptively. In this study it was found that the morphology of golden apple snail patterned lines for morphometric characters, the shell height was higher in the banjar Juwet area, for the width of the shell mouth was greater in the banjar area Aseman and the height of the shell cover was higher in the banjar area of Latu Sari, while the morphology was plain patterned for morphometric characters, the height of the shell and the height of tendrils were higher in the banjar area of Latu Sari, and for the height and width of the cover the shell was higher and wider in the banjar area of Aseman, while for the other morphometric characters the results were found almost the same.
Keywords: snail, rice field, morphology, morphometr