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    Pengadaan barang/jasa bagi keperluan Pemerintah yang menyerap dana APBN/APBD hampir sebesar 60 % akan menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan yang direbut oleh para pengusaha baik pengusaha dalam negeri maupun pengusaha luar negeri karena bangsa Indonesia telah memasuki era globalisasi dan leberalisme perdagangan. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut dengan menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 16 Tahun 2018 tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah. Pengadaan barang/jasa pada dasarnya melibatkan dua pihak, yaitu pihak pengguna barang/jasa (pemerintah) dan pihak penyedia barang/jasa (pengusaha), dengan kepentingan yang berbeda yang sulit dipertemukan kalau tidak ada saling pengertian dan kemauan untuk mencapai kesepakatan. Pengadaan barang/jasa dilakukan dengan melalui tahapan proses pengadaan, yang akhirnya penyedia barang/jasa yang terpilih akan menandatangani kontrak dengan pengguna barang/jasa. Kontrak tersebut memuat kesepakatan antara pengguna barang/jasa sebagai Pihak Pertama dan penyedia barang/jasa sebagai Pihak Kedua. Dalam pembuatan suatu kontrak, para pihak seharusnya memiliki kedudukan yang seimbang, karena apabila tidak memiliki kedudukan yang seimbang, maka dimungkinkan terjadinya salah satu pihak akan mendominasi pihak lain. Bagaimana prinsip keseimbangan diimplementasikan dalam kontrak yang telah ditandatangani kedua belah pihak dibidang pengadaan barang/jasa bagi keperluan Pemerintah di Kabupaten Badung ? Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa; pada kontrak pengadaan barang / jasa bagi keperluan pemerintah di Kabupaten Badung, pada awal kontrak (pra kontrak) memang terlihat bahwa posisi tawar para pihak adalah seimbang. Tetapi jika dicermati pada isi kontrak terlihat ada ketidakseimbangan kedudukan. Asas keseimbangan belum diimplementasikan secara baik di Kabupaten Badung. Procurement of goods / services for the needs of the Government that absorb funds APBN / APBD almost 60% will create employment seized by entrepreneurs both domestic entrepreneurs and foreign businessmen because the nation of Indonesia has entered the era of globalization and trade leberalisme. To anticipate this by issuing Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 16 of 2018 on Procurement of Government Goods / Services. Procurement of goods / services basically involves two parties, namely the user of goods / services (government) and the provider of goods / services (entrepreneurs), with different interests that are difficult to meet if there is no mutual understanding and willingness to reach an agreement. Procurement of goods / services is done by going through the stages of the procurement process, which ultimately providers of goods / services selected will sign a contract with the user goods / services. The contract contains an agreement between the user of the goods / services as the First Party and the provider of goods / services as the Second Party. In making a contract, the parties should have a balanced position, because if it does not have a balanced position, then it is possible that one party will dominate the other. How is the principle of balance implemented in contracts signed by both parties in the field of procurement of goods / services for the purposes of the Government in Badung regency? From result of research known that; in the contract of procurement of goods / services for government purposes in Badung regency, at the beginning of the contract (pre contract) it is seen that the bargaining position of the parties is balanced. But if you look at the content of the contract there is an unbalanced position. The principle of balance has not been well implemented in Badung regency

    Wanprestasi Dalam Perjanjian Pembiayaan Konsumen Dengan Jaminan Fidusia Pada PT. Federal International Finance (FIF) Cabang Denpasar

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    Abstract A finance or finance institution is a business entity that provides financial assistance to someone in the form of funds and capital goods. Consumer financing is the process of providing loans to consumers to procure goods and payments through the installment system. Collateral is the asset given by the debt to the financing party to be used as a handle and if the consumer breaks the promise or default, the guarantee can be auctioned to pay off the debt. The definition of a fiduciary guarantee institution is the transfer of ownership rights in confidence, Article 1152 paragraph (2) of the Civil Code concerning pawn that explains that the goods used as collateral must not be in the power of the party giving the pledge. The problem examined by the author is the implementation of Fiduciary guarantee by the Debtor in the consumer financing agreement and Default Settlement from the Debtor in the Credit Agreement with Fiduciary Guarantee at PT. Federal International Finance (FIF) Denpasar Branch. The method used in this study is empirical, this research is field research and literature study, namely research carried out by plunging directly into the office of PT. FIF Denpasar Branch and library research studies by reading, studying, and reviewing books, legislation, and internet media. The result of this research is that the object of fiduciary collateral must be registered in order to get both legal certainty. Settlement if the debtor defaults, namely by conducting an auction of goods through a court process and auction agency because the finance party may not force seizure through a debt collector. Keywords: Default; financing institution; fiduciary guarantee Abstrak Lembaga pembiayaan atau finance ialah suatu badan usaha yang memberikan bantuan pembiayaan kepada seseorang berupa dana dan barang modal. Pembiayaan konsumen adalah proses pemberian pinjaman kepada konsumen untuk melakukan pengadaan barang dan pembayarannya melalui sistem angsuran. Jaminan ialah aset yang diberikan oleh terhutang kepada pihak pembiayaan untuk dijadikan pegangan dan apabila pihak konsumen ingkar janji atau wanprestasi maka jaminan tersebut bisa dilelang untuk melunasi hutangnya. Pengertian dari lembaga jaminan fidusia yaitu peralihan hak milik secara kepercayaan, Pasal 1152 ayat (2) KUHPerdata tentang gadai yang menjelaskan bahwa barang yang dijadikan jaminan tidak boleh berada pada kekuasaan pihak yang memberikan gadai. Permasalahan yang diteliti penulis yaitu Pelaksanaan pemberian jaminan Fidusia oleh Debitur dalam perjanjian pembiayaan konsumen dan Penyelesaian Wanprestasi dari pihak Debitur dalam perjanjian Kredit Dengan Jaminan Fidusia pada PT. Federal International Finance (FIF) Cabang Denpasar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah secara Empiris, Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dan studi pustaka, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara terjun langsung ke Kantor PT. FIF Cabang Denpasar dan penelitian studi kepustakaan dengan membaca, mengkaji, serta menelaah buku-buku, peraturan perundang-undangan, dan media internet. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah objek jaminan fidusia harus didaftarkan hal ini bertujuan supaya kedua belah pihak mendapatkan kepastian hukum. Penyelesaian apabila debitur wanprestasi yaitu dengan melakukan pelelangan barang melalui proses pengadilan dan badan lelang karena pihak finance tidak boleh melakukan sita paksa melaui debt collector. Kata Kunci: Wanprestasi; lembaga pembiayaan; jaminan fidusi

    Persaingan Usaha Para Pelaku Usaha Pasar Retail Di Kabupaten Tabanan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pelaku usaha yang termasuk pesaing dari toko retail modern waralaba dalam melakukan kegiatan usaha di tengah persaingan pasar retail modern dengan pasar retail tradisional dan untuk mengetahui perilaku yang dilakukan oleh toko retail modern waralaba dalam menjalankan usahanya yang dapat mengakibatkan praktik monopoli dan atau persaingan usaha tidak sehat, serta untuk mengetahui perlindungan hukum yang diberikan oleh Undang Undang No. 5 Tahun 1999 terhadap kelangsungan usaha dari pelaku usaha di pasar tradisional sehubungan dengan semakin maraknya pelaku usaha di pasar modern Penelitian hukum ini merupakan jenis penelitian empiris, yang bersifat deskriptif. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Tabanan, yakni di Pasar Retail Modern (toko retail modern waralaba Alfamart dan Indomaret) maupun Pasar Retail Tradisional (Toko kelontong dan Pasar tradisional). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa toko retail waralaba dalam menjalankan usaha melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang dapat mengakibatkan praktik monopoli sehingga segera perlu dibentuk perlindungan hukum yang diberikan terhadap pasar tradisional.Aturan-aturan perlindungan hukum preventif dari pemerintah perlu diterapkan guna menunjang keberhasilan perlindungan hukum preventif terhadap pelaku usaha tradisional. Keyword : Persaingan Usaha, Pasar Retail, Waralaba This study aims to identify business actors including competitors from modern franchise retail stores in conducting business activities in the midst of modern retail market competition with traditional retail markets and to find out the behavior of modern franchise retail stores in conducting their businesses which can lead to monopolistic practices and/or unfair business competition, and to find out the legal protection provided by Law No. 5 of 1999 concerning the business continuity of business actors in traditional markets due to the increasingly widespread business in modern markets. Legal research is a type of empirical research, which is descriptive in nature. The type of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Research locations in Tabanan Regency, namely in the Modern Retail Market (modern retail stores Alfamart and Indomaret franchises) and Traditional Retail Markets (Grocery Stores and traditional Markets). The results of the study show that franchise retail stores carry out actions that can lead to monopolistic practices so that legal protection needs to be provided immediately for traditional markets. Preventive legal protection regulations from the government need to be implemented to support the success of preventive legal protection for business actors. traditional. Keywords: Business, Competition, franchises Retail marke

    Legal Protection for Village Credit Institutions as a Financial Business Entity Exploited to Resolve the Bad Credits in the Customary Village of Kerobokan

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    The existence of customary rule sanctions in the resolution of the issues of bad credits within village credit institutions in the customary village of Kerobokan has been included as one of banking laws that is legally entitled to receive legal. This research aimed to the positioning of customary law sanctions in resolving bad loans at VCI Kerobokan Customary Village and to know the forms of legal protection for VCI and how are the bad loans of customers from outside the traditional villages in Kerobokan. The method used in this research is normative legal research, namely to conduct library research by reviewing literature and analyzing statutory regulations relating to applicable provisions on VCI. This research found the settlement of the bad credit at the customary village of Kerobokan is manifested into ways. The first through preventive legal efforts, that is to say, the very moment of signing the contracts, the customers are sure to have all their incumbencies. The second is through repressive efforts that must be made on the basis of good faith. The implementation of the civil law is that the form of retribution and customary law from the customary village. Keywords: Bad Credits; Legal Protection; Village Credit Institutions; Village-Owned Enterprise

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pelaku Usaha Taksi Daring dalam Perspektif Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat

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    Abstrak Salah satu hal yang terjadi mengenai timbulnya persaingan tidak sehat, yaitu adanya kedekatan para pelaku usaha dengan orang yang memiliki kekuasaan tinggi yang dapat memberikan kemudahan untuk melakukan sesuatu. Sekelompok pelaku usaha yang melakukan kerjasama dengan pelaku usaha lainnya dapat dikatakan telah melakukan praktek monopoli seperti yang terjadi di bandara dimana taksi daring tidak dapat menjemput maupun mengantar penumpang masuk ke bandara. Dasar hukum dalam perjanjian kerjasama yaitu diatur dalam pasal 1320 KUHperdata, pasal tersebut memberikan siapa saja dapat melakuka perjanjian asalkan tidak melanggar ketentuan pasal tersebut. Dalam usaha taksi daring pasal tersebut bertentangan dengan UU no 5 tahun 1999 tentang Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat.Perlindungan hukum preventif terhadap pelaku usaha taksi daring dimana dengan diterbitkannya UU Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat. Perlindungan hukum represif bagi pelaku usaha taksi daring yang melakukan tindakan persaingan usaha tidak sehat diberi sanksi administrasi. Abstract One of the things that happens on the incidence of unhealthy business competition,the is the closeness of the business with people who have a higher level of power that can provide convenience to do something. A Group of businesses which cooperation with the business may be said to have been of a monopoly as happened at the airport where a taxi online can’t pick up and take passenger’s into the airport. The legality in the cooperation agreement which is set in article to 1320 KUHperdata, article is giving anyone can make the deal as long as it does not violate the provisions of article. Chasing a taxi online article is contrary to the law number 5 of 1999 on an unhealthy business competition. Protection of the law preventive against businesses for a taxi online in which the issuance of the law no 5 of 1999 on the restriction on the practice of monopolies and an unhealthy business competition. Protection of the repressive for the business for taxi online who commit acts of an unhealthy business competition were given administrative sanctions

    The Role of Bumdes in Tourism Object Management in Apuan Village, Susut District, Bangli Regency

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    The island of Bali is famous for its natural beauty. Likewise with Bangli Regency which is one of the regencies on the island of Bali which is famous for having water tourism destinations that are no less beautiful than other places on the island of Bali. Tourism is one of the sources of income for regional pads in districts/cities in the province of Bali. The management of tourist areas in accordance with the Regional Autonomy Law is managed independently by the district/city with the traditional village where the tourist attraction is located. Tibumana Waterfall is a tourist attraction managed by the traditional village through an agreement made between the traditional village and the Bangli district government through an agreement and is technically managed by the Apuan BUMDes to be able to contribute to the improvement of the Apuan PADes. On the basis of the agreement letter, the traditional village can better manage tourist objects and attractions, beautiful in accordance with the Hindu order, so that their uniqueness, beauty can be maintained and developed. Especially when it is associated with Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning Tourism Keywords: Implementation, Policy, Management, tourist attraction. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/81-06 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Kedudukan Anak Luar Kawin yang Diangkat oleh Kakeknya di Desa Batukaang, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli

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    Children born out of wedlock are children born to a woman who does not have a legal marriage relationship with a man who has made her give birth to the child. The child does not have a perfect position in the standpoint of the law like a legitimate child in general. The birth of a child is crucial in every family. In terms of family life, children are descendants of the next generation so a child has the right to life and identity as an effort to protect the law. The problem how the adoption of a child born beyond official marriage by his grandfather in Desa Batukaang, the Sub-district of Kintamani, Bangli Regency is executed and what is the inheritance system for such an adopted child in Batukaang Village, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency? The child was appointed by his own grandfather and the reason for the appointment was that the adoptive grandfather did not have a son. The type of research used in this research is an empirical study with a juridical-sociological approach. Types of data are primary data and secondary data, collected through interview and literature review. The procedure for the adoption of the child execution is through customary or noetic way, which is to carry out extortion ceremonies where offerings are religiously and legally made and the child is legally made as a legitimate child in general. Ultimately, the child is legitimate to be the child of the adopting grandfather both in a customary and inheritance legal system, the child inherits all inheritance from the grandfather.&nbsp

    Wewenang Notaris Membuat Surat Kuasa Membebankan Hak Tanggungan (SKMHT) Menggunakan Blanko Yang Disediakan Oleh Badan Pertanahan Republik Indonesia

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    A notary is a public official who is authorized to make authentic deeds, and one of his authorities is to make a Power of Attorney to Charge Mortgage Rights hereinafter referred to as SKMHT. The authority of a notary to be able to make SKMHT can be done by making his own notary deed that has been prepared by a notary issued by National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia. A notary is a public official whose sole authority is to make an authentic deed regarding all acts, agreements and stipulations required by a general regulation or by an interest desired to be stated in an authentic deed. The formulations of the problems used are: 1. Is the power of attorney to impose mortgage rights (SKMHT) made by a Notary using the form provided by the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia is not an authentic deed? 2. What are the legal consequences if the power of attorney to impose mortgage rights (SKMHT) made by a notary using the form provided by the National Land Agency of the Republic of Indonesia? The research method used in this study is a type of normative legal research. The approach adopted to discuss the problems in this study is through the statute approach and the conceptual approach. So the Notary is authorized to make SKMHT as stipulated in Article 15 paragraph (1) UUHT, but if the SKMHT he uses the SKHMT form provided by the Republic of Indonesia BPN, then the SKHMT he made does not fulfill the provisions of Article 38 UUJN, so the SKMHT Deed he made is not Authentic Deed, but only in the form of Deed Under the Hand. As a result of the law if the SKMHT made by the Notary uses the SKHMT form provided by the Republic of Indonesia BPN, it will result in a Notary, SKMHT made by a Notary null and voidNotaris ialah pejabat umum yang berwenang untuk membuat akta otentik, dan salah satu kewenangannya adalah membuat Surat Kuasa Membebankan Hak Tanggungan selanjutnya disebut SKMHT. Wewenang seorang notaris ialah menerbitkan SKMHT  dilaksanakan secara melahirkan akta notaris sendiri yang sudah diketik atau dipersiapkan oleh notaris yang di terbitkan Badan Pertanahan Nasional Republik Indonesia. Notaris menyandang pejabat umum yang memiliki wewenang dalam pembuatan akta otentik. Terkait segala tindakan, perjanjian serta penetapan yang diwajibkan pada  peraturan umum atau oleh pihak yang mempunyai kaitan didahulukan dalam pernyataan akta otentik. Adapun rumusan masalah yang digunakan yaitu : 1. Apakah Surat Kuasa Membebankan Hak Tanggungan (SKMHT) yang dibuat oleh Notaris dengan menggunakan blanko yang disediakan oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional Republik Indonesia bukan merupakan akta otentik?2. Bagaimanakah Akibat Hukum apabila Surat Kuasa Membebankan Hak Tanggungan (SKMHT) yang dibuat oleh Notaris menggunakan blanko yang disediakan oleh Badan Pertanahan Nasional Republik Indonesia? Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan pada penelitian ini jenis penelitian hukum normative. Pendekatan yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini ialah pendekatan Undang-Undang dan pendekatan konseptual. Jadi Notaris berwenang menerbitkan SKMHT sesuai pada Pasal 15 ayat (1) UUHT, namun apabila SKMHT yang dibuatnya menggunakan blanko SKHMT yang disediakan oleh BPN RI, maka SKHMT yang dibuatnya tersebut tidak terlengkapinya  Pasal 38 UUJN, sehingga Akta SKMHT yang dibuatnya bukan merupakan Akta Otentik, melainkan hanya berupa Akta Dibawah Tangan.Akibat hukum apabila SKMHT yang dibuat Notaris menggunakan blanko SKHMT yang disediakan oleh BPN RI, maka akan berakibat bagi Notaris, yaitu SKMHT yang dibuat Notaris batal demi hukum

    Penerapan Hukum Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Terkait Pendaftaran Merek Terhadap Pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah di Kota Denpasar

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    Seiring meningkatnya Pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah yang menjual berbagai merek produk di Kota Denpasar maka diperlukan perlindungan terhadap merek tersebut, tetapi masih banyak Pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah di Kota Denpasar yang belum memahami arti pentingnya pendaftaran merek terhadap produk yang dipasarkan. Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut Bagaimana Hak dan Kewajiban Pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah terkait pendaftaran merek di Kota Denpasar? Dan Bagaimana Kendala terhadap penerapan Pendaftaran Merek bagi Pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah di kota Denpasar?. Tipe penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Hukum Empiris. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, hak dan kewajiban Pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah di kota Denpasar tentunya tidak jauh dari mendapatkannya perlindungan hukum apabila sudah beritikad baik dan berinisiatif dalam mendaftarkan merek dari produknya, tetapi masih banyaknya kendala yang dihadapi Pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah dalam mendaftarkan mereknya baik dari segi pemerintah maupun dari Pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah itu sendiri

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Nasabah dalam Penundaan Kredit Terdampak Covid 19

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    Humans as social beings who live side by side and have various needs that must be met in order to survive. In meeting these needs. Indonesia often makes payments with a credit system. Credit is a breakthrough that really helps the community. However, with the Covid-19 Pandemic) hitting various businesses and credit financing customers due to lack of income. This study aims to examine the legal arrangements for credit delays for customers affected by COVID-19 in Indonesia and explain legal protection for customers affected by COVID-19 in Indonesia. The type of research applied in this research is normative legal research, with a statutory approach and a concept approach. In general, the regulation of credit delays for customers affected by COVID-19 is regulated in POJ K Number II POJK.03 2020 regarding the national economic stimulus as a counter-helical policy for the impact of the 2019 coronavirus disease. There are two legal protections, namely preventive legal protection by issuing PERPU Number I of 2020 concerning state financial policies and stability for handling the coronavirus disease 19 pandemic, and repressive legal protection based on Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 26/4/BPPP which in principle regulates the rescue of non-performing loans through rescheduling, reconditioning, restructurin
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