19 research outputs found

    An Adaptive Characteristic-wise Reconstruction WENOZ scheme for Gas Dynamic Euler Equations

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    Due to its excellent shock-capturing capability and high resolution, the WENO scheme family has been widely used in varieties of compressive flow simulation. However, for problems containing strong shocks and contact discontinuities, such as the Lax shock tube problem, the WENO scheme still produces numerical oscillations. To avoid such numerical oscillations, the characteristic-wise construction method should be applied. Compared to component-wise reconstruction, characteristic-wise reconstruction leads to much more computational cost and thus is not suite for large scale simulation such as direct numeric simulation of turbulence. In this paper, an adaptive characteristic-wise reconstruction WENO scheme, i.e. the AdaWENO scheme, is proposed to improve the computational efficiency of the characteristic-wise reconstruction method. The new scheme performs characteristic-wise reconstruction near discontinuities while switching to component-wise reconstruction for smooth regions. Meanwhile, a new calculation strategy for the WENO smoothness indicators is implemented to reduce over-all computational cost. Several one dimensional and two dimensional numerical tests are performed to validate and evaluate the AdaWENO scheme. Numerical results show that AdaWENO maintains essentially non-oscillatory flow field near discontinuities as the characteristic-wise reconstruction method. Besieds, compared to the component-wise reconstruction, AdaWENO is about 40\% faster which indicates its excellent efficiency

    Nonlinear Instability for Nonhomogeneous Incompressible Viscous Fluids

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    We investigate the nonlinear instability of a smooth steady density profile solution of the threedimensional nonhomogeneous incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in the presence of a uniform gravitational field, including a Rayleigh-Taylor steady-state solution with heavier density with increasing height (referred to the Rayleigh-Taylor instability). We first analyze the equations obtained from linearization around the steady density profile solution. Then we construct solutions of the linearized problem that grow in time in the Sobolev space Hk, thus leading to a global instability result for the linearized problem. With the help of the constructed unstable solutions and an existence theorem of classical solutions to the original nonlinear equations, we can then demonstrate the instability of the nonlinear problem in some sense. Our analysis shows that the third component of the velocity already induces the instability, this is different from the previous known results.Comment: 24 page

    Remapping-free ALE-type kinetic method for flow computations

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    Based on the integral form of the fluid dynamic equations, a finite volume kinetic scheme with arbitrary control volume and mesh velocity is developed. Different from the earlier unified moving mesh gas-kinetic method [C.Q.Jin, K. Xu, An unified moving grid gas-kinetic method in Eulerian space for viscous flow computation, J. Comput. Phys. 222 (2007) 155175], the coupling of the fluid equations and geometrical conservation laws has been removed in order to make the scheme applicable for any quadrilateral or unstructured mesh rather than parallelogram in 2D case. Since a purely Lagrangian method is always associated with mesh entangling, in order to avoid computational collapsing in multidimensional flow simulation, the mesh velocity is constructed by considering both fluid velocity (Lagrangian methodology) and diffusive velocity (Regenerating Eulerian mesh function). Therefore, we obtain a generalized Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method by properly designing a mesh velocity instead of re-generating a new mesh after distortion. As a result, the remapping step to interpolate flow variables from old mesh to new mesh is avoided. The current method provides a general framework, which can be considered as a remapping-free ALE-type method. Since there is great freedom in choosing mesh velocity, in order to improve the accuracy and robustness of the method, the adaptive moving mesh method [H.Z. Tang, T. Tang, Adaptive mesh methods for one-and two-dimensional hyperbolic conservation laws, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 41 (2003) 487-515] can be also used to construct a mesh velocity to concentrate mesh to regions with high flow gradients. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    A DGBGK scheme based on WENO limiters for viscous and inviscid flows

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    This paper presents a discontinuous Galerkin BGK (DGBGK) method for both viscous and inviscid flow simulations under a DG framework with a gas-kinetic flux and WENO limiters. In the DGBGK method, the construction of the flux in the DG method is based on the particle transport and collisional mechanism which not only couples the convective and dissipative terms together, but also includes both discontinuous and continuous terms in the flux formulation. Due to the connection between the gas-kinetic BGK model and the Euler as well as the Navier-Stokes equations, both viscous and inviscid flow equations can be simulated by a unified formulation. WENO limiters are used to obtain uniform high-order accuracy and sharp non-oscillatory shock transition. In the current method, the time accuracy is achieved by the direct integration of both time-dependent flux function at a cell interface and the flow variables inside each element. Numerical examples in one and two space dimensions are presented to illustrate the robustness and accuracy of the present scheme. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Low Mach number limit of compressible nematic liquid crystal flows with well-prepared initial data in a 3D bounded domain

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    In this article, we consider the low Mach number limit of the compressible nematic liquid crystal flows in a 3D bounded domain. We establish the uniform estimates with respect to the Mach number for the strong solutions with large initial data in a short time interval. Consequently, we obtain the convergence of the compressible nematic liquid crystal system to the incompressible nematic liquid crystals system as the Mach number tends to zero

    Efficient kinetic schemes for steady and unsteady flow simulations on unstructured meshes

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    This paper presents efficient second-order kinetic schemes on unstructured meshes for both compressible unsteady and incompressible steady flows. For compressible unsteady flows, a time-dependent gas distribution function with a discontinuous particle velocity space at a cell interface is constructed and used for the evaluations of both numerical fluxes and conservative flow variables. As a result, a compact scheme on the unstructured meshes is developed. For incompressible steady flows, a continuous second-order gas-kinetic BGK type scheme is presented, for which the time-dependent gas distribution function with a continuous particle velocity is used on unstructured meshes. The efficiency of the schemes lies in the fact that the slopes of the flow variables inside each cell can be constructed using values of the flow variables within that cell only without involving neighboring cells. Therefore, even with the stencil of a first-order scheme, a high resolution method is constructed. Numerical examples are presented which are compared with the benchmark solutions and the experimental measurements. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved