89 research outputs found

    Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Economic Restructuring in Bac Ninh

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    In recent years, foreign direct investment (FDI) has played an important role in Bac Ninh’s economic restructuring. Of all provinces, Bac Ninh has always been leading the way for attracting foreign investment in Vietnam. The goal of this article is to study the relationship between FDI and the structure of economy of Bac Ninh. We use Ordinary Least Squares regression (OLS) to analyze the influence of the province’s FDI on its economic restructuring over the period from 2009 to 2019. The result partly shows that the FDI has had a strong impact on Bac Ninh’s economic restructuring in both speed and quality. Through these findings, we propose several recommendations for the local authorities to continue to attract the FDI and reinforce the positive impacts of the FDI on the province’s economic restructuring in the future. Keywords: Bac Ninh, foreign direct investment (FDI), economic restructuring, OLS DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-15-03 Publication date:May 31st 202

    EFL teachers’ experiences of peer observation in Vietnamese academic institutions

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    Peer observation is considered as a useful tool to enhance teachers’ professional development. Limited research on how peer observation is carried out in Vietnamese higher institutions and how teachers experience peer observation in their educational contexts. This study investigates the experiences of peer observation among Vietnamese teachers of English and their perceptions of the benefits and challenges of peer observation. The study employed a quantitative research method to collect data. Survey questionnaires were completed online via Google Forms by 22 teachers of English working in different universities and colleges in Ho Chi Minh City. The findings show that teachers’ perceptions and experiences of peer observation varied among academic institutions. The purposes of peer observation were different among different educational settings. Peer observation sessions tend to focus more on evaluation purposes than on professional development purposes which aim to improve the teaching performance of EFL teachers. Also, the procedures for implementing peer observation were not unanimous among academic institutions. The findings have several implications for stakeholders to reflect on the current practices of peer observation in their respective institutions with a view to improving the quality of this professional development tool to enhance English language teachers’ professional development

    Quy trình gia công và phân tích hóa thạch Tảo vôi, áp dụng cho các trầm tích ven biển tỉnh Sóc Trăng

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    Calcareous nannofossils are very small microfossils composed of calcium carbonate. They are very good biostratigraphic markers within marine sediments by covering the Jurassic to present. The standard preparation of a sample for nannofossil analysis requires the collection of the largest quantity and the best fossils. Sample preparation accords to the following steps: i. Pounding sample; ii. Eliminating organic matter; iii. Washing sample; iv. Filter sample through the sieve; v. Eliminating clay; vi. Drying sample in an incubator; vii. Packing sample. Sample analysis accords to the following steps: i. Preparation of smear - slide; ii. Observation of morphology; iii. Determination; iv. Taking photo; v. Evaluating overall preservation and abundance of fossils; vi. Making analysis result sheet. This process is applied to study calcareous nannofossils within marine sediments in Soc Trang province. It makes much clear to understand middle Pleistocene-early Holocene ecosystem of calcareous nannofossil. In conclusion, this assemblage belongs to NN21 zone by the present of Emiliania huxleyi and Gephyrocapsa oceanica.Hóa thạch Tảo vôi có kích thước rất nhỏ, thành phần chính là canxi carbonat. Chúng là hóa thạch định tầng rất tốt cho các trầm tích biển có tuổi từ Jura đến nay. Để nghiên cứu hóa thạch Tảo vôi, cần tiến hành gia công và phân tích mẫu theo đúng quy trình để thu được lượng hóa thạch nhiều nhất và bảo tồn tốt nhất. Quy trình gia công gồm các bước sau: i. giã mẫu; ii. tẩy keo hữu cơ; iii. rửa mẫu; iv. lọc mẫu; v. tẩy sét; vi. sấy mẫu; vii. đóng gói. Quy trình phân tích tiến hành theo những bước sau: i. chuẩn bị tiêu bản; ii. nghiên cứu đặc điểm hình thái của hóa thạch; iii. xác định hóa thạch; iv. chụp ảnh hóa thạch; v. đánh giá mức độ bảo tồn và phong phú của hóa thạch; vi. lập phiếu kết quả phân tích. Kết quả áp dụng quy trình cho các trầm tích ven biển tỉnh Sóc Trăng đã góp phần làm sáng tỏ hệ sinh thái Tảo vôi ở khu vực nghiên cứu trong Pleistocen giữa - Holocen sớm. Tập hợp hóa thạch ở khu vực ven biển Sóc Trăng thuộc sinh đới NN21 với bằng chứng là sự xuất hiện của Emiliania huxleyi và Gephyrocapsa oceanica

    An Analytical Framework Considering the Effects of Online Teaching Quality on Student Satisfaction

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    COVID-19 spreads across the world in late 2019 has affected to several aspects of social life. One of the most important sectors, which face difficulties was education, thus most universities have transferred from traditional education to online education through the internet to make their academic year going. This study aims to review the effects of online teaching quality on student satisfaction, a positive attitude resulting from an evaluation of students’ online teaching experience in higher education. Through applying the SERVQUAL model to measure the effects of online teaching quality on students’ satisfaction, it can be expected to get better the online teaching quality of higher education institutions in Vietnam. Keywords: Online teaching, student satisfaction, higher education, COVID-19, educational institution. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-6-08 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Synthesis and Optical Characterization of Dye Doped in Ormosil Nanospheres for Bioapplications

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    Dye-doped ORMOSIL (organically modified silicate) nanoparticles (NPs) have significant advantages over single-dye labeling in signal amplification, photostability and surface modification for various biological applications. The dyes: Rhodamine 6G (R6G) and Rhodamine B (RB) were successfully incorporated into ORMOSIL nanoparticles fabricated by micellar nanochemistry from Trimethoxysilane CH3_3Si(OCH3_3)3_3 precursor. The optical characterization of dye-doped ORMOSIL NPs was studied in comparison with it’s of free dye in solution. The results shown that the photostability of ORMOSIL dye doped nanospheres is much improved in comparison with it’s of dye in solution. Other studies of the photophysical properties such as anisotropy, fluorescence lifetime and energy transfer were also done

    Complete mitochondrial genome of Dong Tao chicken breed (Gallus gallus domesticus) of Vietnam

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    The complete mitochondrial genome of Dong Tao chicken breed (Gallus gallus domesticus, Dong Tao) was obtained by PCR and sequencing. The complete mitogenome was 16,783 bp in length, with the nucleotide composition for A, T, C, G was 30.29%, 23.75%, 32.48%, and 13.48%, respectively. The mitogenome of Dong Tao chicken contained a non-coding control region (D-loop), 2 rRNA genes, 13 protein-coding genes, and 22 tRNA genes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that breed Dong Tao chicken breed was sister-close to G. gallus breed Guangxi, and paraphyletic to G. spadiceus, S. jabouillei, and a range of Chinese indigenous, ie. breeds Rugao and Taoyuan

    Effects of Electroporation on Biological Membranes Exposed to High Potentials

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    This study first considers that voltages of cellular organelle membranes could significanly surpass these of plasma membranes under the influence of ultrashort and high-intensity electric pulse. This is due to the voltages induced on the membrane. Using an approximate theory coordinated with the Kotnik's analytical method, considering the electroporation, we focus on the reactions of cell membranes placed in a trapezoidal pulse. Then, we discuss conductive power dissipations of normal cell and cancer cell generated by a sinusoidal exposure which include dielectric relaxation effects. In comparison with  the complex numerical calculations of Joshi \textit{et al}, our results are in very good agreement

    The effect of some factors on expression of gene encoding endoglucanase from dna metagenome of Binh Chau hot spring in Escherichia coli

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    Expression of microbial target genes in Escherichia coli is broadly used due to its advantages namely: well established system, easy to manipulate, a huge biomass, high level productivity, safe and inexpensive to grow. Metagenomic technique has been applying in Vietnam recently for effective mining of uncultured gene resources, especially in endemic mini-ecologies such as hot springs where the cell densities are low. DNA metagenome of Binh Chau hot spring was isolated and sequenced by Illumia HiseqTM. Based on analyses of databases of cellulase-encoded genes, denovogenes 18736 gene sequence for thermal endoglucanase was selected for expression in E. coli. In this paper, some factors for expression of endoglucanase have been investigated. The results show that appropriate gene expression conditions are:  Expression performed in E. coli C43 (DE3) on TB medium at 30oC with 0.25 mM of IPTG as inducer, the culture volume of 20% compared with the bottle volume and the expression time is 42–48 hours. In this condition, the biomass production and soluble enzyme activity can reached up to 5.54–5.58 g /L and  1.92–1.98 U/mL, respectively. Our results show the prospect of exploiting microbial genes without culture