90 research outputs found

    Immunotherapy Using Dendritic Cells against Multiple Myeloma: How to Improve?

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a good target disease in which one can apply cellular immunotherapy, which is based on the graft-versus-myeloma effect. This role of immune effector cells provides the framework for the development of immune-based therapeutic options that use antigen-presenting cells (APCs) with increased potency, such as dendritic cells (DCs), in MM. Current isolated idiotype (Id), myeloma cell lysates, myeloma dying cells, DC-myeloma hybrids, or DC transfected with tumor-derived RNA has been used for immunotherapy with DCs. Immunological inhibitory cytokines, such as TGF-β, IL-10, IL-6 and VEGF, which are produced from myeloma cells, can modulate antitumor host immune response, including the abrogation of DC function, by constitutive activation of STAT3. Therefore, even the immune responses have been observed in clinical trials, the clinical response was rarely improved following DC vaccinations in MM patients. We are going to discuss how to improve the efficacy of DC vaccination in MM

    Ontology-Based Workflow Validation

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    International audienceIn order to ensure a workflow to be executed correctly, many approaches were introduced. But not many of them consider the semantic correctness of the workflow in the design time and the run time. In this paper, a solution to check the semantic correctness of the workflow automatically is presented. To do that, the workflow must be represented in a machine understandable form, an ontology-based approach to represent a workflow is proposed. In addition, we also provide a set of changed operations allowing the users to customize a workflow for using in their organizations. Their change can be made while ensuring the correctness of the workflow. Moreover, a verification method is proposed for checking the semantic correctness of workflow

    Decomposing ontology in Description Logics by graph partitioning

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of decomposing an ontology in Description Logics (DLs) based on graph partitioning algorithms. Also, we focus on syntax features of axioms in a given ontology. Our approach aims at decomposing the ontology into many sub ontologies that are as distinct as possible. We analyze the algorithms and exploit parameters of partitioning that influence the efficiency of computation and reasoning. These parameters are the number of concepts and roles shared by a pair of sub-ontologies, the size (the number of axioms) of each sub-ontology, and the topology of decomposition. We provide two concrete approaches for automatically decomposing the ontology, one is called minimal separator based partitioning, and the other is eigenvectors and eigenvalues based segmenting. We also tested on some parts of used TBoxes in the systems FaCT, Vedaall, tambis, ... and propose estimated result

    Effects of calpastain (CAST) polymorphisms on carcass and meat quality traits in Mongcai pigs

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    Calpastain (CAST) activity plays a major role in muscle growth and proteolytic changes post-mortem and the CAST gene has been considered as a candidate gene for carcass and pork quality characteristics. The aim of this study was to analyze the association of two polymorphisms namely CAST_HinfI (allele A and B) and CAST_MspI (allele C and D) with carcass and meat quality traits in Mongcai, a Vietnamese indigenous pig breed. Polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) was used to genotype the animals at these loci. Results indicate that the CAST_HinfI single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) had a low frequency of allele A as compared to allele B, while the C and D allele distribution was almost the same for the CAST_MspI SNP. In the association analysis, significant effects on dressing percentage of carcass were detected. The CAST_HinfI locus was associated with the pH24, while the CAST_MspI position was in association with pH45 min, drip loss48 and redness color. Additional analysis showed a variation in muscle fiber type composition with higher proportion of IIx fiber in pigs with AB genotype (P < 0.05). Three constructed haplotypes namely AB/CD, AB/DD and BB/CC also had significant effects on carcass, type IIa and IIb fiber percentages.Keywords: Association, carcass, pork quality, Vietnamese local pi


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    The writers were concerned by the phonological challenges encountered by students of the Schools of Foreign Languages, Can Tho University. Foreign language majors are often difficult, and theory is quite tackled, which has caused many serious problems for students. This is no exception for students majoring in English Studies, at Can Tho University in the process of approaching the subject "Introduction to English Phonology". This study was conducted to clarify the phonological challenges that students at Can Tho University are facing, as well as suggest solutions to the problem of phonology learners. Using data from Google Questionnaire Forms, the research conducted an error analysis of 103 English majors who studied the subject. Based on the phonological problems, certain remedial activities were planned for the students, which helped improve their study process phonological problems considerably.   Article visualizations


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    The geophysical investigation system named TEC-2 (Tomography Electric Complex-2) was designed, installed and tested in Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics. This TEC-2 is the scientific cooperation product of Geomagnetic and Geoelectric Department of and POI and Geo - environmental Department of IMGG-VAST. The test results using TEC-2 show the capability of investigating by using certain pole system, short investigation time, high stability, the accuracy of two investigation times being more than 92%. The distributed design of electric poles, measuring operation, parameter selection, … are programmed and controlled automatically by computer. The TEC-2 system was used for investigating the weak structures in islands of Song Tu Tay, Son Ca, Nam Yet and Sinh Ton in Truong Sa Archipelagos and shallow geological environment in the area of Red River bank in Son Tay Hanoi. The acquired data  contributed to the success of the scientific projects managed by IMGG in the National Program of Bien Dong and islands in the period of 2011 - 2013 and VAST’s research project in the period of 2013 - 2014.Máy đo điện tổ hợp TEC-2 (Tomography Electric Complex-2)  được thiết kế, lắp ráp và thử nghiệm tại Viện Địa chất và Địa vật lý biển là sản phẩm hợp tác khoa học giữa phòng Địa từ điện của Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học Nga chi nhánh Viễn Đông (POI) và phòng Địa môi trường thuộc Viện Địa chất và Địa vật lý biển (IMGG). Kết quả đo thử nghiệm máy TEC-2 cho thấy khả năng đo tổ hợp nhiều phương pháp trên hệ điện cực bố trí sẵn, thời gian đo nhanh, độ ổn định của kết quả đo cao, độ chính xác giữa hai lần đo đạt trên 92%. Các thiết kế hệ điện cực, thao tác đo, chọn tham số được lập trình và điều khiển tự động bằng máy tính. Máy TEC-2 đã được sử dụng để nghiên cứu các đới cấu trúc yếu thuộc các đảo san hô Song Tử Tây, Cơn Ca, Nam Yết và Sinh Tồn thuộc quần đảo Trường Sa và môi trường địa chất tầng nông khu vực ven bờ Sông Hồng khu vực Sơn Tây Hà Nội. Các kết quả thu thập được đã đóng góp một phần quan trọng cho sự thành công của đề tài nghiên cứu do Viện Địa chất và Địa Vật lý biển chủ trì thuộc Chương trình Biển Đông và Hải đảo giai đoạn 2011 - 2013 và đề tài cấp Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam giai đoạn 2013 - 2014

    Real-time debris flow detection using deep convolutional neural network and Jetson Nano

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    This study aims to develop a potential system for real-time detection of debris flow motion using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) and image processing techniques. A system consisting of a pre-trained CNN model, NVIDIA Jetson Nano, and a camera was used to identify debris flow movement. The pre-trained CNN model was trained on an image dataset derived from 12 debris flow videos obtained from small flume tests, large flume tests, and several debris flow events. The application results of the proposed system on the flume test in the laboratory reached an F1 score of 72.6 to 100%. The real-time processing speed of the CNN model achieved from 2 to 21 frames per second (FPS) on the Jetson Nano. Both the accuracy and the processing speed of CNN model depend on the size of the video input and the input size of the model CNN. The CNN model of 320 × 320 pixels with a resolution of 800 × 480 pixels gives accuracy (F1 = 99.2%) and processing speed (FPS = 20) considered the optimal model when running the Jetson Nano device; thus, it can be applied for early detection and warning systems