239 research outputs found

    Designing a novel heterostructure AgInS<sub>2</sub>@MIL-101(Cr) photocatalyst from PET plastic waste for tetracycline degradation

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    Semiconductor-containing porous materials with a well-defined structure could be unique scaffolds for carrying out selective organic transformations driven by visible light. We herein introduce for the first time a heterostructure of silver indium sulfide (AgInS(2)) ternary chalcogenide and a highly porous MIL-101(Cr) metal–organic framework (MOF) synthesised from polyethylene terephthalate plastic waste. Our results demonstrate that AgInS(2) nanoparticles were uniformly attached to each lattice plane of the octahedral MIL-101(Cr) structure, resulting in a nanocomposite with a high distribution of semiconductors in a porous media. We also demonstrate that the nanocomposite with up to 40% of AgInS(2) doping exhibited excellent catalytic activity for tetracycline degradation under visible light irradiation (∼99% tetracycline degraded after 4 h) and predominantly maintained its performance after five cycles. These results could promote a new material circularity pathway to develop new semiconductors that can be used to protect water from further pollution

    El trauma de los niños vietnamitas que viven en familias incompletas

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    Children living in incomplete families have to suffer from more hardships than others including psychological trauma that could never be cured without safe approaches. In this paper, we used the Children Behavior Checklist (CBCL test) by Achenbach to initially filter the incidence of children in incomplete families with psychological trauma, the extent of childhood trauma, and the signs of trauma. Moreover, the Self-esteem scale of Toulouse was also utilized to investigate children's self-esteem and determine the impact of psychological trauma on the self-assessment of children. Based on these tools, the research conducted a correlation analysis of psychological trauma of children in incomplete families through indicators of awareness of, emotions with, and behaviors towards family and social life (self-evaluated by children). The results showed that there are differences in psychological trauma of children in terms of awareness, emotions, and behaviors. The differences allow for a better definition of children's causes, influences, and degrees of psychological trauma. This is the basis for proposing timely filtering solutions and effective psychological support measures for these children. Keywords: correlation analysis; signs of psychological trauma; children; incomplete family; Vietnam.Los niños que viven en familias incompletas tienen que sufrir más dificultades que otros, incluido el trauma psicológico que nunca podría curarse sin enfoques seguros. En este artículo, se utiliza la Lista de Verificación de Comportamiento Infantil (prueba CBCL) de Achenbach para filtrar inicialmente la incidencia de niños en familias incompletas con trauma psicológico, el alcance del trauma infantil y los signos de trauma. Además, la escala de autoestima de Toulouse también se utilizó para investigar la autoestima de los niños y determinar el impacto del trauma psicológico en la autoevaluación de los niños. Con base en estas herramientas, la investigación realizó un análisis de correlación del trauma psicológico de los niños en familias incompletas a través de indicadores de conciencia, emociones y comportamientos hacia la vida familiar y social (autoevaluados por los niños). Los resultados mostraron que existen diferencias en el trauma psicológico de los niños en términos de conciencia, emociones y comportamientos. Las diferencias permiten una mejor definición de las causas, influencias y grados de trauma psicológico de los niños. Esta es la base para proponer soluciones de filtrado oportunas y medidas de apoyo psicológico eficaces para estos niños. Palabras clave: análisis de correlación; signos de trauma psicológico; niños; familia incompleta; Vietnam


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    The analyses the average wind field in the period from 1979 to August 2015 have demonstrated that hydrodynamical processes are dominated by tidal currents in the Vung Ro bay. In this period, the frequency of weak wind accounts for a quite high percentage. Moreover, the wind field is totally influenced by local conditions, and it is less likely to change the speed of tidal currents. The results from a simulation have clearly illustrated that there are similarities between speed and direction in two tidal phases by analyzing the influence of tidal current and the regime of in/out flow in the bay. In addition, the influence of the northeast wind is most obvious at ebb-tide phase, a few small local vortices also appear, notably a local cyclone vortex is located at the north-east of the bay. There are location changes of currents to achieve the maximum value, those velocities increase by around 0.5 cm/s with the clockwise direction of 5.3 degree. The effect of southwest wind has impacted on distribution of currents in flood-tide phase, then the local anticyclonic eddies are formed inside the bay. These eddies have decreased flow rate at a peak point (about 1.7 cm/s) but not prevented the direction and loction of currents from reaching the maximum value (the clockwise direction of less than 0.3 degree).Các phân tích trường gió trung bình từ năm 1979 - 8/2015 đã cho thấy rằng trong vịnh Vũng Rô, quá trình thủy động lực chịu ảnh hưởng chính bởi dòng triều khi mà tần suất gió yếu chiếm tỷ lệ khá cao và chế độ gió chịu ảnh hưởng hoàn toàn bởi tính địa phương khu vực và ít có khả năng thay đổi đáng kể tốc độ dòng triều. Từ phân tích tác động của dòng triều, cơ chế dòng vào - ra trong vịnh khá đặc trưng. Sự tương đồng về độ lớn và ngược hướng giữa hai pha triều đã thể hiện rõ ràng trong mô phỏng. Ảnh hưởng của trường gió Đông Bắc thể hiện khá rõ ở pha triều xuống, đã có sự xuất hiện vài xoáy cục bộ nhỏ, đáng chú ý là một xoáy thuận cục bộ về phía đông bắc của vịnh. Có sự thay đổi vị trí để tốc độ dòng đạt giá trị lớn nhất và tốc độ dòng lớn nhất cũng được gia tăng thêm khoảng 0,5 cm/s với hướng lệch 5,3o theo chiều kim đồng hồ. Tác động của gió mùa Tây Nam đã ảnh hưởng đến phân bố dòng chảy đối với pha triều lên, phía trong vịnh đã hình thành các xoáy nghịch cục bộ. Các xoáy hình thành này có tác dụng làm suy giảm tốc độ dòng đạt cực trị, sự suy giảm này khoảng 1,7 cm/s nhưng hầu như không làm lệch hướng dòng chảy đạt giá trị lớn nhất (chỉ lệch 0,3o theo chiều kim đồng hồ) và vị trí dòng đạt giá trị lớn nhất

    Fish distribution in the Ba Che and Tien Yen rivers

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    The ichthyo-fauna in the Ba Che and Tien Yen rivers, northern Vietnam is highly diverse, with a total of 245 species determined. However, data on the distribution of fish species are not sufficiently provided for the whole area. This study was conducted from 2008 to 2011 at 27 stations from the Ba Che and Tien Yen river basins to determine the distribution of fish species according to different sections of the rivers, water bodies, seasons, and salinity levels. The results show that fish species are distributed mainly in the river (with 210 species), concentrated in the downstream area (with 213 species). Fishes are mainly collected in the dry season when the salinity level of river is high, due to seawater intrusion which also brings in 160 species of marine fish. This shows that fish distribution in the research areas is mainly dominated by the presence of marine species. While for freshwater fish, it is clearly affected by the mountainous features. Apart from the common characteristics sharing between the two river basins, but the number of both freshwater and marine fish species in the Tien Yen river are larger than those of Ba Che river, which is related to fresh water surface, river morphology, the width and location of the estuary to the sea. The downstream area is home to the fish species recorded in the Red Data Book of Vietnam and the complementary species for Vietnam, while the middle and upstream of the rivers may offer a high potential of biodiversity, with many possibly new species for science. These are important data for the conservation and sustainable development of fish resources in the Ba Che and Tien Yen river basins.

    A critical review on computer vision and artificial intelligence in food industry

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    Emerging technologies such as computer vision and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are estimated to leverage the accessibility of big data for active training and yielding operational real time smart machines and predictable models. This phenomenon of applying vision and learning methods for the improvement of food industry is termed as computer vision and AI driven food industry. This review contributes to provide an insight into state-of-the-art AI and computer vision technologies that can assist farmers in agriculture and food processing. This paper investigates various scenarios and use cases of machine learning, machine vision and deep learning in global perspective with the lens of sustainability. It explains the increasing demand towards the AgTech industry using computer vision and AI which might be a path towards sustainable food production to feed the future. Also, this review tosses some implications regarding challenges and recommendations in inclusion of technologies in real time farming, substantial global policies and investments. Finally, the paper discusses the possibility of using Fourth Industrial Revolution [4.0 IR] technologies such as deep learning and computer vision robotics as a key for sustainable food production

    NOWJ1@ALQAC 2023: Enhancing Legal Task Performance with Classic Statistical Models and Pre-trained Language Models

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    This paper describes the NOWJ1 Team's approach for the Automated Legal Question Answering Competition (ALQAC) 2023, which focuses on enhancing legal task performance by integrating classical statistical models and Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs). For the document retrieval task, we implement a pre-processing step to overcome input limitations and apply learning-to-rank methods to consolidate features from various models. The question-answering task is split into two sub-tasks: sentence classification and answer extraction. We incorporate state-of-the-art models to develop distinct systems for each sub-task, utilizing both classic statistical models and pre-trained Language Models. Experimental results demonstrate the promising potential of our proposed methodology in the competition.Comment: ISAILD@KSE 202


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    The wave model SWAN (version 41.01A) with unstructured grid has been applied for Ninh Thuan - Binh Thuan waters. This model is SWAN Cycle III using a vertex-based, fully implicit finite difference method. It can accommodate unstructured meshes with a high variability in geographic resolution suitable for representing complicated bottom topography in shallow areas and irregular shoreline. In particular, the unstructured meshes (triangular meshes) can be used to calculate the flow by finite element method. This is very helpful in solving the problems of interactions between wave-current and wave-wave. The initial results indicate that the approach to SWAN model is reasonable, stable for any time step while permitting local mesh refinements in interested areas. A lot of applications are shown to verify the correctness and numerical accuracy of the unstructured version of SWAN.Mô hình sóng SWAN (phiên bản 41.01A) với lưới phi cấu trúc đã được áp dụng thử nghiệm vào tính sóng tại vùng biển Ninh Thuận - Bình Thuận. Đây là mô hình sóng thế hệ thứ ba, sử dụng phương pháp sai phân hữu hạn, ẩn hoàn toàn dựa trên các cạnh của điểm lưới phần tử phi cấu trúc với một sự khác nhau lớn về độ phân giải không gian nhằm phù hợp với một địa hình đáy phức tạp đại diện cho vùng nước nông và đường bờ khúc khuỷu. Đặc biệt, có thể sử dụng cùng mạng lưới tam giác phi cấu trúc trong tính toán dòng chảy bằng phương pháp phần tử hữu hạn. Điều này rất hữu ích trong giải quyết bài toán tương tác sóng - dòng và sóng - sóng. Những kết quả bước đầu cho thấy, cách tiếp cận ứng dụng mô hình tính sóng này là hợp lý, ổn định cho bước thời gian bất kỳ cho mạng lưới làm mịn, mang đặc trưng địa phương trong vùng nghiên cứu. Một số ứng dụng được chứng minh tính hợp lý của phiên bản lưới phi cấu trúc trong mô hình SWAN