159 research outputs found

    Meta-analysis: Epstein-Barr Virus genes - EBNAs, LMPs, and EBERs one of the major causes of nasopharyngeal cancer

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    Nasopharyngeal cancer is the most common cancer of head and neck cancer in Vietnam. The infection of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been reported to be the cause of nasopharyngeal tumorigenesis. In Vietnam, the studies relevant to EBV, especially the molecular of EBV, are still limited. In the current study, the databases were systematically analyzed to establish the scientific basis for the molecular of EBV which could be applied in further studies. This study was focused on the analysis of three families of EBV genes, included EBNAs, LMPs and EBER based on a meta-analysis. As the result, most studies were focused on the detection of EBNA-1, LMP-1 and EBER. The frequencies of EBNA-1, LMP-1 and EBER were 92.12%; 78.93% and 88.12%, respectively. Moreover, a random effect model was applied to calculate the OR and RR: EBNA-1: RR=20.10; OR= 332.75; LMP-1: RR=3.63; OR=17.9 and EBER: RR=5.4; OR=46.11. Those results indicated that the presence of EBV genes was significantly associated with nasopharyngeal carcinoma. According to the method, PCR was the common method used for the detection of the EBV genes’ presence. Moreover, the nasopharyngeal biopsy was the main source of samples enrolled in nasopharyngeal cancer studied. In summary, we successfully conducted the molecular database about the presence of EBV genes, included the frequency, OR and RR value to be the scientific database for further studies relevant to nasopharyngeal cancer in the Vietnamese population

    Thành phần hóa học của cây Ngọc cẩu (Balanophora laxiflora Hemsl.) thu tại Tuyên Quang. Phần 1. Thành phần hóa học của các cặn chiết ít phân cực.

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    Balanophora laxiflora Hemsley has been used in Vietnamese folk medicine for clearing away heat and toxic, neutralizing the effect of alcoholic drinks, and as a tonic for the treatment of hemorrhoids, stomachache and hemoptysis. Phytochemical investigation of the nonpolar solvent extracts of Balanophora laxiflora led to the isolation of fatty substance 1-hexacosanoylglycerol (1), daucosterol (2), methyl gallate (3), three cinnamic acid analogues:4-hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamaldehyde (4), methyl 4-hydroxy cinnamate (5), and methyl caffeate (6). Their chemical structures were confirmed by spectroscopic methods including IR, MS, 1D, 2D NMR and compared to previous reported spectral data values. Keywords. Balanophora laxiflora, derivatives of cinnamic acid, lignan, methyl gallate, daucosterol

    Tính chất nhiệt và hình thái cấu trúc của tổ hợp polylactic axit/chitosan mang thuốc nifedipin

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    Polylactic acid (PLA) and chitosan (CS) are two natural resource polymers which have been applied widely into different fields. Polylactic acid (PLA) and chitosan (CS) has been attracted by many researcher due to their good adhesion, biodegradability and biocompatibility. This study expresses hydrolysis of PLA/CS composite with and without polycaprolactones (PCL) as a compatibilizer in acid environment and phosphate buffer solution. The PLA/CS composites were characterized by Fourier Infrared Spectra (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The hydrolysis of PLA/CS/PCL composites in acid solution (0.1 N) and phosphate buffer solution (pH = 7.4) for different times was also investigated. The content PCL of 6- 8 %wt. is suitable for preparing PLA/CS nanocomposites. Keywords. Polylactic acid, chitosan, polycaprolacton, hydrolysis, weight loss

    Biocontrol activity of Vibrio parahaemolyticusNT7 isolated from the shrimp acute hepatopancreatic necrosis syndrome (Ahpns) by Bacillus polyfermenticusF27 isolated from perionyx excavatus

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    cute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Syndrome -AHPNSof cultured shrimp was first detected in China in 2009 and caused huge damage to shrimp farming in many countries including Vietnam. This study investigates the ability to inhibit Vibrio parahaemolyticuswhich causes hepatopancreatic necrosis of some Bacillusstrains. V. parahaemolyticusNT7 of this research was isolated from a white leg shrimp sample with hepatopancreatic necrosis in Ninh Thuan province and identified by biochemical methods. By the cross-steak and well-diffusion methods, the selected strain Bacillus polyfermenticusF27 showsthe largest diameter of 18.50 mm resistance to V.parahaemolyticus NT7.B. polyfermenticus F27strain caninhibitV. parahaemolyticus NT7. Besides, B. polyfermenticusF27 inhibits V. parahaemolyticusNT7 with co-cultured experiment and does not cause hemolysis. It is also safe for white leg shrimp seed with a 100% survival rate of the experimental treatments. The result of LD50 examination when infecting V.parahaemolyticus NT7 to white leg shrimp seed is 105CFU/ml. Through the host protectioncapability assessment of B. polyfermenticusF27, we found that itcanprotect white leg shrimp seed from V. parahaemolyticus.The findings show that strains of B. polyfermenticusF27 have the potential to produce probiotics for controland preventionof EMS/AHPNS of shrimps

    Nghiên cứu khả năng chống ăn mòn mài mòn của lớp phủ hợp kim NiCr20 được thẩm thấu với photphat nhôm trong môi trường axit

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    The corrosive wear resistance of NiCr20 alloy coating (NC) impregnated by aluminum phosphate and heat-treated at 600 oC (NA6) and 1000 oC (NA10) was investigated in acid H2SO4 pH = 2 containing SiO2 3 % by weight; the flow velocity is 4 m/s. The analysis of X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed that, the stable crystalline phases in acidic media such as AlPO4 and Al(PO3)3 which were formed on NA6 coating’s surface made corrosive wear resistance of NA6 coating increase in comparison with the resistance measured on NA10 and NC coating samples. The formation of unstable crystalline phases such as Al36P36O144 and Ni3(PO4)2­ in NA10 coating caused the corrosive wear resistance of NA10 coating smaller than that one measured on NC coating. After 168 hours of corrosive wear test, the thickness of NA6 coating reduced to about 47 μm, while it was about 67 μm for NC coating. Keywords. Thermal spray, aluminum phosphate sealant, acidic corrosion, corrosion wear

    Địa lý kinh tế học

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    442 tr.; 21 cm

    Địa lý kinh tế học

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    443 tr.; 21 cm