2 research outputs found

    A Pragmastylistic Analysis of Positive Politeness Strategies in Orhan Pamukā€™s The Museum of Innocence

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    The research is concerned with positive politeness strategies used by Kemal, as the main character, in Orhan Pamukā€™s The Museum of Innocence through pragma-stylistic perspective. The aims of this research are looking for the kinds of positive politeness strategies used by Kemal and describing how those linguistic politeness strategies realized in his utterances. The research data are utterances produced by Kemal taken from the novel. This research applied linking qualitative and quantitative research in order to be productive for descriptive, exploratory, inductive and opening-up purposes. Besides, it also applied content analysis method to reach a greater comprehension of what occur and how to explain the recent situation in the novel. The findings revealed that Kemal applied fifteen kinds of positive politeness strategies when he conversed with other main character. Positive politeness strategies realized by noticing of hearerā€™s condition, exaggerating, intensifying interest to hearer, usingĀ  identity markers, seeking agreement, avoiding disagreement, presupposing common ground, making a joke, putting pressure on hearer to cooperate with speaker, showing his offer/ promise, being optimistic, including hearer in his activities, giving or asking for reasons, assuming reciprocity, and giving gifts to hearer. His utterances are also realized in the form of reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction, repetition, synonym, and antonym. Key words: Positive politeness strategies, pragma-stylistics, Orhan Pamuk, The Museum of Innocence DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/12-16-08 Publication date:August 31st 2022