334 research outputs found

    A Carlitz module analogue of the Grunwald--Wang theorem

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    The classical Grunwald--Wang theorem is an example of a local--global (or Hasse) principle stating that except in some special cases which are precisely determined, an element mm in a number field K\mathbb{K} is an aa-th power in K\mathbb{K} if and only if it is an aa-th power in the completion Kv\mathbb{K}_{v} for all but finitely many primes vv of K\mathbb{K}. In this paper, we prove a Carlitz module analogue of the Grunwald--Wang theorem

    Carlitz module analogues of Mersenne primes, Wieferich primes, and certain prime elements in cyclotomic function fields

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    In this paper, we introduce a Carlitz module analogue of Mersenne primes, and prove Carlitz module analogues of several classical results concerning Mersenne primes. In contrast to the classical case, we can show that there are infinitely many composite Mersenne numbers. We also study the acquaintances of Mersenne primes including Wieferich and non-Wieferich primes in the Carlitz module context that were first introduced by Dinesh Thakur

    Certain sets over function fields are polynomial families

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    In 1938, Skolem conjectured that SLn(Z)\mathbf{SL}_n(\mathbb{Z}) is not a polynomial family for any nβ‰₯2n \ge 2. Carter and Keller disproved Skolem's conjecture for all nβ‰₯3n \ge 3 by proving that SLn(Z)\mathbf{SL}_n(\mathbb{Z}) is boundedly generated by the elementary matrices, and hence a polynomial family for any nβ‰₯3n \ge 3. Only recently, Vaserstein refuted Skolem's conjecture completely by showing that SL2(Z)\mathbf{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}) is a polynomial family. An immediate consequence of Vaserstein's theorem also implies that SLn(Z)\mathbf{SL}_n(\mathbb{Z}) is a polynomial family for any nβ‰₯3n \ge 3. In this paper, we prove a function field analogue of Vaserstein's theorem: that is, if A\mathbf{A} is the ring of polynomials over a finite field of odd characteristic, then SL2(A)\mathbf{SL}_2(\mathbf{A}) is a polynomial family in 52 variables. A consequence of our main result also implies that SLn(A)\mathbf{SL}_n(\mathbf{A}) is a polynomial family for any nβ‰₯3n \ge 3.Comment: Final versio

    Generalized Mordell curves, generalized Fermat curves, and the Hasse principle

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    A generalized Mordell curve of degree nβ‰₯3n \ge 3 over \bQ is the smooth projective model of the affine curve of the form Az2=Bxn+CAz^2 = Bx^n + C, where A,B,CA, B, C are nonzero integers. A generalized Fermat curve of signature (n,n,n)(n, n, n) with nβ‰₯3n \ge 3 over \bQ is the smooth projective curve of the form Axn+Byn+Czn=0Ax^n + By^n + Cz^n = 0 for some nonzero integers A,B,CA, B, C. In this paper, we show that for each prime pp with p≑1(mod8)p \equiv 1 \pmod{8} and p≑2(mod3)p \equiv 2 \pmod{3}, there exists a threefold \cX_p \subseteq \bP^6 such that certain rational points on \cX_p produce infinite families of non-isomorphic generalized Mordell curves of degree 12n12n and infinite families of generalized Fermat curves of signature (12n,12n,12n)(12n, 12n, 12n) for each nβ‰₯2n \ge 2 that are counterexamples to the Hasse principle explained by the Brauer-Manin obstruction. We also show that the set of special rational points on \cX_p producing generalized Mordell curves and generalized Fermat curves that are counterexamples to the Hasse principle is infinite, and can be constructed explicitly.Comment: 45 page

    Algebraic families of hyperelliptic curves violating the Hasse principle

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    In 20002000, Colliot-Th\'el\`ene and Poonen showed how to construct algebraic families of genus one curves violating the Hasse principle. Poonen explicitly constructed an algebraic family of genus one cubic curves violating the Hasse principle using the general method developed by Colliot-Th\'el\`ene and himself. The main result in this paper generalizes the result of Colliot-Th\'el\`ene and Poonen to arbitrarily high genus hyperelliptic curves. More precisely, for n>5n > 5 and n≑̸0(mod4)n \not\equiv 0 \pmod{4}, we show that there is an algebraic family of hyperelliptic curves of genus nn that is counterexamples to the Hasse principle explained by the Brauer-Manin obstruction

    Representation of units in cyclotomic function fields

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    Hilbert's Satz 90 tells us that for a given cyclic extension K/kK/k, a unit of norm 11 in KK can be written as a quotient of conjugate elements in KK. For the extensions Q(ΞΆp)/Q\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p)/\mathbb{Q} with pp prime >3> 3, Newman proved a refinement of Hilbert's Satz 90 that gives a sufficient and necessary condition for which a unit of norm 11 in Q(ΞΆp)\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p) can be written as a quotient of conjugate units. In order to obtain this result, Newman proved a stronger result that gives a unique representation of units of norm 11 as a product of a power of 1βˆ’ΞΆpe1βˆ’ΞΆp\dfrac{1 - \zeta_p^e}{1 - \zeta_p} with a quotient of conjugate units, where ee is a given primitive root modulo pp. In this paper, we obtain a function field analogue of Newman's result for the β„˜\wp-th cyclotomic function field extensions Kβ„˜/Fq(T)\mathbb{K}_{\wp}/\mathbb{F}_q(T), where β„˜\wp is a monic prime in Fq[T]\mathbb{F}_q[T]. As a consequence, we proved a refinement of Hilbert's Satz 90 for the extensions Kβ„˜/Fq(T)\mathbb{K}_{\wp}/\mathbb{F}_q(T) that gives a sufficient and necessary condition for which a unit of norm 11 in Kβ„˜\mathbb{K}_{\wp} can be written as a quotient of conjugate units

    The classical umbral calculus, and the flow of a Drinfeld module

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    David Goss developed a very general Fourier transform in additive harmonic analysis in the function field setting. In order to introduce the Fourier transform for continuous characteristic pp valued functions on Zp\mathbb{Z}_p, Goss introduced and studied an analogue of flows in finite characteristic. In this paper, we use another approach to study flows in finite characteristic. We recast the notion of a flow in the language of the classical umbral calculus, which allows to generalize the formula for flows first proved by Goss to a more general setting. We study duality between flows using the classical umbral calculus, and show that the duality notion introduced by Goss seems a natural one. We also formulate a question of Goss about the exact relationship between two flows of a Drinfeld module in the language of the classical umbral calculus, and give a partial answer to it.Comment: Final versio

    Function field analogues of Bang-Zsigmondy's theorem and Feit's theorem

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    In the number field context, Bang-Zsigmondy's theorem states that for any integers u,m>1u, m > 1, there exists a prime divisor pp of umβˆ’1u^m - 1 such that pp does not divide unβˆ’1u^n - 1 for every integer 0<n<m0 < n < m except in some exceptional cases that can be explicitly determined. A prime pp satisfying the conditions in Bang-Zsigmondy's theorem is called a Zsigmondy prime for (u,m)(u, m). In 1988, Feit introduced the notion of large Zsigmondy primes as follows: A Zsigmondy prime pp for (u,m)(u, m) is called a large Zsigmondy prime if either p>m+1p > m + 1 or p2p^2 divides umβˆ’1u^m - 1. In the same year, Feit proved a refinement of Bang-Zsigmondy's theorem which states that for any integers u,m>1u, m > 1, there exists a large Zsigmondy prime for (u,m)(u, m) except in some exceptional cases that can be explicitly determined. In this paper, we introduce notions of Zsigmondy primes and large Zsigmondy primes in the Carlitz module context, and prove function field analogues of Bang-Zsigmondy's theorem and Feit's theorem.Comment: Final versio

    Waring's problem for unipotent algebraic groups

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    In this paper, we formulate an analogue of Waring's problem for an algebraic group GG. At the field level we consider a morphism of varieties f ⁣:A1β†’Gf\colon \mathbb{A}^1\to G and ask whether every element of G(K)G(K) is the product of a bounded number of elements f(A1(K))=f(K)f(\mathbb{A}^1(K)) = f(K). We give an affirmative answer when GG is unipotent and KK is a characteristic zero field which is not formally real. The idea is the same at the integral level, except one must work with schemes, and the question is whether every element in a finite index subgroup of G(O)G(\mathcal{O}) can be written as a product of a bounded number of elements of f(O)f(\mathcal{O}). We prove this is the case when GG is unipotent and O\mathcal{O} is the ring of integers of a totally imaginary number field

    Towards one-shot learning for rare-word translation with external experts

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    Neural machine translation (NMT) has significantly improved the quality of automatic translation models. One of the main challenges in current systems is the translation of rare words. We present a generic approach to address this weakness by having external models annotate the training data as Experts, and control the model-expert interaction with a pointer network and reinforcement learning. Our experiments using phrase-based models to simulate Experts to complement neural machine translation models show that the model can be trained to copy the annotations into the output consistently. We demonstrate the benefit of our proposed framework in outof-domain translation scenarios with only lexical resources, improving more than 1.0 BLEU point in both translation directions English to Spanish and German to EnglishComment: 2nd Workshop on Neural Machine Translation and Generation, ACL 201
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