16 research outputs found

    Technical Efficiency of Yam Commodity in Semarang Regency

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    Semarang Regency has the largest area of ​​yam harvest in Central Java. Although the area of ​​yam harvest in Semarang Regency is much more than other districts including Karanganyar Regency, the production and productivity level of yam in Semarang Regency are lower compared to Karanganyar Regency. The tendency of increasing yam harvest area in Semarang Regency was not followed by an increase in production. This study aims to analyze the efficiency of yam farming in Semarang Regency. The sample is 97 farmers with the data analysis technique is stochastic frontier regression. Based on the results, an average efficiency is 0.75. It implies that yam farmers have not been able to combine the use of land area, seeds, urea, SP-36 and phonska. The results of price efficiency is 19.233. The results of these calculations indicate that the use of production factors in yam has not efficiency. Farmers can optimize the use of production factors by adding production factors. The level of economic efficiency is 14.433, it indicate that the use of production factors has not been efficient based on economic aspects, because the calculation results is more than 1

    Effisiensi Produksi Industri Skala Kecil Batik Semarang: Pendekatan Fungsi Produksi Frontier Stokastik

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    Batik is known since 17th century. In 2009, UNESCO took batik as the world heritage. Likewise, Batik Semarang. Batik Semarang is unpopular than other batik’s products on Central Java. Their productivity is on small scale and only for environment surroundings. The small productivity causes the high price on their product selling. The aims of this research are to estimate the function of production and technical efficiency of batik Semarang. Sample is 67 owners of small scale batik Semarang industry. Analysis instrument is Stochastic Frontier Production Function. The measuring of production efficiency are material, support material, labor force, instruments, kerosene, firewood, and large of trade location. The result shows that free variable is found significant and have an appropriate signal. Other result shows that technical efficiency of batik Semarang industry is 88, 9


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    The purpose of this study is identifying the attributes that should be prioritized by lecturers of  Dian Nuswantoro University in the field of teaching in order to improve its performance. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Secondary data are from  the lecturers presence and student midterm grades obtained from the Central Information Systems (PSI) UDINUS in second semester of 2011/2012. Primary data obtained from questionnaires to students about student perceptions regarding lecturer performance attributes that want to be judged. Analysis tools used in this study is Fuzzy Quantification Theory I. The greatest attribute to be prioritized is response capability factors and clarity of lecturer in answering questions from the students. Lecturers need to master the material that is being taught, so if there are any questions from the students can give a satisfactory answer. Advice that can be given is in giving the tasks in the field of teaching, the academic authorities should pay attention to propriety Normal Workload Tri Dharma University, the academic authorities should consider giving the teaching assignments according to their competencies


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    This study discusses how the Performance of academic administration bureau (BIAK)  at the University of Dian Nuswantoro, how the characteristics, expectations, performance and level of student satisfaction with the services provided by the academic administration bureau (BIAK) at the University of Dian Nuswantoro and how big the influence of the service provided by academic administration bureau (BIAK) on  the student satisfaction levels. Sampling use purposive sampling technique  with a number of samples taken as many as 100 student respondents. To analyze the data the researcher uses multiple linear regression equation model to determine the factors that affect students satisfaction on quality service of Academic Administration Bureau (BIAK) Dian Nuswantoro University. Based on the results of research conducted can be concluded that the quality of service of the academic administration bureau (BIAK) simultaneously affect student satisfaction. This means Tangible, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy of academic administration bureau (BIAK) simultaneously affect student satisfaction. Where the service quality variables affect satisfaction by 84.8%. So that the academic administration bureau (BIAK) Dian Nuswantoro University   must keep the quality of services that are included in the category of very high

    Efisiensi Relatif Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Di Indonesia: Pendekatan Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relative efficiency of 25 Indonesian State Universities in the period of 2002 to 2006. The analysis used in this research was Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with the A.T Flegg, D.O Allen, K. Field and T.W. Thurlow’s model. The input variables used were the number of staff, the number of undergraduate students and the number of postgraduate students. The output variables used were the number of undergraduate alumni and the number of postgraduate alumni. The result was there were many Indonesian state Universities which is significantly efficient in the period of 2002 to 2006

    Efficiency and Productivity of Textile Industries and Products in Central Java

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    The aim of this research was to analyze the efficiency and productivity of textile industries and textile products of Central Java in 2010-2011. The data used was 10 Indonesian Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) four digits of the Central Bureau of Statistics, Central Java. The variables used in this research were output value for output variable, and the input variables were the cost of raw and auxiliary materials, labor expenses, purchased electricity, and fuel and lubricant expenses. This research used the analysis tools of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Malmquist Productivity Index. The results are, for the years of 2010-2011, the efficient industries, according to the measurement of CRS and VRS were the industries of processing and spinning of textile fibers, other textile industries and the industries of knitted and embroidered apparel. Overall the total productivity factors of textile industries and textile products have increased mainly due to the changes in technology. To develop the textile industries and products in Central Java in order to have the competitiveness power, improvement and repair are necessary both internally within the companies and in the business environments/ climate in the country which includes the fields of finance, energy, labor, marketing, technology and infrastructure. Keywords: Efficiency, productivity, textile, DEA, Malmquist Inde

    Accelerative Capacity of Keyresources Industry 4.0 in Metropolitan Culinary Micro-Small Sector and Green Business Sustainability Impact

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    Indonesia’s MSME sector is torn between economic growth and environmental damage. Industrial Revolution 4.0 encourages MSMEs, including in the culinary sector, to integrate business and social values with the principle of circularity. This study analyzes the influence of Industry 4.0 key resources on Culinary MSMEs in Jakarta on the circular economy and sustainable business. A quantitative approach was used by surveying Culinary MSME owners in Jakarta, taking 82 samples by random sampling. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling-partial least square (SEM-PLS). The analysis results show that the key resources of Industry 4.0, such as production system management, HR leadership, environmentally friendly business operations, and information technology, significantly affect the adoption of Industry 4.0 and the establishment of Sustainable Culinary Production Systems. The adoption of Industry 4.0 also impacts circular economy capabilities and sustainable business. Similarly, Sustainable Culinary Production Systems contribute to circular economy capabilities and sustainable business

    Promoting the Heritage of Batik in Indonesia through the Empowerment of Batik Semarang Craftsmen

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    Batik is the identity and personality of the Indonesian people which is developed continuously. Many regions in Indonesia have had declared their cultures through the media of Batik. In Japanese colonialization era, Batik Semarang used to be very popular as one of Indonesian heritages. Nowadays, however, the popularity of Batik Semarang is less compared to other kinds of Batik exist in Indonesia. Semarang has a Batik heritage that has already went through value crystallization, and it also has unique characteristics within itself. The objectives of this research are to re-promote the prestige of Batik Semarang as a heritage, so that the values of Batik Semarang can be equally compared to other kinds of Batik that have already well-known; as well as to increase the welfare of Batik Semarang craftsmen. To be able to achieve those objectives, an empowerment and development strategy of Batik Semarang needs to be composed. This research uses primary data collected by questionnaires and interviews to 17 Batik craftsmen, as well as through FGD and in-depth-interview involving 10 key persons. The collection of the sample was conducted by purposive sampling method. Key persons consist of Academicians, Business people, Goverment, and Community of batik craftsmen  (ABGC). The result of this research shows that the level of empowerment of Batik Semarang craftsmen is still below 50%. This represents low level of empowerment of Batik Semarang craftsmen. Therefore, an empowerment and development strategy of Batik Semarang that involves the elements of Batik Semarang craftsmen and stakeholders (ABGC), needs to be composed. The empowerment strategy is determined through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and in-depth-interview, supported by quantitative evidence obtained through Analitical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The empowerment strategy of Batik Semarang craftsmen can only be implemented if an awareness from stakeholders exists, in order to fulfill the commitment in re-promote the existence and sustainability of Batik Semarang, along with its local wisdom. Keywords : Batik, empowerment, stakeholders, AHP, Semarang, Indonesia


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    Produktivitas pertanian yang tinggi akan menjadi sia-sia jika tidak sepenuhnya dapat diserap oleh pasar. Berbagai macam teknik penjualan yang ada sekarang ini dapat langsung terjual di pasaran, melalui katalog dan yang baru marak berkembang dengan menggunakan metode online. Semua sistem penjualan mempunyai keuntungan dan kelemahan masing-masing.Teknologi yang berkembang pesat menumbuhkan laju pertumbuhan ekonomi, sayangnya masih banyak yang belum menggunakan kemajuan teknologi terutama dibidang pemasaran hasil tanam. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji pemanfaatan teknologi informasi (internet) dalam meningkatkan pemasaran hasil pertanian. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Curut Kecamatan Penawangan Kabupaten Grobogan merupakan salah satu sentra produk melon dan semangka dengan luas lahan pertanian 107 Ha dan  didapatkan sampel sebanyak 54 petani. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Masih banyak petani di Desa Curut yang belum tahu internet serta belum dapat menggunakan untuk penjualan, hanya 9,26% yang dapat menggunakan internet. Sarana dan prasarana yang masih kurang dan buruk dapat menghambat proses terdistribusinya hasil/produk pertanian sehingga peningkatan perekonomian petani tetap rendah, sehingga angka kemiskinan tetap banyak di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Petani, internet, teknologi informasi