241 research outputs found

    Mesoscopic Fluctuations in Quantum Dots in the Kondo Regime

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    Properties of the Kondo effect in quantum dots depend sensitively on the coupling parameters and so on the realization of the quantum dot -- the Kondo temperature itself becomes a mesoscopic quantity. Assuming chaotic dynamics in the dot, we use random matrix theory to calculate the distribution of both the Kondo temperature and the conductance in the Coulomb blockade regime. We study two experimentally relevant cases: leads with single channels and leads with many channels. In the single-channel case, the distribution of the conductance is very wide as TKT_K fluctuates on a logarithmic scale. As the number of channels increases, there is a slow crossover to a self-averaging regime.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetotransport through a strongly interacting quantum dot

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    We study the effect of a magnetic field on the conductance through a strongly interacting quantum dot by using the finite temperature extension of Wilson's numerical renormalization group method to dynamical quantities. The quantum dot has one active level for transport and is modelled by an Anderson impurity attached to left and right electron reservoirs. Detailed predictions are made for the linear conductance and the spin-resolved conductance as a function of gate voltage, temperature and magnetic field strength. A strongly coupled quantum dot in a magnetic field acts as a spin filter which can be tuned by varying the gate voltage. The largest spin-filtering effect is found in the range of gate voltages corresponding to the mixed valence regime of the Anderson impurity model.Comment: Revised version, to appear in PRB, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Fano effect of a strongly interacting quantum dot in contact with superconductor

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    The physics of a system consisting of an Aharonov Bohm (AB) interferometer containing a single level interacting quantum dot (QD) on one of its arms, and attached to normal (N) and superconducting (S) leads is studied and elucidated. Here the focus is directed mainly on N-AB-S junctions but the theory is capable of studying S-AB-S junctions as well. The interesting physics comes into play under the conditions that both the Kondo effect in the QD and the the Fano effect are equally important.It is found the conductance of the junction is suppressed as the Fano effect becomes more dominant.Comment: 4 pages, Talk to be given at the NATO Conference MQO, Bled, Slovenia 7-10 September 200

    Kondo effect in multielectron quantum dots at high magnetic fields

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    We present a general description of low temperature transport through a quantum dot with any number of electrons at filling factor 1<ν<21<\nu <2. We provide a general description of a novel Kondo effect which is turned on by application of an appropriate magnetic field. The spin-flip scattering of carriers by the quantum dot only involves two states of the scatterer which may have a large spin. This process is described by spin-flip Hubbard operators, which change the angular momentum, leading to a Kondo Hamiltonian. We obtain antiferromagnetic exchange couplings depending on tunneling amplitudes and correlation effects. Since Kondo temperature has an exponential dependence on exchange couplings, quantitative variations of the parameters in different regimes have important experimental consequences. In particular, we discuss the {\it chess board} aspect of the experimental conductance when represented in a grey scale as a function of both the magnetic field and the gate potential affecting the quantum dot

    Interference and interaction effects in multi-level quantum dots

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    Using renormalization group techniques, we study spectral and transport properties of a spinless interacting quantum dot consisting of two levels coupled to metallic reservoirs. For strong Coulomb repulsion UU and an applied Aharonov-Bohm phase ϕ\phi, we find a large direct tunnel splitting Δ(Γ/π)cos(ϕ/2)ln(U/ωc)|\Delta|\sim (\Gamma/\pi)|\cos(\phi/2)|\ln(U/\omega_c) between the levels of the order of the level broadening Γ\Gamma. As a consequence we discover a many-body resonance in the spectral density that can be measured via the absorption power. Furthermore, for ϕ=π\phi=\pi, we show that the system can be tuned into an effective Anderson model with spin-dependent tunneling.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures included, typos correcte

    Non-equilibrium Kondo effect in asymmetrically coupled quantum dot

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    The quantum dot asymmetrically coupled to the external leads has been analysed theoretically by means of the equation of motion (EOM) technique and the non-crossing approximation (NCA). The system has been described by the single impurity Anderson model. To calculate the conductance across the device the non-equilibrium Green's function technique has been used. The obtained results show the importance of the asymmetry of the coupling for the appearance of the Kondo peak at nonzero voltages and qualitatively explain recent experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Physical Review B (accepted for publication

    Resonance Kondo Tunneling through a Double Quantum Dot at Finite Bias

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    It is shown that the resonance Kondo tunneling through a double quantum dot (DQD) with even occupation and singlet ground state may arise at a strong bias, which compensates the energy of singlet/triplet excitation. Using the renormalization group technique we derive scaling equations and calculate the differential conductance as a function of an auxiliary dc-bias for parallel DQD described by SO(4) symmetry. We analyze the decoherence effects associated with the triplet/singlet relaxation in DQD and discuss the shape of differential conductance line as a function of dc-bias and temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 6 eps figures include

    Photon-Phonon-assisted tunneling through a single-molecular quantum dot

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    Based on exactly mapping of a many-body electron-phonon interaction problem onto a one-body problem, we apply the well-established nonequilibrium Green function technique to solve the time-dependent phonon-assisted tunneling at low temperature through a single-molecular quantum dot connected to two leads, which is subject to a microwave irradiation field. It is found that in the presence of the electron-phonon interaction and the microwave irradiation field, the time-average transmission and the nonlinear differential conductance display additional peaks due to pure photon absorption or emission processes and photon-absorption-assisted phonon emission processes. The variation of the time-average current with frequency of the microwave irradiation field is also studied.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B. accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Spin Fluctuation and Persistent Current in a Mesoscopic Ring Coupled to a Quantum Dot

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    We investigate the persistent current influenced by the spin fluctuations in a mesoscopic ring weakly coupled to a quantum dot. It is shown that the Kondo effect gives rise to some unusual features of the persistent current in the limit where the charge transfer between two subsystems is suppressed. Various aspects of the crossover from a delocalized to a localized dot limit are discussed in relation with the effect of the coherent response of the Kondo cloud to the Aharonov-Bohm flux.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Anti-Kondo resonance in transport through a quantum wire with a side-coupled quantum dot

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    An interacting quantum dot side-coupled to a perfect quantum wire is studied. Transport through the quantum wire is investigated by using an exact sum rule and the slave-boson mean field treatment. It is shown that the Kondo effect provides a suppression of the transmission due to the destructive interference of the ballistic channel and the Kondo channel. At finite temperatures, anti-resonance behavior is found as a function of the quantum dot level position, which is interpreted as a crossover from the high temperature Kondo phase to the low temperature charge fluctuation phase.Comment: 4 pages Revtex, 3 eps figure