18 research outputs found

    Exergetic, economic and carbon emission studies of bio-olefin production via indirect steam gasification process

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    The indirect steam gasification of biomass to olefins (IDBTO) coupled with CO2 utilization was proposed and simulated. Energy and exergy efficiencies, net CO2 emissions, and economic evaluation were performed against IDBTO as well as the direct oxygen-steam gasification of biomass to olifins (DBTO). The influences of unreacted gas recycling fraction (RU) and CO2 to dry biomass mass ratio (CO2/B) on the thermodynamic performance of the processes were also studied. The results showed that the yields of olefins of DBTO and IDBTO were 17 wt% and 19 wt%, respectively, the overall energy and exergy efficiencies of the IDBTO were around 49% and 44%, which were 8% and 7% higher than those of the DBTO process, respectively. A higher RU was found favor higher energy and exergy efficiencies for both routes. Besides, for the IDBTO process, it is found that the addition of CO2 to gasification system led to an improvement in both energy efficiency and exergy efficiency by around 1.6%. Moreover, life-cycle net CO2 emission was predicted to be -4.4 kg CO2 eq./ kg olefins for IDBTO, while for DBTO, it was -8.7 kg CO2 eq./ kg. However, the quantitative economic performance of IDBTO was superior to that of the DBTO process

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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    Socio economic correlates of mortality in Japan and asean/ Edit.: Ng Shui Meng

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    xxi, 295 hal.:ill.; tab.: 23 cm

    Acute infectious diarrhea lessons learned from the past?

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    The Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (JPGN) has been at the forefront of many of the seminal advances into research on infectious diarrhea. In 1982, the first article of the JPGN was entitled “Oral Therapy for Dehydration in Diarrheal Diseases as a Global Problem” and has set the scene for several thousand subsequent articles. In his initial editorial, Finberg (1) posed several questions, which still have relevance 30 years later: 1. When is oral rehydration not appropriate, if ever? 2. What should be the composition of the oral solution and should there be more than one? 3. Should recommended practice be different in lesser-developed countries from those in developed countries? 4. Should the salts and glucose be prepackaged or should home supplies be used by instructed mothers? 5. When should standard feedings be resumed

    Il sud-est asiatico nell'anno della tigre. Rapporto 1987 sulla situazione sociale, politica ed economica dell'area

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    Approfondito rapporto sulla situazione politica ed economica del sud-est asiatico e dei paesi componenti, dopo un periodo di profondi mutamenti geopolitici ed economici dell'area.- Indice #7- Prefazione, Marcello Pacini #11- Introduzione, Kernial S. Sandhu #15- La regione #17- L’anno della Tigre: le grandi tendenze nel Sud-est asiatico, Mohammed Ayoob #19- L’Asia del Sud-est tra cambiamento, continuità e sfide, Muthiah Alagappa #23- Le economie di mercato dell’Asia del Sud-est, Lee Soo Ann #61- Cooperazione economica nell’ASEAN. Circoli viziosi o nuovi orizzonti?, Hans Christoph Rieger #77- Problemi demografici dell’Asia del Sud-est, S. Gunasekaran #95- Tendenze recenti dell’urbanizzazione nella regione dell’ASEAN, Trinidad S. Osteria #123- Birmania #155- La Birmania nell’anno del Serpente, Mya Than #157- Brunei #193- Il Brunei Darussalam. Alla ricerca del “Regno Politico”, K. U. Menon #195- Cambogia #223- La Cambogia. L’ottavo anno della Repubblica Popolare, Tim Huxley #225- Filippine #245- La rivoluzione incompiuta delle Filippine, David G. Timberman #247- La ripresa economica delle Filippine. Alcuni problemi, Aurora Sanchez #287- Indonesia #301- L’Indonesia di Suharto dopo due decenni, Leo Suryadinata #303- L’economia indonesiana e la crisi del mercato del petrolio, Djisman S. Simandjuntak #327- Laos #347- Il Laosnel secondo decennio della ricostruzione nazionale, Ng Shui Meng #349- Malaysia #377- La Malaysia in un contesto recessivo. Rassegna generale, Mohamed Ariff #379- Le elezioni parlamentari nella Malaysia Peninsulare, S. Sothi Rachagan #415- Singapore #447- Singapore. Panorama politico e sociale, Wan Hussin Zoohri #449- L’economia di Singapore. Problemi e prospettive, Ng Chee Yuen #473- Tailandia #495- La Tailandia. Ancora cambiamento e continuità, Ananda Rajah #497- Il cambiamento della leadership militare ed il suo impatto sulla politica tailandese, Suchit Bunbongkarn #529- Vietnam #553- Il Partito Comunista Vietnamita. Iniziative per la riforma del Partito, la lotta per la ripresa economica e la via per il Sesto Congresso Nazionale, Lewis M. Stern #55