118 research outputs found

    Remembering to forget: Sabbateanism, national identity, and subjectivity in Turkey

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    Object or subject? The paradox of "youth" in Turkey

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    Review of the ethnographic imagination

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    History in exile: memory and identity at the borders of the Balkans

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    The article reviews the book "History in Exile: Memory and Identity at the Borders of the Balkans," by Pamela Ballinger

    Strong as steel, fragile as a rose: a Turkish Jewish witness to the twentieth century

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    The article presents a Jewish social study by Leyla Neyzi entitled "Strong as Steel, Fragile as a Rose: A Turkish Jewish Witness to the Twentieth Century." It offers an overview of Jewish experience in the Ottoman Empire and the Turkish Republic and discusses the oral history and military journal of Yasar Paker. It states that the Jewish experience in modern Turkey attracted much less interest than the history of Jews in the Ottoman Empire and one of the reasons for this is the silence of the Turkish Jewish community to be in the public

    Embodied elders: space and subjectivity in the music of Metin-Kemal Kahraman

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    Using the case of the music group Metin-Kemal Kahraman, this article suggests that studies of hybrid identities and fractured subjectivities highlight the constructedness of presumably original singular identities in Turkey, whether national or counter-national. Addressing the revival of Alevi identity, it argues that a legacy of oral poetry and music acted as a link between the assimilationist generation of the early Republic, the leftist generation of the 1970s and the contemporary generation rediscovering Alevism in the context of neo-liberal globalization. It suggests that, performing in transnational space, Metin-Kemal Kahraman achieve a link to the multicultural space of Dersim in eastern Turkey in their imaginary and thereby to the elders they rejected as youths