515 research outputs found

    Hodge polynomials and birational types of moduli spaces of coherent systems on elliptic curves

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    In this paper we consider moduli spaces of coherent systems on an elliptic curve. We compute their Hodge polynomials and determine their birational types in some cases. Moreover we prove that certain moduli spaces of coherent systems are isomorphic. This last result uses the Fourier-Mukai transform of coherent systems introduced by Hern\'andez Ruiperez and Tejero Prieto.Comment: Minor corrections and improvements in presentation; no changes to mathematical content. Final version to appear in Manuscripta Mat

    On Poincare bundles of vector bundles on curves

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    Let MM denote the moduli space of stable vector bundles of rank nn and fixed determinant of degree coprime to nn on a non-singular projective curve XX of genus gβ‰₯2g \geq 2. Denote by \cU a universal bundle on XΓ—MX \times M. We show that, for x,y∈X,xβ‰ yx,y \in X, x \neq y, the restrictions \cU|\{x\} \times M and \cU|\{y\} \times M are stable and non-isomorphic when considered as bundles on XX.Comment: 8 page

    Higher rank BN-theory for curves of genus 6

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    Higher rank Brill-Noether theory for genus 6 is especially interesting as, even in the general case, some unexpected phenomena arise which are absent in lower genus. Moreover, it is the first case for which there exist curves of Clifford dimension greater than 1 (smooth plane quintics). In all cases, we obtain new upper bounds for non-emptiness of Brill-Noether loci and construct many examples which approach these upper bounds more closely than those that are well known. Some of our examples of non-empty Brill-Noether loci have negative Brill-Noether numbers.Comment: Final version to appear in Internat. J. Math.; some typos correcte

    Further examples of stable bundles of rank 2 with 4 sections

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    In this paper we construct new examples of stable bundles of rank 2 of small degree with 4 sections on a smooth irreducible curve of maximal Clifford index. The corresponding Brill-Noether loci have negative expected dimension of arbitrarily large absolute value

    Clifford's theorem for coherent systems

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    Final version to appear in Archiv der Mathematik.Comment: 8 page

    Bundles of rank 3 on curves of Clifford index 3

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    Two definitions of the Clifford index for vector bundles on a smooth projective curve CC of genus gβ‰₯4g\ge4 were introduced in a previous paper by the authors. In another paper the authors obtained results on one of these indices for bundles of rank 3. In this paper we extend these results in the case where CC has classical Clifford index 3. In particular we prove Mercat's conjecture for bundles of rank 3 for g≀8g \leq 8 and gβ‰₯13g \geq 13 when CC has classical Clifford index 3. We obtain complete results in the case of genus 7.Comment: Final version. Typos corrected and minor style change

    Higher rank BN-thory for curves of genus 5

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    In this paper, we consider higher rank Brill-Noether theory for smooth curves of genus 5, obtaining new upper bounds for non-emptiness of Brill-Noether loci and many new examples.Comment: Final version; It is published (online) in Rev. Mat. Complut. DOI 10.1007/s13163-016-0203-

    Clifford indices for vector bundles on curves

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    For smooth projective curves the Clifford index is an important invariant which provides a bound for the dimension of the space of sections of a line bundle. This is the first step in distinguishing curves of the same genus. In this paper we generalise this to introduce Clifford indices for semistable vector bundles on curves. We study these invariants, giving some basic properties and carrying out some computations for small ranks and for general and some special curves. For curves whose classical Clifford index is two, we compute all values of our new Clifford indices.Comment: Final vesrion to appear in: Alexander Schmitt (Ed.) Affine Flag Manifolds and Principal Bundles. Birkhauser, Trends in Mathematic

    Higher rank BN-theory for curves of genus 4

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    Higher rank Brill-Noether theory is completely known for curves of genus ≀3\leq 3. In this paper, we investigate the theory for curves of genus 4. Some of our results apply to curves of arbitrary genus.Comment: Final version to appear in Communications in Algebr

    Coherent systems of genus 0 II: Existence results for k\ge3

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    In this paper we continue the investigation of coherent systems of type (n,d,k) on the projective line which are stable with respect to some value of the parameter \alpha. We work mainly with k<n and obtain existence results for arbitrary k in certain cases, together with complete results for k=3. Our methods involve the use of the "flips" which occur at critical values of the parameter.Comment: 30 pages; minor presentational change
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