37,097 research outputs found

    Optimization in Gradient Networks

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    Gradient networks can be used to model the dominant structure of complex networks. Previous works have focused on random gradient networks. Here we study gradient networks that minimize jamming on substrate networks with scale-free and Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi structure. We introduce structural correlations and strongly reduce congestion occurring on the network by using a Monte Carlo optimization scheme. This optimization alters the degree distribution and other structural properties of the resulting gradient networks. These results are expected to be relevant for transport and other dynamical processes in real network systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Quantifying metastatic inefficiency:rare genotypes versus rare dynamics

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    abstract: We introduce and solve a ‘null model’ of stochastic metastatic colonization. The model is described by a single parameter θ: the ratio of the rate of cell division to the rate of cell death for a disseminated tumour cell in a given secondary tissue environment. We are primarily interested in the case in which colonizing cells are poorly adapted for proliferation in the local tissue environment, so that cell death is more likely than cell division, i.e. θ 1), i.e. the statistics show a duality mapping (1 − θ) → (θ − 1). We conclude our analysis with a study of heterogeneity in the fitness of colonising cells, and describe a phase diagram delineating parameter regions in which metastatic colonization is dominated either by low or high fitness cells, showing that both are plausible given our current knowledge of physiological conditions in human cancer

    Second look at the spread of epidemics on networks

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    In an important paper, M.E.J. Newman claimed that a general network-based stochastic Susceptible-Infectious-Removed (SIR) epidemic model is isomorphic to a bond percolation model, where the bonds are the edges of the contact network and the bond occupation probability is equal to the marginal probability of transmission from an infected node to a susceptible neighbor. In this paper, we show that this isomorphism is incorrect and define a semi-directed random network we call the epidemic percolation network that is exactly isomorphic to the SIR epidemic model in any finite population. In the limit of a large population, (i) the distribution of (self-limited) outbreak sizes is identical to the size distribution of (small) out-components, (ii) the epidemic threshold corresponds to the phase transition where a giant strongly-connected component appears, (iii) the probability of a large epidemic is equal to the probability that an initial infection occurs in the giant in-component, and (iv) the relative final size of an epidemic is equal to the proportion of the network contained in the giant out-component. For the SIR model considered by Newman, we show that the epidemic percolation network predicts the same mean outbreak size below the epidemic threshold, the same epidemic threshold, and the same final size of an epidemic as the bond percolation model. However, the bond percolation model fails to predict the correct outbreak size distribution and probability of an epidemic when there is a nondegenerate infectious period distribution. We confirm our findings by comparing predictions from percolation networks and bond percolation models to the results of simulations. In an appendix, we show that an isomorphism to an epidemic percolation network can be defined for any time-homogeneous stochastic SIR model.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    A tutorial task and tertiary courseware model for collaborative learning communities

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    RAED provides a computerised infrastructure to support the development and administration of Vicarious Learning in collaborative learning communities spread across multiple universities and workplaces. The system is based on the OASIS middleware for Role-based Access Control. This paper describes the origins of the model and the approach to implementation and outlines some of its benefits to collaborative teachers and learners

    The Algebra of Strand Splitting. I. A Braided Version of Thompson's Group V

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    We construct a braided version of Thompson's group V.Comment: 27 page

    Mean-field solution of the small-world network model

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    The small-world network model is a simple model of the structure of social networks, which simultaneously possesses characteristics of both regular lattices and random graphs. The model consists of a one-dimensional lattice with a low density of shortcuts added between randomly selected pairs of points. These shortcuts greatly reduce the typical path length between any two points on the lattice. We present a mean-field solution for the average path length and for the distribution of path lengths in the model. This solution is exact in the limit of large system size and either large or small number of shortcuts.Comment: 14 pages, 2 postscript figure

    Clustering and preferential attachment in growing networks

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    We study empirically the time evolution of scientific collaboration networks in physics and biology. In these networks, two scientists are considered connected if they have coauthored one or more papers together. We show that the probability of scientists collaborating increases with the number of other collaborators they have in common, and that the probability of a particular scientist acquiring new collaborators increases with the number of his or her past collaborators. These results provide experimental evidence in favor of previously conjectured mechanisms for clustering and power-law degree distributions in networks.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Characterizing the structure of small-world networks

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    We give exact relations which are valid for small-world networks (SWN's) with a general `degree distribution', i.e the distribution of nearest-neighbor connections. For the original SWN model, we illustrate how these exact relations can be used to obtain approximations for the corresponding basic probability distribution. In the limit of large system sizes and small disorder, we use numerical studies to obtain a functional fit for this distribution. Finally, we obtain the scaling properties for the mean-square displacement of a random walker, which are determined by the scaling behavior of the underlying SWN

    The first-mover advantage in scientific publication

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    Mathematical models of the scientific citation process predict a strong "first-mover" effect under which the first papers in a field will, essentially regardless of content, receive citations at a rate enormously higher than papers published later. Moreover papers are expected to retain this advantage in perpetuity -- they should receive more citations indefinitely, no matter how many other papers are published after them. We test this conjecture against data from a selection of fields and in several cases find a first-mover effect of a magnitude similar to that predicted by the theory. Were we wearing our cynical hat today, we might say that the scientist who wants to become famous is better off -- by a wide margin -- writing a modest paper in next year's hottest field than an outstanding paper in this year's. On the other hand, there are some papers, albeit only a small fraction, that buck the trend and attract significantly more citations than theory predicts despite having relatively late publication dates. We suggest that papers of this kind, though they often receive comparatively few citations overall, are probably worthy of our attention.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure
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