17,649 research outputs found

    Second look at the spread of epidemics on networks

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    In an important paper, M.E.J. Newman claimed that a general network-based stochastic Susceptible-Infectious-Removed (SIR) epidemic model is isomorphic to a bond percolation model, where the bonds are the edges of the contact network and the bond occupation probability is equal to the marginal probability of transmission from an infected node to a susceptible neighbor. In this paper, we show that this isomorphism is incorrect and define a semi-directed random network we call the epidemic percolation network that is exactly isomorphic to the SIR epidemic model in any finite population. In the limit of a large population, (i) the distribution of (self-limited) outbreak sizes is identical to the size distribution of (small) out-components, (ii) the epidemic threshold corresponds to the phase transition where a giant strongly-connected component appears, (iii) the probability of a large epidemic is equal to the probability that an initial infection occurs in the giant in-component, and (iv) the relative final size of an epidemic is equal to the proportion of the network contained in the giant out-component. For the SIR model considered by Newman, we show that the epidemic percolation network predicts the same mean outbreak size below the epidemic threshold, the same epidemic threshold, and the same final size of an epidemic as the bond percolation model. However, the bond percolation model fails to predict the correct outbreak size distribution and probability of an epidemic when there is a nondegenerate infectious period distribution. We confirm our findings by comparing predictions from percolation networks and bond percolation models to the results of simulations. In an appendix, we show that an isomorphism to an epidemic percolation network can be defined for any time-homogeneous stochastic SIR model.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    The main transition in the Pink membrane model: finite-size scaling and the influence of surface roughness

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    We consider the main transition in single-component membranes using computer simulations of the Pink model [D. Pink {\it et al.}, Biochemistry {\bf 19}, 349 (1980)]. We first show that the accepted parameters of the Pink model yield a main transition temperature that is systematically below experimental values. This resolves an issue that was first pointed out by Corvera and co-workers [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 47}, 696 (1993)]. In order to yield the correct transition temperature, the strength of the van der Waals coupling in the Pink model must be increased; by using finite-size scaling, a set of optimal values is proposed. We also provide finite-size scaling evidence that the Pink model belongs to the universality class of the two-dimensional Ising model. This finding holds irrespective of the number of conformational states. Finally, we address the main transition in the presence of quenched disorder, which may arise in situations where the membrane is deposited on a rough support. In this case, we observe a stable multi-domain structure of gel and fluid domains, and the absence of a sharp transition in the thermodynamic limit.Comment: submitted to PR

    Identifying the starting point of a spreading process in complex networks

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    When dealing with the dissemination of epidemics, one important question that can be asked is the location where the contamination began. In this paper, we analyze three spreading schemes and propose and validate an effective methodology for the identification of the source nodes. The method is based on the calculation of the centrality of the nodes on the sampled network, expressed here by degree, betweenness, closeness and eigenvector centrality. We show that the source node tends to have the highest measurement values. The potential of the methodology is illustrated with respect to three theoretical complex network models as well as a real-world network, the email network of the University Rovira i Virgili

    Local Algorithms for Block Models with Side Information

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    There has been a recent interest in understanding the power of local algorithms for optimization and inference problems on sparse graphs. Gamarnik and Sudan (2014) showed that local algorithms are weaker than global algorithms for finding large independent sets in sparse random regular graphs. Montanari (2015) showed that local algorithms are suboptimal for finding a community with high connectivity in the sparse Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random graphs. For the symmetric planted partition problem (also named community detection for the block models) on sparse graphs, a simple observation is that local algorithms cannot have non-trivial performance. In this work we consider the effect of side information on local algorithms for community detection under the binary symmetric stochastic block model. In the block model with side information each of the nn vertices is labeled ++ or - independently and uniformly at random; each pair of vertices is connected independently with probability a/na/n if both of them have the same label or b/nb/n otherwise. The goal is to estimate the underlying vertex labeling given 1) the graph structure and 2) side information in the form of a vertex labeling positively correlated with the true one. Assuming that the ratio between in and out degree a/ba/b is Θ(1)\Theta(1) and the average degree (a+b)/2=no(1) (a+b) / 2 = n^{o(1)}, we characterize three different regimes under which a local algorithm, namely, belief propagation run on the local neighborhoods, maximizes the expected fraction of vertices labeled correctly. Thus, in contrast to the case of symmetric block models without side information, we show that local algorithms can achieve optimal performance for the block model with side information.Comment: Due to the limitation "The abstract field cannot be longer than 1,920 characters", the abstract here is shorter than that in the PDF fil

    Linking urban design to sustainability : formal indicators of social urban sustainability field research in Perth, Western Australia

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    The making of a livable urban community is a complex endeavor. For much of the 20th Century plannersand engineers believed that modern and rational decision-making would create successful cities. Today, political leaders across the globe are considering ways to promote sustainable development and the concepts of New Urbanism are making their way from the drawing board to the ground. While much has changed in the world, the creation of a successful street is as much of an art today as it was in the 1960s.Our work seeks to investigate 'street life' in cities as a crucial factor towards community success. What arethe components of the neighborhood and street form that contributes to the richness of street life? To answer this question we rely on the literature. The aim of the Formal Indicators of Social Urban Sustainability studyis to measure the formal components of a neighborhood and street that theorists have stated important in promoting sustainability. This paper will describe how this concept helps to bridge urban design and sustainability. It will describe the tool and show how this was applied in a comparative assessment of Joondalup and Fremantle, two urban centers in the Perth metropolitan area

    Entropy in Spin Foam Models: The Statistical Calculation

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    Recently an idea for computing the entropy of black holes in the spin foam formalism has been introduced. Particularly complete calculations for the three dimensional euclidean BTZ black hole were done. The whole calculation is based on observables living at the horizon of the black hole universe. Departing from this idea of observables living at the horizon, we now go further and compute the entropy of BTZ black hole in the spirit of statistical mechanics. We compare both calculations and show that they are very interrelated and equally valid. This latter behaviour is certainly due to the importance of the observables.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Complete trails of co-authorship network evolution

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    The rise and fall of a research field is the cumulative outcome of its intrinsic scientific value and social coordination among scientists. The structure of the social component is quantifiable by the social network of researchers linked via co-authorship relations, which can be tracked through digital records. Here, we use such co-authorship data in theoretical physics and study their complete evolutionary trail since inception, with a particular emphasis on the early transient stages. We find that the co-authorship networks evolve through three common major processes in time: the nucleation of small isolated components, the formation of a tree-like giant component through cluster aggregation, and the entanglement of the network by large-scale loops. The giant component is constantly changing yet robust upon link degradations, forming the network's dynamic core. The observed patterns are successfully reproducible through a new network model

    Fast Simulation of Facilitated Spin Models

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    We show how to apply the absorbing Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm of Novotny to simulate kinetically constrained models of glasses. We consider in detail one-spin facilitated models, such as the East model and its generalizations to arbitrary dimensions. We investigate how to maximise the efficiency of the algorithms, and show that simulation times can be improved on standard continuous time Monte Carlo by several orders of magnitude. We illustrate the method with equilibrium and aging results. These include a study of relaxation times in the East model for dimensions d=1 to d=13, which provides further evidence that the hierarchical relaxation in this model is present in all dimensions. We discuss how the method can be applied to other kinetically constrained models.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Random pinning limits the size of membrane adhesion domains

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    Theoretical models describing specific adhesion of membranes predict (for certain parameters) a macroscopic phase separation of bonds into adhesion domains. We show that this behavior is fundamentally altered if the membrane is pinned randomly due to, e.g., proteins that anchor the membrane to the cytoskeleton. Perturbations which locally restrict membrane height fluctuations induce quenched disorder of the random-field type. This rigorously prevents the formation of macroscopic adhesion domains following the Imry-Ma argument [Y. Imry and S. K. Ma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 1399 (1975)]. Our prediction of random-field disorder follows from analytical calculations, and is strikingly confirmed in large-scale Monte Carlo simulations. These simulations are based on an efficient composite Monte Carlo move, whereby membrane height and bond degrees of freedom are updated simultaneously in a single move. The application of this move should prove rewarding for other systems also.Comment: revised and extended versio

    Network robustness and fragility: Percolation on random graphs

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    Recent work on the internet, social networks, and the power grid has addressed the resilience of these networks to either random or targeted deletion of network nodes. Such deletions include, for example, the failure of internet routers or power transmission lines. Percolation models on random graphs provide a simple representation of this process, but have typically been limited to graphs with Poisson degree distribution at their vertices. Such graphs are quite unlike real world networks, which often possess power-law or other highly skewed degree distributions. In this paper we study percolation on graphs with completely general degree distribution, giving exact solutions for a variety of cases, including site percolation, bond percolation, and models in which occupation probabilities depend on vertex degree. We discuss the application of our theory to the understanding of network resilience.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure