1,021 research outputs found

    Phase Transition in Ferromagnetic Ising Models with Non-Uniform External Magnetic Fields

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    In this article we study the phase transition phenomenon for the Ising model under the action of a non-uniform external magnetic field. We show that the Ising model on the hypercubic lattice with a summable magnetic field has a first-order phase transition and, for any positive (resp. negative) and bounded magnetic field, the model does not present the phase transition phenomenon whenever lim infhi>0\liminf h_i> 0, where h=(hi)iZd{\bf h} = (h_i)_{i \in \Z^d} is the external magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages. Published in Journal of Statistical Physics - 201

    Particle Motion and Electromagnetic Fields of Rotating Compact Gravitating Objects with Gravitomagnetic Charge

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    The exact solution for the electromagnetic field occuring when the Kerr-Taub-NUT compact object is immersed (i) in an originally uniform magnetic field aligned along the axis of axial symmetry (ii) in dipolar magnetic field generated by current loop has been investigated. Effective potential of motion of charged test particle around Kerr-Taub-NUT gravitational source immersed in magnetic field with different values of external magnetic field and NUT parameter has been also investigated. In both cases presence of NUT parameter and magnetic field shifts stable circular orbits in the direction of the central gravitating object. Finally we find analytical solutions of Maxwell equations in the external background spacetime of a slowly rotating magnetized NUT star. The star is considered isolated and in vacuum, with monopolar configuration model for the stellar magnetic field.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, new results in section 2 added, section 3 is revised, 3 references are adde

    Percolation on two- and three-dimensional lattices

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    In this work we apply a highly efficient Monte Carlo algorithm recently proposed by Newman and Ziff to treat percolation problems. The site and bond percolation are studied on a number of lattices in two and three dimensions. Quite good results for the wrapping probabilities, correlation length critical exponent and critical concentration are obtained for the square, simple cubic, HCP and hexagonal lattices by using relatively small systems. We also confirm the universal aspect of the wrapping probabilities regarding site and bond dilution.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    An Inhomogeneous Model Universe Behaving Homogeneously

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    We present a new model universe based on the junction of FRW to flat Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) solutions of Einstein equations along our past light cone, bringing structures within the FRW models. The model is assumed globally to be homogeneous, i.e. the cosmological principle is valid. Local inhomogeneities within the past light cone are modeled as a flat LTB, whereas those outside the light cone are assumed to be smoothed out and represented by a FRW model. The model is singularity free, always FRW far from the observer along the past light cone, gives way to a different luminosity distance relation as for the CDM/FRW models, a negative deceleration parameter near the observer, and correct linear and non-linear density contrast. As a whole, the model behaves like a FRW model on the past light cone with a special behavior of the scale factor, Hubble and deceleration parameter, mimicking dark energy.Comment: 23 pages, 19 figures, published version in GR

    Is the Universe Inflating? Dark Energy and the Future of the Universe

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    We consider the fate of the observable universe in the light of the discovery of a dark energy component to the cosmic energy budget. We extend results for a cosmological constant to a general dark energy component and examine the constraints on phenomena that may prevent the eternal acceleration of our patch of the universe. We find that the period of accelerated cosmic expansion has not lasted long enough for observations to confirm that we are undergoing inflation; such an observation will be possible when the dark energy density has risen to between 90% and 95% of the critical. The best we can do is make cosmological observations in order to verify the continued presence of dark energy to some high redshift. Having done that, the only possibility that could spoil the conclusion that we are inflating would be the existence of a disturbance (the surface of a true vacuum bubble, for example) that is moving toward us with sufficiently high velocity, but is too far away to be currently observable. Such a disturbance would have to move toward us with speed greater than about 0.8c in order to spoil the late-time inflation of our patch of the universe and yet avoid being detectable.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Tunable local polariton modes in semiconductors

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    We study the local states within the polariton bandgap that arise due to deep defect centers with strong electron-phonon coupling. Electron transitions involving deep levels may result in alteration of local elastic constants. In this case, substantial reversible transformations of the impurity polariton density of states occur, which include the appearance/disappearance of the polariton impurity band, its shift and/or the modification of its shape. These changes can be induced by thermo- and photo-excitation of the localized electron states or by trapping of injected charge carriers. We develop a simple model, which is applied to the OPO_P center in GaPGaP. Further possible experimental realizations of the effect are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Quintessence Cosmology and the Cosmic Coincidence

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    Within present constraints on the observed smooth energy and its equation of state parameter, it is important to find out whether the smooth energy is static (cosmological constant) or dynamic (quintessence). The most dynamical quintessence fields observationally allowed are now still fast-rolling and no longer satisfy the tracker approximation if the equation of state parameter varies moderately with cosmic scale. We are optimistic about distinguishing between a cosmological constant and appreciably dynamic quintessence, by measuring average values for the effective equation of state parameter. However, reconstructing the quintessence potential from observations of any scale dependence appears problematic in the near future. For our flat universe, at present dominated by smooth energy in the form of either a cosmological constant (LCDM) or quintessence (QCDM), we calculate the asymptotic collapsed mass fraction to be maximal at the observed smooth energy/matter ratio. Identifying this collapsed fraction as a conditional probability for habitable galaxies, we infer that the prior distribution is flat. Interpreting this prior as a distribution over theories, rather than as a distribution over unobservable subuniverses, leads us to heuristic predictions about the class of future quantum cosmology theories and the static or quasi-static nature of the smooth energy.Comment: Typos corrected, as presented at Cosmo-01 Workshop, Rovaniemi, Finland and accepted for publication in Physical Review D. 9 pages, 4 figure

    Absorption and quasinormal modes of classical fields propagating on 3D and 4D de Sitter spacetime

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    We extensively study the exact solutions of the massless Dirac equation in 3D de Sitter spacetime that we published recently. Using the Newman-Penrose formalism, we find exact solutions of the equations of motion for the massless classical fields of spin s=1/2,1,2 and to the massive Dirac equation in 4D de Sitter metric. Employing these solutions, we analyze the absorption by the cosmological horizon and de Sitter quasinormal modes. We also comment on the results given by other authors.Comment: 31 page

    Unconstrained Hamiltonian Formulation of SU(2) Gluodynamics

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    SU(2) Yang-Mills field theory is considered in the framework of the generalized Hamiltonian approach and the equivalent unconstrained system is obtained using the method of Hamiltonian reduction. A canonical transformation to a set of adapted coordinates is performed in terms of which the Abelianization of the Gauss law constraints reduces to an algebraic operation and the pure gauge degrees of freedom drop out from the Hamiltonian after projection onto the constraint shell. For the remaining gauge invariant fields two representations are introduced where the three fields which transform as scalars under spatial rotations are separated from the three rotational fields. An effective low energy nonlinear sigma model type Lagrangian is derived which out of the six physical fields involves only one of the three scalar fields and two rotational fields summarized in a unit vector. Its possible relation to the effective Lagrangian proposed recently by Faddeev and Niemi is discussed. Finally the unconstrained analog of the well-known nonnormalizable groundstate wave functional which solves the Schr\"odinger equation with zero energy is given and analysed in the strong coupling limit.Comment: 20 pages REVTEX, no figures; final version to appear in Phys. Rev. D; minor changes, notations simplifie

    let-7 microRNAs regulate microglial function and suppress glioma growth through Toll-like receptor 7

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    Microglia express Toll-like receptors (TLRs) that sense pathogen- and host-derived factors, including single-stranded RNA. In the brain, let-7 microRNA (miRNA) family members are abundantly expressed, and some have recently been shown to serve as TLR7 ligands. We investigated whether let-7 miRNA family members differentially control microglia biology in health and disease. We found that a subset of let-7 miRNA family members function as signaling molecules to induce microglial release of inflammatory cytokines, modulate antigen presentation, and attenuate cell migration in a TLR7-dependent manner. The capability of the let-7 miRNAs to control microglial function is sequence specific, mapping to a let-7 UUGU motif. In human and murine glioblastoma/glioma, let-7 miRNAs are differentially expressed and reduce murine GL261 glioma growth in the same sequence-specific fashion through microglial TLR7. Taken together, these data establish let-7 miRNAs as key TLR7 signaling activators that serve to regulate the diverse functions of microglia in health and glioma