1 research outputs found
Herpes: Removing Fact from fiction
- Author
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- British doctors believe herpes cure found
- Corey L.
- Five hundred plan to test a herpes vaccine
- Graedon J.
- Hamilton R.
- Handsfield H.
- Help seen for victims of herpes
- Herpes vaccine will be tested
- Hoeprich P. D.
- Isoprinosin [Special report]
- Marzouk J. B.
- Nahmias A. J.
- New cream may heal herpes sores [Weekend]
- Russell C.
- The bubble gum caper [Update]
- Whelan E.
- Wickett W. H.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study