724 research outputs found

    Warped compactification on curved manifolds

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    The characterization of a six- (or seven)-dimensional internal manifold with metric as having positive, zero or negative curvature is expected to be an important aspect of warped compactifications in supergravity. In this context, Douglas and Kallosh recently pointed out that a compact internal space with negative curvature could help to construct four-dimensional de Sitter solutions only if the extra dimensions are strongly warped or there are large stringy corrections. That is, the problem of finding 4-dimensional de Sitter solutions is well posed, if all extra dimensions are physically compact, which is called a no-go theorem. Here, we show that the above conclusion does not extend to a general class of warped compactifications in classical supergravity that allow a non-compact direction or cosmological solutions for which the internal space is asymptotic to a cone over a product of compact Einstein spaces or spheres. For clarity, we present classical solutions that compactify higher-dimensional spacetime to produce a Robertson--Walker universe with de Sitter-type expansion plus one extra non-compact direction. Such models are found to admit both an effective four-dimensional Newton constant that remains finite and a normalizable zero-mode graviton wavefunction. We also exhibit the possibility of obtaining 4D de Sitter solutions by including the effect of fluxes (p-form field strengths).Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure; v5 significant changes in the presentation, published (journal) versio

    Completely localized gravity with higher curvature terms

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    In the intersecting braneworld models, higher curvature corrections to the Einstein action are necessary to provide a non-trivial geometry (brane tension) at the brane junctions. By introducing such terms in a Gauss-Bonnet form, we give an effective description of localized gravity on the singular delta-function branes. There exists a non-vanishing brane tension at the four-dimensional brane intersection of two 4-branes. Importantly, we give explicit expressions of the graviton propagator and show that the Randall-Sundrum single-brane model with a Gauss-Bonnet term in the bulk correctly gives a massless graviton on the brane as for the RS model. We explore some crucial features of completely localized gravity in the solitonic braneworld solutions obtained with a choice (\xi=1) of solutions. The no-go theorem known for Einstein's theory may not apply to the \xi=1 solution. As complementary discussions, we provide an effective description of the power-law corrections to Newtonian gravity on the branes or at the common intersection thereof.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, Revised/Published Versio

    Chemically gated electronic structure of a superconducting doped topological insulator system

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    Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy is used to observe changes in the electronic structure of bulk-doped topological insulator Cux_xBi2_2Se3_3 as additional copper atoms are deposited onto the cleaved crystal surface. Carrier density and surface-normal electrical field strength near the crystal surface are estimated to consider the effect of chemical surface gating on atypical superconducting properties associated with topological insulator order, such as the dynamics of theoretically predicted Majorana Fermion vortices

    Localization of fermionic fields on braneworlds with bulk tachyon matter

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    Recently, Pal and Skar in [arXiv:hep-th/0701266] proposed a mechanism to arise the warped braneworld models from bulk tachyon matter, which are endowed with a thin brane and a thick brane. In this framework, we investigate localization of fermionic fields on these branes. As in the 1/2 spin case, the field can be localized on both the thin and thick branes with inclusion of scalar background. In the 3/2 spin extension, the general supergravity action coupled to chiral supermultiplets is considered to produce the localization on both the branes as a result.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Doping evolution of superconducting gaps and electronic densities of states in Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 iron pnictides

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    An extensive calorimetric study of the normal- and superconducting-state properties of Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 is presented for 0 < x < 0.2. The normal-state Sommerfeld coefficient increases (decreases) with Co doping for x 0.06), which illustrates the strong competition between magnetism and superconductivity to monopolize the Fermi surface in the underdoped region and the filling of the hole bands for overdoped Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2. All superconducting samples exhibit a residual electronic density of states of unknown origin in the zero-temperature limit, which is minimal at optimal doping but increases to the normal-state value in the strongly under- and over-doped regions. The remaining specific heat in the superconducting state is well described using a two-band model with isotropic s-wave superconducting gaps.Comment: Submitted to Europhysics Letter

    Shear viscosity, instability and the upper bound of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant

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    We compute the dimensionality dependence of η/s\eta/s for charged black branes with Gauss-Bonnet correction. We find that both causality and stability constrain the value of Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant to be bounded by 1/4 in the infinite dimensionality limit. We further show that higher dimensionality stabilize the gravitational perturbation. The stabilization of the perturbation in higher dimensional space-time is a straightforward consequence of the Gauss-Bonnet coupling constant bound.Comment: 16 pages,3 figures+3 tables,typos corrected, published versio

    Topological Surface States and Dirac point tuning in ternary Bi2Te2Se class of topological insulators

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    Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we report electronic structure for representative members of ternary topological insulators. We show that several members of this family, such as Bi2Se2Te, Bi2Te2Se, and GeBi2Te4, exhibit a singly degenerate Dirac-like surface state, while Bi2Se2S is a fully gapped insulator with no measurable surface state. One of these compounds, Bi2Se2Te, shows tunable surface state dispersion upon its electronic alloying with Sb (SbxBi2-xSe2Te series). Other members of the ternary family such as GeBi2Te4 and BiTe1.5S1.5 show an in-gap surface Dirac point, the former of which has been predicted to show nonzero weak topological invariants such as (1;111); thus belonging to a different topological class than BiTe1.5S1.5. The measured band structure presented here will be a valuable guide for interpreting transport, thermoelectric, and thermopower measurements on these compounds. The unique surface band topology observed in these compounds contributes towards identifying designer materials with desired flexibility needed for thermoelectric and spintronic device fabrication.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; Related results at http://online.kitp.ucsb.edu/online/topomat11/hasan

    Dark energy from scalar field with Gauss Bonnet and non-minimal kinetic coupling

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    We study a model of scalar field with a general non-minimal kinetic coupling to itself and to the curvature, and additional coupling to the Gauss Bonnet 4-dimensional invariant. The model presents rich cosmological dynamics and some of its solutions are analyzed. A variety of scalar fields and potentials giving rise to power-law expansion have been found. The dynamical equation of state is studied for two cases, with and without free kinetic term . In both cases phenomenologically acceptable solutions have been found. Some solutions describe essentially dark energy behavior, and and some solutions contain the decelerated and accelerated phases.Comment: 21 page
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